Browsing by Author "Kuszak, Kinga"
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Item Doświadczenia kulturowe społeczeństwa utrwalone w związkach frazeologicznych – aspekt pedagogiczny(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Kuszak, KingaThe article discusses the cultural experience preserved in language in the form of more or less popular phrasemes. The author identifies selected sources of the phrasemes and depicts their function in preserving and saving the cultural heritage of past generations. She highlights the changes taking place in the contemporary language. The author underlines the multidirectional nature of these changes: on the one hand, society preserves the linguistic heritage, while on the other hand it gives new meanings to previously known words and sayings, creates new words and phrasemes which allow a reflection on the current socio-cultural experiences of individuals and social groups. The summary indicates the educational aspect of the issue and the necessity of implementing a carefully planned native language education which will support developing the identities of individuals, social groups and society as a whole.Item Dziecko do lat trzech w systemie opieki i edukacji. Źródła wsparcia i zagrożeń(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Krauze-Sikorska, Hanna; Kuszak, Kinga; Rura, Grażyna; Sadowska, KatarzynaW monografii podjęto rozważania nad najmłodszym dzieciństwem – od urodzenia do trzeciego roku życia. Zostały one skoncentrowane wokół indywidualnych potrzeb, preferencji i możliwości dzieci, źródeł wsparcia i zagrożeń rozwoju najmłodszych. Inspiracją dla autorek stała się teza, że „współczesny świat stwarza dzieciom nowe, nieznane do tej pory możliwości i szanse rozwoju i edukacji, ale także zagrożenia dotyczące ich sytuacji życiowej”. Celem opracowania jest wskazanie szans, jakie wynikają z potencjału rozwojowego małego dziecka, jego wrażliwości na bodźce, cech temperamentu, możliwości odpowiadania stymulację płynącą z otoczenia. Zwrócono uwagę na szanse, jakie wynikają z bliskich relacji dziecka z rodzicami, którzy potrafią rozpoznać jego potrzeby i adekwatnie na nie odpowiedzieć, którzy „upośredniają” rzeczywistość, towarzyszą i pomagają jednostce zrozumieć świat. Źródłem szans rozwojowych i wsparcia dla najmłodszych jest (powinno być) także szersze środowisko społeczne w sytuacji powrotu młodych rodziców do pracy po urlopie rodzicielskim, powierzających dziecko osobom pracującym w instytucji opieki. Zwrócono uwagę, że relacje z dorosłymi spoza rodziny (opiekunami w żłobku) i rówieśnikami, a także starszymi oraz młodszymi dziećmi, mogą sprzyjać zachodzeniu korzystnych zmian rozwojowych. Dziecko, dzięki różnorodnym i bogatym kontaktom społecznym z innymi ludźmi rozwija swoje kompetencje emocjonalne, społeczne, poznawcze, uczy się różne role w różnych układach relacji międzyludzkich. W książce wskazano też obszary ryzyka wynikające z braku wiedzy opiekunów na temat biologicznych i środowiskowych determinant indywidualnego rozwoju. Podkreślono znaczenie wczesnej i rzetelnie przeprowadzonej diagnozy oraz roli wsparcia dla dziecka, jego rodziny i opiekunów. Kolejne wątki dotyczą praktycznych rozwiązań i odnoszą się do wybranych obszarów aktywności dziecka. Sugestie praktyczne dotycząc stymulowania aktywności zabawowej, ruchowej, językowej, artystycznej małego dziecka. Walorem opracowania jest autorska propozycja alternatywnego programu wspierania rozwoju małego dziecka w żłobku lub klubie dziecięcym, z załączonym narzędziem do analizy postępów rozwojowych dziecka. Pracę zamyka rozdział poświęcony dzieciom z opóźnieniami i zaburzeniami rozwoju. Zwrócono w nim uwagę na zagadnienia wczesnej interwencji i wsparcia rodziny dziecka w szerszym środowisku społeczno-kulturowym. Publikacja może zainteresować rodziców małych dzieci, nauczycieli, opiekunów pracujących w żłobkach, klubach dziecięcych, studentów kierunków pedagogicznych.Item Dziecko w konwencji roli – aspekt werbalny(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kuszak, KingaThe article describes Erving Goffman’s approach to the concept of a dramaturgical model of social relations. The author briefly presents the general framework of the concept (stage, actors, role convention, mask, audience, etc.), focusing in more detail on the verbal aspect of a social role. She highlights the way children, through participation in interactions with parents, preschool teachers and peers, master the rules of various social roles and transpose the experiences gained through these interactions into other social situations, e.g. transposing the rules of linguistic politeness mastered in preschool into the home environment, using specific linguistic means to influence other members of the household. Theoretical reflections are illustrated with examples of preschool-aged children’s utterances indicating their mastery of the specific features