Browsing by Author "Chrzanowska, Iwona"
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Item Edukacja włączająca na etapie przedszkolnym w Polsce – fakty i refleksje dla przyszłych działań(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Chrzanowska, IwonaIn Poland, as in many other countries, inclusive education of children with disabilities start at the stage of pre-school education. Contemporary indicators on inclusive education of children with disabilities at the stage of pre-school education are optimistic. The last analysis (2014, 2015) shows that the rate of participation children with disabilities in pre-school education is 75%. Indicators are lower in the countryside, higher in the big cities (67% and 88%, respectively). Preschoolers with disabilities are usually in ordinary kindergartens (79.1%), then in inclusive education (17.2%) and in special pre-schools (3.8%). The indicators are different in public and non-public pre-schools (respectively: 79.1% and 65.4%; 17.2% and 25.9%; 3.8% and 8.6%). The main problem of inclusive education in Poland is the late diagnosis of disability. The great number of children with disabilities receive their first diagnosis at the age of 6-7, if we concentrate on sensory or movement disabilities and even later if the child has an intellectual disability. The article presents the state of preschool education of children with disabilities in Poland and the necessary courses of action in this field in the future.Item Edukacja włączająca – wyzwanie dla kompetencji pedagogów specjalnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Chrzanowska, IwonaTo prevent the marginalisation of young people, it is vital to have inclusive and fair education systems. Ensuring effective equal access to quality inclusive education for all learners, including those of migrant origins, those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, those with special needs and those with disabilities – in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – is indispensable for achieving more cohesive societies. Support educational staff and the students with special educational needs is important for success of inclusive education. These tasks can be carried out by teachers, special pedagogues. However, this requires changes in higher education programs in the field of special pedagogy. Inclusive education should be a compulsory education module. The question is what content the module should contain.Item Nauczanie inkluzyjne w doświadczeniach polskich – podstawy prawne i społeczne uwarunkowania(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Chrzanowska, IwonaInclusion may connect but it cannot divide especially in context of constituting wishful assumptions. The first of them is a belief/hope that we, as a society, are ready for inclusion. The second assumption is that trained staff have appropriate background and are able to face the challenge of working within a heterogenic team. Third, the effects of inclusive education of the disabled will be better in comparison to other forms. Another problem is the attitude towards people with disabilities. Peter Mittler points out that one of major obstacles for inclusive education to succeed is teachers’ approach. If teachers in public schools believe that disabled students are different, the consequent belief is that it is necessary to have some special qualifications to work with them (P. Mittler, 2000). Inclusive education of disabled students is not a simple task, especially with the perspective of a strain of socialistic stigmata of the common front. Some questions about the idea realization remain to be answered.Item Niepełnosprawność a zagrożenie marginalizacją i wykluczeniem. Rozważania w kontekście teorii underclass(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Chrzanowska, IwonaThe article concentrates on problems of social exclusion of children with disabilities. Using the theories of social class and stratifi cation we want to fi nd out whether pupils with developmental disabilities are discriminated against in social life.Item O potrzebie refl eksji nad kondycją polskiej szkoły – w efekcie lektury publikacji Bogusława Śliwerskiego: „Szkoła na wirażu zmian politycznych. Bez cenzury”(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Chrzanowska, IwonaSchool on the Bend of Political Changes. Without Censorship, Bogusław Śliwerski’s most recent book triggered refl ection about the status of the Polish school. There are a few questions which need to be answered, for example: Is the school an important subject of discussion? Who and why wants to talk about the Polish school? This text does not provide answers to these questions but is supposed to induce refl ection.Item Opinie nauczycieli szkół specjalnych na temat edukacji włączającej – uczeń ze SPE w szkole włączającej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Chrzanowska, IwonaThe idea of inclusive education is the concept of education for all. According to opinions of different backgrounds, it seems that the idea of inclusive education in Poland is mainly associ'ated with the “problem” of a presence of students with disabilities in the mainstream school. The studies on the phenomenon of inclusive education were focused on the problems of the organization of education, teachers’ competences, and their consequences for the student with disability. Seldom, if ever, is the phenomenon recognized in the context of all students, participants in the process. The idea of inclusive education goes beyond a single entity, i.e. a student with a disability. This idea requires a search for a new model of school – “a learning school” (like in the model of a learning organization). The school should be a place where people for all time are expanding their capacity to achieve results, constantly discovering and creating the reality in which they live.Item Problematyka zdolności a niepełnosprawność(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Chrzanowska, IwonaCreative activity of people with disabilities is the new area of special education. Abilities and talents, most often, are the attributes people without developmental disorders. Paradigmatic changes in the approach to disability allows recognize, diagnose and describe the level, and even the process of shaping the creative activity of people with disabilities. Such knowledge may be important not only in the area of education, but also to shape the image of people with disabilities and their public perception, including breaking the stereotype of people with disabilities.Item RECENZJE i NOTY - Andrzeja Twardowskiego "Wczesne wspomaganie rozwoju dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami w środowisku rodzinnym"(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Chrzanowska, IwonaItem Recenzje i noty - Ditta Baczała, Niepełnosprawność intelektualna a kompetencje społeczne(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Chrzanowska, IwonaItem Uczeń zdolny – uczniem ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi? Uczeń ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi – uczniem uzdolnionym?(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Chrzanowska, IwonaToday most scientists recognize a gifted student as a student with special educational needs. A gifted student has different from their classmates possibilities, expectations and problems. They usually have no problems with school education (at least at the beginning of it), but they often need special support and sometimes even therapeutic intervention. In the context of the problem: SEN – outstanding ability, it is worth considering students with disabilities. Is it possible to treat students with disabilities in Polish schools as gifted persons/children?Item Zagrożenie nowymi formami zachowań ryzykownych wśród dzieci i młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością – uzasadnienia dla zainteresowania problematyką(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Chrzanowska, IwonaThe “modern technologies – disability” relations are mainly considered in the context of support. Modern technologies in the context of disability trigger associations such as: software for the blind, speech synthesizers for people with cerebral palsy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, smart prostheses, etc. It seems that today the possibilities of using new technologies in human lives are unlimited. Undoubtedly, technological development has an impact on social relations. New patterns of behavior, including new forms of risky behavior, emerge. This issue has not been studied in children with disabilities. We do not know whether the disability is a risk factor of hazardous behavior and what kind of relationships and regularities we should expect.