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Item Charakterystyka prawna i społeczna „dobra" zakładu pracy(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1984) Chobot, AndrzejA notion of „benefit" of establishment is related to a legal construction constituting an element of legal institution: care for the interest of establishment what in turn is linked with a basic principle of labor law (art. 12 of labor code, hereinafter called l.c.) and one of the basic duties of labor (art. 100 § 2 p. 5 l.c.). Although the legislator does not define that notion directly, but the way of its determination is indicated indirectly. The detailed study of the regulation, doctrinal findings and axiological premises results in a conclusion that a legal concept of „benefit" of enterprise is related to philosophical concepts of common good and to the vision of social reality adopted by the so called structural functionalism. A general feature of the benefit the regulation is referring to, is, among others, undisturbed, harmonious functioning of establishment in the process of reaching its productive effect, sui generis a state of dynamic equilibrium. Philosophers would speak in that instance of peace or social order. Common good has first of all a personal character (the ethical and ontological scope), its material character is revealed only in its instrumental aspect. Consequently, it is necessary to depart from such notion of „benefit" of establishment which would bring only material associations. It can also be more proper to use a term of benefit of „labor community" or, at least, „benefit of employer". It is labor community (and not objectified set of production factors) which maintains operation of establishment as a whole. The principle of analogy and proportionality of common good is guaranteed and realized by labor law by means of a double conditioning of emploees' duty to care for the interest („benefit") of establishment. A need of removing interferences in operation of establishment (the element of analogy) gives rise to that duty, unless the events related to a socially justified individual interest of an emploee occur (the element of proportionality) barring that duty in spite of a materialized condition on the part of establishment. Philosophers also maintain that a common interest can dominate over individual values only when it is the case of equal good, and not in the situation when an individual interest is ranking higher. In" the legal construction it is realized in the priority of socially valid individual interest of an emploee over the benefit of establishment, in particular, interests related to the existence and developement of an individual or to functioning of family group take precedence of it.Item Charakterystyka prawna twórczej pracy badawczej jako szczególnego rodzaju pracy(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1973) Chobot, AndrzejL'une des notions fondamentales quoique non élaborée du droit de travail est la notion „du genre du travail". Le genre de travail joue un rôle essentiel dans le domaine de la différenciation de la situation juridique des travailleurs, en déterminant le contenu de l'obligation de la prestation du travail. Car les prescriptions fondamentales du droit de travail (Part. 448 c.o. et 22 de la loi du 17 II 1922 sur la fonction publique) ont le caractère proche de clauses générales, renvoyant quant à la manière de l'accomplissement du travail aux normes teleologiques par une constatation, que le travail doit être exercé d'après les exigences du „genre du travail". Le genre du travail c'est un type du système fonctionnel des actions de travail, accomplies d'après les règles acceptées à l'époque dans la science, technique et pratique (les méthodes du travail), visant à créer un produit spécifique à ce système de la manière de standard reconnue comme la plus habile. Il n'existe pas dans notre droit d'une définition légale générale, déterminant directement les particularités du travail créateur de recherche constituant le devoir d'un travailleur scientifique. Cependant c'est l'art. 5 de la loi du 31 III 1965 sur les degrés scientifiques et titres scientifiques qui les détermine directement. Les dispositions prévoient aussi ses modifications. L'analyse de la définition légale du travail créateur de recherche à l'aspect de la définition du genre du travail mène, en prenant en considération les résultats de quelques sciences hors du droit, à une conclusion, que c'est un travail étant un système des actions indépendantes purement intellectulles, exercées par des méthodes scientifiques, selon des règles heuristiques et dans le cas extrême par une -méthode d'eisisaiis et d'erreuris; en résolvaint le problème 'scientifique et parfois technique de plus; visant à la découverte ou à l'invention déterminées dans la forme de l'oeuvre. Ces particularités forment le contenu de l'obligation de la prestation du travail chargeant le travailleur scientifique.Item Niektóre zagadnienia prawa do pracy wdrożeniowej w polskim systemie prawnym(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1974) Chobot, AndrzejDans le droit polonais le créateur du projet d'invention a le droit subjectif à participer à la qualification et réalisation du projet. S'il est employé à l'unité de l'économie socialisée réalisant le projet il a une compétence d'actualisation à sa faveur l'obligation de manifester son accord à réaliser la clause autonomique à la convention déjà existant, mettant en charge l'unité de l'économie socialisée. S'il est employé dans une autre unité de l'économie socialisée ou même dans le cas où il n'est point employé et il a déposé le projet à l'application sur les principes prévus pour les projets des inventions de travailleur, il s'agit de l'actualisation de l'obligation de l'unité