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Item Budowanie repozytorium(Centrum Promocji Informatyki, 2012) Karwasińska, Emilia; Rychlik, MałgorzataDzięki tworzeniu repozytoriów dostęp do efektów badań naukowych jest coraz szybszy i łatwiejszy. Poprzez archiwizowanie prac naukowych w otwartych archiwach zwiększona zostaje widoczność dorobku naukowego danej instytucji bowiem oprogramowania wykorzystywane do budowy repozytoriów mają zaimplementowane mechanizmy pozwalające na indeksowanie zasobów przez światowe wyszukiwarki i platformy projektów Open Access. Efektem tych korzyści jest obserwowany wzrost liczby repozytoriów na świecie. W prezentacji przedstawione zostały trzy główne etapy budowania repozytorium: projektowania, wdrożenia i rozwoju. Etap projektowania wymaga teoretycznej analizy zagadnienia, przeprowadzenia badań postaw środowiska naukowego wobec przedstawianej idei, wyboru oprogramowania, ustanowienia harmonogramu prac oraz kosztorysu projektu, a konsekwencji wypracowanie optymalnego modelu budowy platformy. Na etap wdrożenia składa się implementacja oraz dostosowanie oprogramowania do potrzeb danej instytucji w tym tworzenie kolekcji, odpowiednie ustawienie uprawnień użytkowników oraz procesu deponowania. W tej fazie budowy repozytorium ważne jest precyzyjne ustanowienie procedur oraz sporządzenie podstaw prawnych. Etap ten powinien kończyć się uruchomieniem finalnej wersji oprogramowania. Kolejnym stadium – jest etap rozwoju podczas którego wyznacza się strategię działań promocyjnych związanych z sukcesywnym rozbudowaniem archiwum, w tym również zadbanie o rejestrację platformy w światowych katalogach Open Access.Item Building and Maintaining Effective Rapport With the User at Poznań University Library(Albertina icome Praha, 2017) Rychlik, MałgorzataThe present paper attempts to present a variety of activities of Poznan University Library aimed at deepening co-operation with library patrons, both members of the University’s academic community and users from outside the University. This particular relationship is facilitated by the Educational Centre of the Library (among others) that imposes an obligation upon all University students to take an e-learning course on information literacy. In addition, students, postgraduates, PhD students and research workers are offered a number of appropriate training sessions. The Library also reaches out to its users by offering the services rendered by the Library’s 19-people strong team of subject specialists. The Library also provides its users with wide access to OA resources produced at the University through its institutional repository. According to the Ranking Web of Repositories, the repository ranks first among other institutional repositories in Poland. Users are also offered open access to university’s periodicals and journals via the Pressto platform. Still another element facilitating the relationship with the user is the Ask a Librarian virtual reference service that allows users not only from the University but also from all over the country to communicate with the library. Beside the above mentioned activities, the Library has also implemented a number of different virtual services that help the user access the library’s resources. A good example of these services is the service Libsmart Copy. This application is integrated with the library catalogue and automated library system, which allows users to order electronic copies of journals and books remotely.Item Citations counts and altmetrics of highly cited papers of the Croatian authors(2018) Rychlik, MałgorzataThe main aim of this study was to examine whether citation counts of highly cited papers, both NON-OA and OA, published by authors affiliated in Croatian scientific institutions correlated with Twitter mentions and Mendeley readers. Based on the obtained data, the author will try to answer the following questions: RQ1. What are the numbers of citations and altmetric indicators, both in a group of NON-OA and OA articles? RQ2. Which sources provide the highest number of altmetric indicators, both in a group of NON-OA and OA articles? RQ3. What is the average number and the median of the most common altmetric indicators for most highly cited NON-OA and OA articles? RQ4. Do citation counts of most highly cited NON-OA and OA articles of Croatian researchers correlate with Twitter mentions and Mendeley readers? Methods: The study was divided into two stages. The first stage was to collect and filter the data from the Scopus database. The metrics data collected from Scopus were related to the authors affiliated in Croatian scientific institutions (simple search in Scopus “affiliation country”: Croatia). The chronological scope of the study covered the years 2013-2017. Citation counts were collected for most highly cited OA papers (N=71) and Non-OA papers (N=71). The sample had DOI assigned. The second stage involved the use of the Altmetric Explorer ( to check whether the citations counts of most highly cited articles were influenced by Twitter mentions and Mendeley readers. Altmetric Explorer was rated as a reliable and stable source of altmetric indicators (1). The fact that it collects data using