of a given role. In the last part of the article, the author presents examples of children transgressing the convention of a role, which are a result of either the children’s lack of knowledge about the convention or their conscious action against adults’ expectations and attempts to manifest their own independence or verify to what extent the convention is of a universal nature and to what extent it can be modified.Item Dziecko w przestrzeniach języka ojczystego – wybrane aspekty(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Kuszak, KingaThe article discusses various spaces of children’s linguistic functioning and the wealth of linguistic experiences available in each of them. The author points to the fact that each of these spaces provides children with different vital experiences. The starting point for the reflections on the spaces of native language is Ferdinand de Saussure’s concept of speech as a human ability and language as a set of forms of speech uses. The term “linguistic space” and the criteria for determining a space were adopted from the works of Kwiryna Handke who emphasized that language, as an integral structural component of social space and the community that uses it, plays two roles in this space: it reflects the community’s perception of its surroundings and provides help and basic tool for shaping the space. Therefore, the forms of language use differ according to the spaces, situations and roles which one encounters. The next part of the paper presents selected vocabulary that children may potentially acquire in the following spaces: family, kindergarten (school), peer group, via Internet communication, as viewers of TV commercials and readers (recipients) of literature. The summary presents the spaces of children’s linguistic functioning in the form of a chart, taking into account the roles adopted by children in each space, places and situations distinctive of the space, as well as the words, expressions, and language tools typical for each space.Item Edukacja przedszkolna dziecka dwuletniego – kontrowersje i dylematy. Przyczynek do dyskusji(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Krauze-Sikorska, Hanna; Kuszak, KingaIn the article we shall discuss the education of two year old children, possibilities of a preschool opening itself to them and adapting preschool education to their developmental needs. We indicate that early care and education of a young child in a preschool can, in a particular way, influence the development of its developmental potential, provided that in the process of adaptation to the preschool environment a child will experience a sense of safety, develop curiosity of the surrounding world and the desire to establish and maintain social contacts.Item Historia i współczesność zapisane w języku. Pedagogiczne wędrówki po świecie związków frazeologicznych(Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2014) Kuszak, KingaThe article attempts to search for continuity between the past and the present inscribed in the language, using selected idioms as examples. The author presents idioms as a linguistic “transmitter” of culture reflecting the experiences of its users. The paper concludes with a few reflections on the role of language education and creating the linguistic awareness of the young generation. The author highlights the need to combine the knowledge of the history of traditional idioms and the knowledge of using new idioms created for advertising and media purposes to shape the attitudes and language activity of young people.Item Jak technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne mogą wspierać rozwój dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym? Studium teoretyczne(Wydawnictwo „Eter”, 2017) Klichowski, Michał; Pyżalski, Jacek; Kuszak, Kinga; Klichowska, AnnaCelem tekstu jest opis szans wynikających z użytkowania przez dzieci w wieku 3-6 lat technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (TIK) oraz przedstawienie dyrektyw dla wykorzystania TIK przez dzieci w tym wieku (mówiąc o TIK mamy na myśli głównie takie ich popularne formy jak gry, aplikacje, programy, strony internetowe, portale itp., dlatego – co należy bardzo mocno podkreślić – przedstawione w tekście szanse i dyrektywy nie są w każdym przypadku adekwatne do wszystkich rodzajów TIK). W tekście tym będziemy starali się więc odpowiedzieć na pytanie: Jak TIK mogą wspierać rozwój dziecka w wieku 3-6 lat, czy szczegółowiej: Jakie szanse dają TIK dzieciom w wieku 3-6 lat i jak działać, by te szanse wykorzystaćItem Kompetencje językowe małego dziecka – zarys problematyki(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kuszak, KingaThe article discusses linguistic competences of children under three years of age. The author presents selected periodizations of the speech development of a young child (including the ones proposed by