réalisant le projet pour conclure le contrat à participer à la qualification et réalisation du projet. Dans le cas où le créateur est employé d'une autre unité de l'économie socialisée, dans le cadre du contrat concernant la participation à la réalisation du projet il a le droit provenant de la relation de travail au principal lieu du travail. La participation à la qualification et réalisation du projet est aussi toujours un cas spécial de la réalisation du bien personnel de la création d'invention et de rationalisation selon l'article 23 du cc. car le refus de contracter de la clause autonomique, ou de la convention, ainsi que l'admission à la qualification et réalisation est toujours une atteinte au bien personnel de la création d'invention et de rationalisation selon l'article 23 du c. c. protégé par l'article 24 de ce code. Dans le cas de la réalisation d'une clause autonomique au contrat du travail, ou bien du contrat de travail lui-même, concernant la qualification et réalisation le créateur du projet a le droit à l'admission au travail reglé par le droit du travail. A titre du droit à la possibilité de la participation (de la conclusion d'une clause autonomique) le créateur employé à l'unité de l'économie socialisée n'a pas le droit à l'appel à l'unité supérieur, et on n'applique pas aussi le code de procédure administrative. La prétension possède ici la caractère du droit civil et elle est tranchée par voie de la procédure juridiciaire. Quand l'unité de l'économie socialisée refuse de conclure le contrat à la participation dans la réalisation du projet on applique le code de procédure administrative et on est en droit à faire appel à l'unité supérieure. Les prétensionis à l'almission à la qualification et réalisation du projet sur le fond du contrat de travail déjà conclu où de la clause autonomique à ce contrat son revendiquées devant les commissions médiatrices d'établissement (les travailleurs des établissements de travail socialisés) ou devant le tribunal d'arrondissement en procédure pour les prétentions des travailleurs (les chefs des établissements de travail socialisés et leurs remplaçants, les travailleurs des établissements non socialisés) ainsi qu'en voie du code de procédure administrative ou à l'intérieur de rétablissement (la majorité des travailleurs scientifiques et exécutant des travaux de développement). Quand la prétension à l'admission à la qualification et réalisation du projet sera poursuivie par le travailleur conjointement avec le droit personnel de la création d'intention et de rationalisation, la cour de voïvodie sera compétente dans la première instance. Quand il s'agit d'autres employés on agit analogiquement. Les prétentions sur le fond d'un autre contrat sont poursuivies en voie prévue pour ce contrat et quand la violation constitue une décision administrative — en voie du code de procédure administrative. Le droit à participer à la qualification et réalisation du projet profite aussi de la protection du droit pénal.Item Nowa koncepcja zobowiązaniowego stosunku pracy(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1988) Chobot, Andrzej; Kijowski, AndrzejThe economic model of free competition forces an employer to increase efficiency notwithstanding the degree of liberality of legal formulas of entering into the employment relationship. Of such liberal character is the conception of the employment relationship as an obligation towards an employer to perform with due care work of a given kind. Such a conception does not secure economic efficiency in socialism, since it rejects free competition and it safeguards social security by means of certainty of both employment and revenues form work. In conditions of the Polish economic reform such safeguarding mechanisms should not go beyond providing means which would allow to regenerate energy spent for work and satisfy basic needs. An individual standard of living as well as the level of collective consumption should depend on work efficiency. The above assumptions of a modified social policy system should find their expression in an adequate model of the employment relationship. The authors postulate to complement the actual conception of a due-care contract with a new and prevailing conception of a so-called task-result employment relationship. By entering into such a relationship an employee would be obligated to be ready to accept an employer's offer to carry out definite tasks, compatible with the employee's qualifications and remunerated according to his /her category of individual rank or according to the minimum wages statute. In turn, an employer would be obligated to formulate offers comprising tasks and total amounts of money to be paid for carrying out those tasks. Thus it would be an obligation whose contents would „change with the changes in tasks and remuneration, determined in subsequent autonomous clauses, accidentally connected with the contents of a framework-contract for being ready to work.Item Nowe formy pracy a prawo ubezpieczeń społecznych w Unii Europejskiej(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1995) Chobot, AndrzejSocial security laws in member states (and in Poland), independently of different systems of financing which they use - contributions or taxes - is failing to keep pace with developments brought about by the new forms of work. The social security system, however, mostly used in dealing with traditional social risks has not yet taken a systematic and comprehensive approach to the new social risks engendered by the new forms, which have arisen in about the last twenty years and have shown constant growth. Certainly, an attempt has been made during that time to look at the special needs for social protection among atypical workers. Thus it became clear that this branch of law has remained