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Browsing Artykuły naukowe (Bib) by Author "Hatłas, Jerzy"
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Item Bogate pochówki w antycznej Tracji (V-III wiek p.n.e.). Kilka uwag odnośnie terminologii(Kieleckie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2010) Hatłas, JerzyItem Christian Orthodox Churches in Gagauzian Villages in South Bessarabia After Second World War(2012) Hatłas, Jerzy; Żyromski, MarekВ 1812 году Бессарабия была присоединена России. С тех пор на этой территории была создана церковная администрация и церкви. В начале это были временные простые постройки, но потом были сделаны храмы из камня. Независимо от государственной принадлежности (Россия а потом Румыния) религиозная ситуация не была изменена до 1940 года, когда в Бессарабию пришла коммунистическая власть. После Второй мировой войны можно указать два главные периода. Первый из них это борьба атеистического режима с верой и вербующими (огромное большинство церквей были закрыты, а некоторые из них уничтожены). Второй период настал с присутствием декорации и является свободой вероисповедания. Старые храмы были рестаурованы и оттани прихожданом. В местах компактного проживания гагаузов в южной Бессарабии, там где не было культовых построек, были они построены. Православие возвращает в эту зону, но не вернулось в таком степени как в прошлом - это ефект религиозного плюрализма. Ц этой точки зрения можно сказать что южная Бессарабия является территорией где в послевоенный период вера прошла дорогу от семейного наследия (когда церкви были закрыты) до национальных святынь (в присутствие демократических условей).Item Grobowce kopułowe w Tracji (V-III wiek p.n.e.)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Hatłas, JerzyThe article is aimed at presentation of the most important views on genesis and distribution of tholos tombs in ancient Thrace. There have been 34 such monuments discovered to date. They were not only the last-resting place for local aristocracy but played also a significant sacral role in the light of religious, mythological and eschatological beliefs of ancient Thracs.Item Koń w antycznej Tracji. Sacrum, wyznacznik przynależności do elity społecznej, czy ulubione zwierzę?(Wydawnictwo Akademii Świętokrzyskiej, 2006) Hatłas, JerzyItem KWESTIA BOGATYCH POCHÓWKÓW KOBIECYCH W ANTYCZNEJ TRACJI(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2004) Hatłas, JerzyThe article discusses the most important opinions of Bulgarian scholars on rich women burials in ancient Thracia. Analysis of subsequent sites, along with the newest archaeological discoveries (in particular, a burial from mound 47 at Smjadovo), makes possible to conclude that such burials really existed on the discussed territory, or at least on its part.Item Military and Building Aspects of Macedonian Rule in Thrace (During the Reign of Philip II)(Instituto Valenciano de Estudios Clasicos y Orientales, 2011) Hatłas, Jerzy; Żyromski, MarekItem Mormintele cu cupolă în Tracia – 160 de ani de cercetare(2011) Hatłas, Jerzy; Octavian MunteanuDomed tombs are a perfect type of burial tholos constructions characterizing the Thracian world. The fi rst domed tomb was discovered in 1851 (Rozovets village, near Plovdiv), so this year marks 160 years since the beginning of the study of such monuments. Besides the fact that this type of sites revealed a particularly rich in artifacts material that allowed researchers to clearly defi ne the formation and evolution of the Thracian civilization, they have also set the start point of the archaeological science in the Balkans as well as of the phenomenon actually called Thracology. Based on the fact that the basic information on the domed tombs research has already been published (Hatłas 2005), the authors decided to offer an updated catalogue containing all the discoveries of the Thracian tholos constructions dated from the 5th - 3rd centuries B.C.Item SPRAWOZDANIA I INFORMACJE. INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL “BALKANS BETWEEN EAST AND WEST” (8 - 27.06.1998, Ochryd, Republika Macedonii)(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Żyromski, Marek; Hatłas, JerzyItem The Bulgarians in Transnistria(Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei, 2013) Hatłas, JerzyItem The Gagauz people in Besarabia(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej w Słupsku, 2011) Hatłas, JerzyGagauzi to etnos zagadkowego pochodzenia. Jedynym pewnikiem historycznym jest ich przebywanie na obszarze północno-wschodniej Bułgarii. Obecnie największe ich skupisko znajduje się w Besarabii. Na południu Mołdawii mają oni namiastkę swej państwowości, jaką jest Terytorium Autonomiczne Gagauzja (Gagauz Yeri). Gagauzi mieszkający po drugiej stronie granicy, na obszarze obwodu odeskiego na Ukrainie, nie mają żadnego uprzywilejowanego statusu. Co ciekawe, pomimo że Gagauuzi używają języka należącego do grona języków turkijskich, to pod względem religii są prawosławni.Item The religious cult of ruler in ancient Rome as the element of process of legitimacy of political power in autocratic political systems(2012) Żyromski, Marek; Hatłas, JerzyItem