digital identifiers of the documents, makes Altmetric Explorer transparent (2). The sample covered articles with a non-zero altmetric score. Altmetric Explorer collects data from different sources: news mentios, blog mentions, policy mentions, twitter mentions, patent mentions, peer review mentions, Weibo mentions, Facebook mentions, Wikipedia mentions, Google+ mentions, LinkedIn mentions, Reddit mentions, Pinterest mentions, F1000 mentions, Q&A mentions, video mentions, syllabi mentions, Mendeley readers. The data was collected on 23rd of June 2018. Results and Discussion: RQ1. The NON-OA articles collected 16,751 citations and 28,236 altmetric indicators whereas OA articles collected 9,725 citations counts and 16,330 altmetric indicators. RQ2. The highest number of indicators in this group was provided by Mendeley – 17,369 and Twitter 8,830. Next, there were news mentions (926), Facebook mentions (512) and blog mentions (355). Other sources provided 244 mentions. In the gropup of The highest number of indicators in this group was provided by Mendeley – 8,454 and Twitter 6,823. Next, there were news mentions (511), Facebook mentions (232) and blog mentions (149). The remaining sources provided 161 mentions. The analyzed sample covered articles published in the highest quality journals. The previous studies showed that higher quality content has more Mendeley readers and tweets (3). Studies carried out by Croatian authors on papers published by the University of Zagreb School of Medicine showed that articles published in journals of international renown had much more intense altmetric activity than articles published in local journals (4). RQ3. The average number of Twitter mentions for most highly cited NON-OA articles was 126 and Mendeley indicators was 248. The median value of Mendeley readers was 148 and that of tweets 28. The average number of Twitter mentions for most highly cited OA articles was 97 and Mendeley readers was 120 whereas the median value was 85 for Mendeley and 25 for Twitter mentions. RQ4. The number of citations of NON-OA articles correlated significantly with both Mendeley readers and Twitter mentions (Spearman Correlation: Mendeley p=0.0005; Twitter p<0.0001). In the case of OA articles, citations counts correlated significantly only with Twitter mentions (Spearman Correlation: Twitter p=0.0001; Mendeley p=0.0508). Conclusion: It is proved that citation counts of highly cited papers published by authors affiliated in Croatian scientific institutions correlate with both Twitter mentions as well as Mendeley readers in the group of NON-OA articles. In the case of OA papers citation counts correlate only with Twitter posts.Item Doświadczenia z funkcjonowania pierwszego w Polsce repozytorium instytucjonalnego na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu(Centrum Promocji Informatyki, 2013) Karwasińska, Emilia; Rychlik, MałgorzataItem Exploratory study of a relationship between citation counts and altmetric indicators in open access scholarly papers on occupational safety and health(2020) Sygocki, Witold; Rychlik, MałgorzataTraditional metrics are recognized indicators of impact. However, web communication channels provide scientific community with various new indicators. The main aim of this study is to define the existence of a relationship between citation counts and altmetric mentions in the group of open access scholarly papers. The study was divided into two stages. The first stage was to query the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) for open access articles in the field of occupational safety and health (N=866). Citation counts were collected for all papers. The second stage of the study involved the use of the Altmetric Explorer. The tool provided altmetric indicators for the papers that were assigned a DOI (N=833). The fact that it collects data using digital identifiers of the documents, makes Altmetric Explorer transparent. Altmetric Explorer collects data from different sources: news mentios, blogs, policy websites, Twitter, patent mentions, peer review mentions, Weibo mentions, Facebook mentions, Wikipedia mentions, Google+ mentions, LinkedIn mentions, Reddit mentions, Pinterest mentions, F1000 mentions, Q&A mentions, video mentions, syllabi mentions, Mendeley readers. The chronological scope of the study covered the years 2013-2019. The data were analyzed using linear regression models. The data were collected on 3th of November, 2019. Analyzed articles collected 3,365 citation counts and 20,273 altmetric indicators. The highest number of indicators was provided by Mendeley – 15,454 and Twitter 4,110. The number of citation counts of OA articles on occupational safety and health was highly dependent on both Mendeley readers and Twitter mentions. Highly significant relationships were as follows: linear regression of Mendeley readers and citations counts: R2 = 24,28%, p < 0,0001, y = 2.080 + 0.1038x, n = 833; linear regression of Twitter mentions and citation counts: R2 = 1,25%, p < 0,0012, y = 3.725 + 0.0460x, n = 832). Conducted analysis revealed that citation counts of open access papers on occupational safety and health are dependent both on Twitter mentions as