anchored to outmoded preconceptions, such as the notion that unemployment is a non-permanent state or outmoded concepts which do not apply in other sectors, such as for example the concept of the head of family. The social security systems of member states - at the Community level and also in Poland - in the cotext of the trend towards harmonising social security systems - should approach the new forms of work as a new phenomenon which is destined to expand.Item Podporządkowanie pracownika nauki w wykonywaniu obowiązku twórczej pracy badawczej(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1971) Chobot, AndrzejOur considerations contain employees, who are obliged to do a creative research work. Labour law regulations call them the employee (creative workes) of science. Peculiarities of the creative research work are much different from the peculiarities of other works. It is important for the obedience of employee of science in fulfilment the duty of creative research work. The labour law makes dependent a scope and limits of obedience from the peculiarities of the given kind work. Law character of obedience is not strictly defined in science of Polish labour law. We accepted, that obedience is the elementary relation of the competence- -dependence type in a complex legal relationship of employer and employee, arising between employee and amployer, represented by manager, being immediate superior of this employee, in which by doing use with the competence, manager make timely the duty of the employee. In other words, obedience is reduced to deciding by manager in the matter wide understood manner of doing work. Law regulations require a selfrealiance and independence of worker of science in fulfilment the creative research work. After all, law regulations say, that certain categories of employees of science, do the creative research work under a management of other employees of science. We can suppose, that the meaning of management universal received in our labour law don't apply to a management of creative research work. Analysis of the law texts, consisting the creative research work, corroborates this supposing. The peculiarities of this work, require different regulation from the universal received law regulation in our labour law. In connection with this, special kind of management exists, and it is called science management. It has a specific peculiarity. The obedience exists here, but only in much limited scope. It relates only, to operation, making a indispensable condition of information of manager of doing the creative research work. In a remaining scope, the order is replaced by agreement. So the management relies on, as if, a law of veto, which the science manager can put on doing the creative research work. The science management is entirely independent from a management on the ground filling posts in the administrative hierarchy. It can be done only by the science employees, who have formal corroborated, highest science qualifications. It relies on the management of the particular science employee, as well as on the management of the groups of science employees. Particular law regulation of doing the creative research work is substatiated in the light of „praxeology", psychology, physiology and sociology.Item Pojęcie i znaczenie telepracy jako nowoczesnej formy zatrudnienia (aspekty prawnospołeczne)(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1996) Chobot, AndrzejFollowing the progress in information theory and telecommunication, telework appeared as a work organization system at the end of the 60s. It allows people to work at a distance from the employer. It adds to productivity and effectiveness of enterprises, helps relocation of jobs in economically backward regions and positively assists employment (it helps part time job, job-sharing, work-sharing, office-sharing, job splitting). However, the introduction of telework on a wider scale may lead to disintegration of the collective forms of workers' organizations, which in due course may cause atomization of labour and exclusion of a part of the population from the organized social dialogue. The author analyses the definitions and particular types of telework, including home based telework, the legal status of home based workers, and their elementary employment rights.Item Prawna regulacja czasu pracy artystów(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Chobot, AndrzejProblems of artists employment relations have not been as yet touched upon in the Polish legal literature although that they can become a point of interest for many reasons. Forms of administering artists' working time are original. The said time is only the basis to assess the tasks in units called "arrangements"., "shows" or "rehearsals" etc. For the reason of a group work character, especially of' rehearsals and shows their timing over certain periods is decided by the superiors like the artistic manager or the director of the artistic institution. The scope of executed tasks is flexible in relation to seasonal filuctations of the work demand in the artistic institution, In face of the lack of artists competence to influence that timing one could speak here of a balanced size of tasks, analogically to a balanced working time regulated in the code provisions. The artistic institution becomes competent in thegulating the size of leisure time of its employees. The director's competence to decrease norms of work for particular artists can can create a problem of artist's right to work understood as a right to being faeticiously employed. A variety of original forms is also encountered in the regulation of extra work of artists. These are mostly the so called ad-hoe substitutions different to common substitutions. The originality can be viewed in additional paying for over