Browsing by Author "Drozdowicz, Zbigniew"
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Item Agnostycyzm uczonych – wybrane postacie(2020) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I do undertake one more time the attempt to answer the fol- lowing question: what do agnostics really want? This issue is so complicated that even the agnostics themselves had great trouble in delivering the answer. This is also related to these agnostics, such as the recalled here Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and Stephen W. Hawking, who belong to the greatest format of scholars. The agnostics are being distanced from, both the atheists and theists. However they do judge differently their views it is important that as well the first as the latter ones may appreciate what stands behind agnosticism and this might be very variable.Item Altruiste raisonnable des temps moderne(Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2004) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewItem Altruiste raisonnable: Etude sur Blaise Pascal(2013-02-25) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewItem Autorytety naukowe na miarę czasu(Polska Akademia Nauk, 2018) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I make an attempt to understand and present the functioning of authorities in science. I do use in the first place the earlier claims which present this issue in a historical perspective. This allows to grasp the social proces of emergence of the authorities as well the changing of their position in the way they are functioning. Especially the thoughts of Max Weber are being considered by my as useful in this matter. I do share his general thesis saying that even the greatest of scientific authorities – called by me in these remarks ”centennial” – couldn't occur and function without their social and cultural ”background”. This had led in large extent to the situation where these authorities fist played a significant role in the development of science and then went over to a more or less dignified ”retirement”. In this and other issues I present some of my own remarks and sugestions.Item Autorytety religii chrześcijańskiej w procesie modernizacji(Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I give a general thesis saying that no religion could not and cannot function without some sorts of authorities. The main issue lies not just in the fact that often these are radically different authorities, but also in the fact that in the course of history such changes occurred which made the older authorities fade away and be replaced by new ones, including those which were many times an opposition to the former. It is clearly visible when we compare the Christian authorities from the pre-reformation period with the ones from the reformation and also the ones from the time after. It becomes even clearer when we compare the authorities from the first and the second period with the modern ones. Is this process inevitable and does it have its justification in the Christian faith itself (and eventually how it is being justified there)? To these and similar questions a definitive answer is not being attempted. However, I formulate such suggestions that might lead to a serious debate on the topic.Item Between the temptations of privatizing and globalizing religion(Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze, 2014) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn this article, I analyse two mutually exclusive contemporary temptations in Christianity, that is, the temptation to treat religion as private and the temptation to treat it as global. Both temptations have determinants that can be found inside as well as outside religion. They are also determined by general tendencies present in Western culture. The discussed temptations as well as their determinants can be explained by the functional analysis postulated by the Weberians and performed by me in this paper. The analysis, applied here to two selected cases of catholic priests, Father Lemański and Father Natanek, allows us to explain why their speeches are not and will not be accepted by the Church’s authorities.Item Blaski i cienie „Deklaracji praw człowieka i obywatela" z 1789 r.(Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, 2017) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I do recall again the very “Declaration of rights of the Man and of the Citizen,” which was for some and still is a testimony of reaching the most moderate part of the French society such a philosophical and political wisdom that was lacking in the former generations. For others it was and still is a testimony of undermining these authentic values and greatness that was reached by those generation with such a hard effort. The evaluation of that Declaration is related of course not only to what had been written in its particular articles, but to who does it measure and what scale does he uses. In these remarks I recall just two of such scales, ie. the one used by liberals and the one used by the traditionalists (called today conservatives). Recalling also other philosophical and political options would certainly widen both, the list of ups and downs of that enlightenment thinking on man and citiz.Item Co to jest agnostycyzm i kto jest agnostykiem?(Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze, 2016) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I make a further attempt to deliver the answer to the questions found in the title. I do not assume certainly that it leads us to remove all uncleareances related to it. I do hope however that it might lead in some extent to the better understanding of the issue but it also will make an interesting contribution to the answer to the following question: why do agnostics may occur as opponents of theism and allies of atheism; and the opposite – as allies of the first one and opponents of the latter. It may look like an paradox but I attempt here to show on selected examples the fact that they had played these different roles.Item Co z filozofami i z filozofią?(Polska Akademia Nauk - "Nauka", 2014) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewThe difficult situation of philosophers and philosophy at Polish universities leads one to ask significant questions, such as the one in the title of this paper, but also the questions directly related to it: on the sources and conditions of that specific crisis of academic philosophy, on the participation of philosophers themselves and contemporary philosophy in this very crisis, on the future of philosophy, and on such a university, where philosophical thinking and education will either not exist or be marginalized. None of these questions can be answered in a clear manner. In the presented remarks I do not attempt to provide such answers. I refer, however, to the positions of significant philosophers and point out where to look for such answers.Item Comprendre les Lumiéres(Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, 2016) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewAi-je mieux compris les Lumières après ces expériences ? Peut-être. Quoi qu’il en soit, j’en arrive à la conclusion qu’il est plus facile de comprendre les idées d’un philosophe ou d’un autre, que d’avoir une vue d’ensemble sur une époque ou même d’effectuer une analyse comparative entre les positions de philosophes représentant la pensée des Lumières dans différents pays. Bien que cela semble évident, il faut le souligner dès le départ. Une des particularités de l’époque serait également à évoquer: les plus importantes contributions ont été apportées par les philosophes qui avaient des idées différentes et les divulguaient en utilisant des langues diverses. Je ne déprécie pas, de manière générale, les valeurs cognitives des analyses spécialisées et pointues des idées de chacun des représentants des Lumières. Plusieurs d’entre elles concourent à une meilleure compréhension de l’époque ou au moins, à un approfondissement des problèmes qu’elle soulevait. Néanmoins, des analyses ainsi fragmentées et extraites de l’ensemble, rendent difficile l’étude et l’appréciation de l’œuvre des Lumières.Item Czego powinni nauczyć się filozofowie i czego mogą oni nauczyć innych?(Bydgoski Oddział Polskiego Towarzystwa Filozoficznego Filo-Sofija, 2014) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewWhat Philosophers should Learn and What Others Could Learn from Them? The remarks presented here are being outlined given a very simple and straightforward contention that to teach someone something important we have to learn it first. It has been a certain problem not just for philosophers. However, I refer here only to the latter, not just because teaching and learning is more problematic for them than the others, but because their academic teaching nowadays undergoes an apparent crisis of trust and – which is connected with it anyway – because of the interest shown by the candidates for students. The causes thereof are of course different, including these which cannot be affected by the philosophers themselves. Yet there are also those which can be and are affected in a significant manner. They include, to my mind, the creating of the positive picture of philosophy and philosophical thinking. This has been a troublesome issue. However, my standpoint is that we cannot expect this crisis of academic teaching to end in the situation in which the philosophers speak of philosophy itself negatively rather than vice versa.Item Czym był dogmatyzm filozoficzny i naukowy oraz kto był dogmatykiem?(Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, 2016) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewThese remarks do not make the attempt to deliver a satisfing answer to the question in the title. It is more about pointing out some significant issues related to the emergence and functioning of dogmatism in philosophy and science. My general thesis is brought to the claim that in the past as well today dogmatism had been treated as a specific fundament of philosophical and scientific thinking. It is however problematic that this fundament sometimes required a general “renovation” and sometimes such basic changes that not much had been left from its former elements.Item Czym był filozoficzny sceptycyzm i kto był sceptykiem?(Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, 2016) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I attempt to answer the question in the title by recalling several examples of scepticism from the past. Their aim is not just to present its diverse forms but also to prove that first of all radical scepticism was hard to defend (what generated among others the emergence of more moderate forms) and secondly that scepticism situated itself not just in the sphere of ideas but also behavior and in each of them it had its own specific forms of expression. I do hope hover that this presentation of scepticism and sceptics might in some extent lead to a removal of selected misunderstandings related to this philosophical current.Item Czym był i jest ateizm?(Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze, 2017) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I do not attempt to deliver some satisfing answer on the ques¬tion in the title. I do however undertake an attempt to point put not just how complex the problem itself is, but also how much in its resolving depends on the views shared by those who talk about atheism. Especially significant differences in its preception, representation and judgement occur between confessional and nonconfessional point of view. In these remarks I recall just the Catholic way of seeing atheism and its perception by those who think they reprtesent truly scientifical standpoint on this matter. I does not empty however all possibilities in the approach towards atheism.Item Czym było i jest religioznawstwo?(Polska Akademia Nauk - "Nauka", 2011) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I do formulate and argument a general thesis, that the study of religion is, or at least might be as one of the disciplines within human and social sciences also when it tackles the problems examined by other disciplines and when it uses their methods of research. Today we may clearly see, that troubles with holding the standards of science have these researchers of religion, who try to undertake their own way of research. On the other hand, interesting and significant outcomes of research are being gained by those, who (being authentic specialists in explaining various religious questions) know very well what they are doing, what methods they are using and what scores are being won by sociologists, psychologists, ethnologists, historians and philosophers of religion.Item Dyskretny urok pierwotnych form życia religijnego(Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze, 2011) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewZbigniew Drozdowicz – THE SUBTLE CHARM OF ARCHAIC FORMS OF RELIGIOUS LIFE We are unable to answer the basic question about what was and what is important in arc-haic forms of religious life attracting attention since the ancient times, and even today by various kind of philosophers and scholars. Nevertheless, we might show, on selected examples, what are these points of reference for and what function did they serve in its often intellectually sophisti-cated remarks. We may also formulate on this basis some general conclusions, such as a thesis, that some of these philosophers and scholars did judge it as a troublemaking gift from the past, and some others as a good capital for the present and the future. Not just the evaluations of the archaic forms of religious life differed, but also motivations hidden behind them, philosophical and religious, taken and postulated values etc. In this article I present just a part of the differen-tiated background for this evaluation, but it was and still is much richer. It also worth a more deeper philosophical, psychological, sociological and religious analysis as the analysis of the archaic forms of religious life.Item Enlightenment’s faith in human creative possibilities(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn this article I present an argument for the thesis that one of the most significant revaluations of the Enlightenment was the creation and popularization of faith in the effective shaping of fate by man himself. In every example the Enlightenment had been referring to the creative possibilities of human reason. However, major differences occurred in understanding this very reason and its application in the praxis between the main representatives of the period. In my remarks I recall just a few of selected representatives of the English, Scottish and French enlightenment philosophy. The broadening of that list with other names, including the representatives of other nations, would allow probably to present much more diversified variants of this Enlightenment faith which since that period is a specific distinguishing mark of modernity.Item Filozofia włoska w epoce Odrodzenia i Oświecenia(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNS UAM, 2012) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewItem Filozoficzne uwarunkowania nowoczesności w nauce(Polska Akademia Nauk, 2017) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn these remarks I recall the attempts of pointing out the relations between philosophy and modernity in sciences in three distinctively differing point of view, that is the achievements of “the Enlightened Age” (in the sense of Ernst Cassirer), phenomenological philosophy (in the sense of Edmund Husserl) and the classicist conservatism (in the sense of Allan Bloom). In each of these cases an importance of those relations is being acknowledged. However it is not just differently evaluated and justified, but also the diagnoses and forecasts related to it look differently either.Item Filozofowie a polska kultura(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2016) Drozdowicz, ZbigniewIn a panel discussion on the place of philosophy in Polish culture I had pointed out two issues. First one is related to depreciation of the value of achievements of a large part of Polish philosophers and extremely high evaluation of achievements of Western philosophers. The other one is however related to the arrogating philosophers a leading role in the cultural transformations. I do claim that in some periods and various areas of Polish culture philosophers had a certain influence on what had occurred in it, but they did not (or at least not only them) had decided on its character and directions of changes taking place in it.