well as Mendeley readers.Item Four Years of the Adam Mickiewicz University Repository - AMUR: Some Lessons and Reflections(2014-03-14) Rychlik, MałgorzataItem Model i etapy tworzenia repozytorium instytucjonalnego na podstawie badań własnych i doświadczeń bibliotek zagranicznych(Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2008) Karwasińska, Emilia; Rychlik, MałgorzataSzybki rozwój technologii informacyjnych tworzy nowoczesny obraz światowej komunikacji naukowej. Renomowane ośrodki akademickie dziś nie tylko gromadzą informacje o dorobku naukowym swoich pracowników, ale coraz powszechniej budują repozytoria, dzięki którym zasoby cyfrowe, zgodnie z misją upowszechniania wiedzy, są przechowywane i udostępniane środowisku akademickiemu. W artykule zaprezentowano etapy tworzenia oraz zasady funkcjonowania repozytorium instytucjonalnego. W pracy posiłkowano się badaniami własnymi przeprowadzonymi na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu oraz doświadczeniami bibliotek zagranicznych. Podkreślono wagę efektywnej współpracy bibliotekarzy ze środowiskiem naukowym jako zasadniczego czynnika przyczyniającego się do sukcesu projektu.Item Online Attention of Scholarly Papers on Psychosocial Hazards - Job Stress, Bullying and Burnout(Edizioni Efesto, 2019) Sygocki, Witold; Rychlik, MałgorzataItem Polowanie na zasób - czyli strategia pozyskiwania dokumentów do repozytorium AMUR(2011) Rychlik, Małgorzata; Karwasińska, EmiliaW artykule przedstawiono model czynników wpływających na efektywne pozyskiwanie zasobów do repozytorium uczelnianego. Omówiono obligatoryjną archiwizację prac jako podstawowy determinant zrównoważonego rozwoju repozytorium. Zaprezentowano strategię pozyskiwania zasobów do repozytorium uczelnianego AMUR. Podkreślono wagę promocji repozytorium wśród pracowników naukowych uczelni. Przedstawiono metody dotarcia do grona naukowców poprzez systematyczne prezentacje na radach instytutów i wydziałów. Omówiono czynniki motywujące, które mogą wpływać na przyrost zasobów. Przedstawiono również wyniki badań pilotażowych przeprowadzonych na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza dotyczących barier w autoarchiwizowaniu prac.Item The role of Google Scholar Alerts (GSA) in scientific communication: is there any correlation to altmetric indicators?(2018) Sygocki, Witold; Rychlik, MałgorzataThe aim of this study was to examine whether Google Scholar Alerts (GSA) have a significance for scientific communication. The study was divided into two stages. The first stage was to collect GSA records representing OSH discipline (N=400). GSA were related to articles published in two journals: International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics and Applied Ergonomics which are indexed eg. in Scopus. All articles had DOI assigned. The chronological scope of the study covered December 2016 and 2017. The second stage involved the use of the Altmetric Explorer ( to check whether the journals having more GSA had more altmetric indicators and whether Twitter mentions and Mendeley readers correlated with GSA. Based on the obtained data, the authors will try to answer the following questions: RQ1. Which journal has more GSA? RQ2. How many GSA are non-active? RQ3. Does a journal having more GSA have more altmetric indicators? RQ4. Does the number of GSA assigned to a particular article correlate with the number of altmetric indicators? RQ5. What, if any, is a significance of GSA in scientific communication?Item The role of the academic library in disseminating grey literature – Adam Mickiewicz University Repository as a case study(2015) Rychlik, MałgorzataOne of the main and crucial strategic projects that any university, or an institution of higher learning, has been recently involved in is the creation and development of an institutional repository. The AMUR repository is an open web-based archive of scholarly material that originated in 2010 and has aggregated a collection of more than 12,000 diverse digital objects. This paper presents the types of grey literature that have been archived in the repository. The following key elements concerning grey digital objects are presented: policy of the repository, legal issues, standards for metadata and the language coverage. In addition, usage data are provided.Item The role of the academic library in disseminating grey literature – Adam Mickiewicz University Repository as a case study(2015-11-16) Rychlik, MałgorzataItem Upowszechnianie dorobku naukowego w repozytoriach i bazach danych – działania komplementarne czy konkurencyjne?(2017) Rychlik, MałgorzataCelem artykułu jest analiza trybu upowszechniania dorobku naukowego poprzez repozytoria i bazy danych, co w efekcie ma dać odpowiedź na pytanie o komplementarność bądź konkurencyjność działań odnoszących się do udostępniania dokumentów. Przedstawione zostaną typy obiektów archiwizowanych w obu typach platform, mechanizmy wzmacniające widoczność dorobku oraz efekty indeksacji zasobów cyfrowych w sieci w postaci wskaźników wykorzystania. Poruszony zostanie temat mediów społecznościowych intensyfikujących dystrybucję informacji o zasobach, jak również związane z nim zagadnienie agregacji danych altmetrycznych.