average intensity of work what is unusual on the grounds of our regulation. Particual attention can also be paid to regulating individual non standarized work including artist's performances apart of his artistic institution in the place and time selected by the artist himself. These forms of employment require a further study. The flexible forms of managing artists working time can provide many indications for the further shaping of the new process of making the working time more flexible also in other spheres of employment in our country.Item Prawo wynalazcze a prawo pracy (wybrane zagadnienia)(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Chobot, AndrzejDeriving profits from the sale of creative thought became presently the most secure way to obtain positive results in states economic policies. The demand for technological innovations is small in spite of instituting rights „rewarding" those establishments which are applying patent designs in the economic reform. Favorable positioning of inventors in the recent Patent Law Act amended, has neither stimulated the inventiveness. A question can be thus posed: since it is claimed that the Patent Law is good why then the effectiveness of inventive activity is highly insufficient. It seems, that this dillemma can be soled, apart of looking into economic conditioning, by examining domains alien to patent Law and implementing regulations, i.e. in the domain of Labor Law, social security, and widely understood policies towards creators. Facing the fact that creativity, including inventiveness requires much more socially and individually indispensable time than any other work, we end up with the „sui generis barrier of leisure time" or more generally „barrier of life burden" in the countries where realization of daily extra labor duties is tiresome and time consuming. The complex regulation of creator's status in Labor Law can be helpfull in its removal. The previous realization of the specific features of creativity projecting on the need of its separate regulation is the prerequisite as well as realization of meeting points of Labor and Patent Laws presented in this article.Item Przesłanki odpowiedzialności materialnej pracowników za mienie powierzone (Zagadnienia wybrane)(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Chobot, AndrzejLe code de travail exclut en principe quant à la responsabilité de biens confiés l'application de toutes règles générales de la responsabilité matérielle des travailleurs. On ne peut pas donc appliquer aussi des dispositions du code sur la faute et sur la liaison normale de cause comme les prémisses de la responsabilité matérielle des travailleurs. Une seule, comme il semble, explication des prémisses générales de la responsabilité, en accord avec les principes théoriques de l'interprétation est la volonté d'appliquer un système particulier de la responsabilité. Il est réglé dans l'article 124 et s. du code de travail et dans les dispositions d'application. Dans les questions non réglées dans le chapitre II du titre V du code, faute de décisions opposées, précises enfermées dans les dispositions du droit de travail, on applique les dispositions du droit civil (et non chapitre I, titre V). L'analyse des dispositions mène vraiment à des conclusions assez controverses restant en accord avec l'interprétation de langue, que les prémisses de la responsabilité de biens confiés est la faute en opinion civiliste, et non le code de travail et la liaison équivalente de cause avec la possibilité éventuelle d'introduire des critères supplémentaires causals par le tribunal. De plus des prémisses de la responsabilité sont: la déposition régulière des biens; le dommage — cependant constaté sans la forme qualitative en résultat du règlement des comptes des biens; la forme particulière de l'illegalité: le non règlement des comptes des biens confiés. Dans la phase de la fixation du montant du dédommagement la responsabilité des travailleurs de biens confiés est atténuée à cause du degré de l'empêchement d'exercer la surveillance sur les biens, du genre des négligeances, de l'étendue du dommage . . . , des expériences professionnelles, des résultats du travail jusqu'à présent, de la situation de famille et de fortune du travailleur, du travail irréprochable durant les trois dernières années avant la formation du dommage et même des principes de la vie commune sociale.Item Skuteczność konwencji MOP w polskim . prawie pracy(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1983) Chobot, AndrzejThe study elaborates a problem of relation of the ILO conventions to the internal labour law in Poland having in view general transformations in -the modern world resulting in abandoning extreme dualistic ideas in favor of concepts which are intermediate between monism and dualism in solving the international and internal law relation dilemma. Lack of an explicit regulation of that question in the Polish constitution and a lack of labour code provisions on its relation to the international labour laws as well as a particularly compound nature of problems involved render a discussional and issue stating character of this study. A comparison of basic principles of labour law in Poland with relevantly ordered conventions of the ILO proves a high degree of their interference. The conventions are also analogous to the Polish law within the framework of respective principles. Since the basic principles of internal law are developed not only internally but also externally, outside of State, in the ILO conventions, the latter should perform, among others, functions analogous to those of basic principles of the internal labour law. A substantial number of conventions corresponding to some of those principles suggests a high degree of detailed regulation provided. In fact