The thracian tumulus at Opalchenetz – 80 years later (Some remarks on the question of rich female tombs in ancient Thrace),(2008) Hatłas, JerzyTumulul se afl ă 3 km est de satul Opalchenetz (Bulgaria) şi a fost investigat cu 80 de ani în urmă. Aici a fost descoperit un mormânt care conţinea un bogat inventar funerar, printre care şi o pectorală din aur. Deşi nu a fost făcută analiza antropologică a defunctului, în baza pieselor descoperite s-a constatat că este vorba despre o înmormântare feminină. Subiectul legat de înmormântările feminine bogate se afl ă de mai mult timp în discuţie, nefi ind găsită până în prezent o soluţie clară. În prima jumătate a sec. XX unele înmormântări bogate, ca cele de la Davanlij (din apropierea or. Plovdiv), Kukova Mogila ş.a. au fost considerate feminine. În anii ’80 ai secolului trecut Alexandr Fol era de părerea că în Thracia antică nu au existat înmormântări bogate feminine şi nici ceremonii funerare legate de acestea. Prezenţa în morminte a unor podoabe feminine de înaltă calitate era interpretată de Al. Fol ca ceva legat de cultul ritual al regelui. În aceste condiţii înmormântările, atribuite anterior femeilor, au început a fi considerate bărbăteşti („regale”). Ulterior, în tumulul de la Smjadovo a fost descoperită o cameră funerară cu un bogat inventar şi cu inscripţii, din care rezultă clar că este vorba despre o înmormântare feminină. Aceasta permite admiterea ipotezei despre existenţa înmormântărilor bogate de femei. În acest context, peste 80 de ani putem reveni la mormântul din tumulul de la Opalchenetz, inventarul căruia nu dădea un răspuns concret la întrebarea cine a fost acolo înmormântat: o femeie bogată sau un rege.Item Zadunajscy przesiedleńcy (Gagauzi oraz Bułgarzy) w południowej Besarabii - uwarunkowania polityczno-historyczne(Pikktor, 2010) Hatłas, JerzyThe Bessarabia is a territory located between the rivers of Prut and Dniester. It's southern part, (at times referred to as Budjak) is a true ethnic mosaic. It's inhabited by Ukrainians, Russians, Bulgarians, Gaugasians, Albanians as well as representatives of other nations. Currently, the territory is divided into two states (Moldova and Ukraine). Much of the area of southern Bessarabia is characterized by compact Bulgarian-Gaugasian settlements. Both these ethnos' have arrived here as emigrants from not distant Balkans (area of contemporary Bulgaria). In Southern Moldova the Gaugasians have received autonomy. In December 1994 the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gägäuzia (Gagauz Yeri) was established. The majority of the territory is within the Moldavian borders. The situation is very different with regard to Bulgarians who mostly inhabit the south-eastern part of the Ukrainian Odessa region and hardly enjoy any autonomy. The unofficial capital of the Bulgarians that live in the Bessarabia is the city of Comrad. The Bulgarians in the Ukraine (mostly located in Southern Bessarabia) constitute the biggest Bulgarian diaspora in the world. Owing to massive resettlement processes which originate from the XVIIIth century, and which have continued throughout the XXth century the Southern Bessarabia has witnessed the rise of numerous multi-ethnic municipalities in which the Danube emigrants (Bulgarians and Gaugasians in particular) constitute not a minority, but a majority of the citizens.Item Българите от Тараклия и Тараклийски район в миналото и днес(2014) Hatłas, JerzyItem Бьлгарите в Бесарабия през Първата световна война(2015) Hatłas, JerzyItem Вяра, всекидневие и локална култура. Функции на религията у българите и гагаузите от Бесарабия през постсоциалистическия период(Кишинев‹‹S.Ş.B.››, 2014) Георгиев, Г.; Hatłas, JerzyItem Основные периоды существования христианства у гагаузов Буджака и их оценка с исторической точки зрения.(2009) Hatłas, JerzyEtapele principale de răspândire a credinţei creştine la găgăuzii din Bugeac sunt legate de organizarea statală a teritoriului său (şi al Basarabiei). Au fost identifi cate următoarele etape: I. Imperiul Rus şi Principatul Moldovei, II. Statul român (1918-1940 şi 1941-1944), III. Puterea sovietică (1940-1941 şi 1944-1991), Republica Moldova şi Ucraina. Credinţa creştină a fost practicată atât sub Imperiul Rus cât şi în timpul statului român. În Moldova şiUcraina contemporană există de asemenea şi alte mişcări religioase (datorită standardelor internaţionale). Unica excepţie o constituie perioada sovietică atunci când religia a fost combătută prin impunerea ateismului în regiunea Bugeac locuită de găgăuzi.Item Румънската и съветската политика за българите в Бесарабия в периода 1918-1944 г(2013) Hatłas, JerzyThe article covers the subject of the Romanian and Soviet authorities policy towards Bulgarians living in Bessarabia between 1918 and 1944. This period was not easy for Bulgarian diaspora. The Soviet period (1940-1941), was a time of victimization and human rights violation, whereas Romanian authorities’ policy (1918-1940) evolved from liberal to repressive. Only the period between 1941 and 1944 can be assessed as an unequivocally bad, when Bessarabia was included within the borders of Romania again.