most of these conventions concern details which can find more circumstantial regulation in international law than it is done in internal labour law, especially in acts of legislation: A comparison of specific international and internal provisions relating to the same question can usually indicate that in the scope of their wording they are almost not different, especially in the respect of a possibility of their application in internal law. They are of a self-executing character which can be indirectly proved by the fact that some labour codes prescribe expressis verbis applying the ILO conventions in specific individual matters not being regulated by internal law. Wording of certain provisions of the ILO conventions can also suggest adopting a principle of laying down certain rights (or duties) directly for the benefit of employees (or employers) and of describing situations in which rights or obligations formulated in the convention are to be regulated in internal law or by other acts of domestic authorities or other subjects of internal law. Another legal and dogmatic argument for the proprio vigore effectiveness of a substantial part of the ILO conventions in the internal relations is also the fact of their en bloc' ratification by the special ratifying act of the Diet. It can be also proved by way of entering into an agreement adopted in Poland, ratification procedures and, especially a „qualified" mode provided for the ILO conventions. It is implied that internal law has to be brought to conform to the ILO regulations and conformity to socio-political conditions has to be examined before and not after ratification. Some opinions expressed in the doctrine of labour law ought to be rediscussed as it seems, in light of these findings; it concerns those views Which assume that provisions of the ILO conventions must be, as a rule, substantiated in internal laws. It has to be therefore postulated to regulate a relation of international to internal law in the Polish constitution. The relation of the ILO conventions to internal labour law can be additionally regulated in labour code, provided the participation of the Diet in the convention ratification process.Item Uelastycznienie form gospodarowania czasem pracy w znowelizowanym kodeksie pracy(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1996) Chobot, AndrzejThe introduction of general flexible working time by the Labour Code left particular solutions to regulations contained in art. 129 of L.C. Since art. 131 of L.C. has been removed, including the part referring to settling individual schedules of working time, it has become all the more imperative to set up directions in collective labour contracts or in working regulations. In view of the lack of directions in collective contracts and working regulations there will appear a severe gap in the law, which would have to be filled by means of interpretation other than linguistic. Collective contracts (and possibly working regulations) ought to guarantee that the workers' individual interests are considered in "taking out" the leisure time for the overtime. Optimally, a worker would decide (or at least co-decide) on the date of "taking out" the leisure time in each case the prolongation did not occur in his interest and on his own initiative (and vice versa - which will probably occur very rarely). The deliberation on the extent of recognizing the labour's interests within the general system of flexible working time, introduced during the work on amending the Code, must emphasize the high merit of time defined by the task scope, with the employee free to prolong or shorten his working time according to his needs, up to stopping work on certain days or even weeks. This is a a truly great merit of the task-effect formula of the employment contract.Item Wynagradzanie pracowników za wykonanie określonych zadań jako nowy element polityki płac(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1988) Chobot, AndrzejOne of the assumptions of the 2nd stage of the economic reform is the introduction of new principles of remunerating the employees, relating directly their pay to the results of their work. Such a connection is possible first of all under the condition that the principle of task forms of employing and remunerating the employees is adopted, the principle expressed presently in Art. 136 of the Labour Code, but later requiring a more complex regulation making it possible to determine the scope of a duty to work in terms of the size of assignment rather than the amount of time of work. It is one of key mechanisms of the economic reform which, if realized properly, should be decisive for the success of the economic reform and should contribute to creating a basis for a further social growth. Task forms of remunerating (and employing) should be introduced gradually, especially with respect to: managers of the socialized units of economy; people carrying out research, developmental and implementive tasks of great significance for the national economy; remuneration connected with group organization of work (including so-called innovation brigades) recently implemented in state enterprises; and remuneration resulting from contracts for creative work. A proposed system of remuneration, changeable in time and with respect to the amounts paid (as a consequence of changes of tasks) and determined in subsequent autonomous clauses accidentally connected with a contract for being ready to work, is closely linked with the need to formulate a new conception of employment relationship which would directly relate the pay to the outcome of work. The new shape of employment relationship sketched in this article requires further studies both with respect to its detailed justification as well as social side-effects of its implementation.