L. Kaczmarek, P. Smoczyński, J. Aitchison, E. H. Lenneberg, J. E. Gomberg, I. Kurcz, P. K. Kuhl, J. Porayski-Pomsta, M. Kielar-Turska). She proceeds to focus on the issue of language immersion as the basic factor in speech development and individual mastering of a language discussed in the latest psycho-pedagogic literature. She describes the character of the early stage of children’s speech development, from cries to cooing, babbling, coherent phonetic signals through to the first words. Later the article discusses selected concepts of vocabulary acquisition by young children, including the associative learning theory, the restriction theory and the socio-pragmatic theory. The author proceeds to briefly address the stereotypes concerning the early stages of speech development in children of both sexes. Referring to recent research, she identifies the difference in speech development of boys and girls. She then presents the features of the speech of children over one year of age in various aspects, including vocabulary, grammar, communicative competency and ability to construct dialogues. Theoretical reflections are supplemented by examples of utterances of children between eighteen and thirty-six months of age.Item Motyw rozstania w literaturze dla dzieci – perspektywa pedagogiczna(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2018) Kuszak, KingaThe article discusses searching for solutions related to the university education of preschool and early school teachers in a time marked by intense and unpredictable changes. The fluidreality we live in poses an important challenge for those responsible for teacher training, requiring them to prepare teachers to deal with constant changes and remain open to what is yet to come. In a constantly changing reality, it is difficultto predict which competencies teachers will need in the next decades of the 21st century. It is certainly worth the effort to focus on fostering the passion and developing the personalities of future teachers working with children of preschool and early school age. The education process should also take into account the needs and expectations of the new generation of teachers, representing what the literature of the subject describes as “generation Z”. Apart from including theoretical considerations, the article is an attempt to showcase selected solutions developed at the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.Item Paradoksy komunikacji szkolnej - rozważania na temat wybranych ograniczeń rozwoju kompetencji komunikacyjnych uczniów we współczesnej szkole(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im.Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2013) Kuszak, KingaThe article points to the features of classroom communication which hinder the development of students’ communicative competences. The author describes the paradoxes of classroom communication reflected in the fact that the teachers enjoy significantly more rights and privileges than the students with regard to both the form and the content of the messages they express, as well as the paradoxes stemming from the artificial, formalized language present in the classroom, which actually hinders the development of communicative skills.Item Paradoksy komunikacji szkolnej – rozwazania na temat wybranych ograniczen rozwoju kompetencji komunikacyjnych uczniów we współczesnej szkole(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im.Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2013) Kuszak, KingaThe article points to the features of classroom communication which hinder the development of students’ communicative competences. The author describes the paradoxes of classroom communication re ected in the fact that the teachers enjoy signi cantly more rights and privileges than the students with regard to both the form and the content of the messages they express, as well as the paradoxes stemming from the arti cial, formalized language present in the classroom, which actually hinders the development of communicative skills.Item Poważna rola niepoważnych rymowanek. Zabawa (gra) słowna w literaturze dla dzieci – jej wartość edukacyjna(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Kuszak, KingaThe author tackles the subject of children’s literature, described by Jerzy Cieślikowski as “children’s folklore”. Her area of interest centres mainly around poetry addressed to children, which is considered the closest form of literature to this age group. Poetry refers to forms of activity natural for children: rhythmic movement, rhyming, singing, creating new words, asking questions, etc. The article points to the educational role of language games (plays) in poetry, which both answer children’s natural developmental needs and stimulate their linguistic competencies. The first part of the article discusses the sources of language play in poetry. The author highlights the role of the works of Jan Brzechwa and Julian Tuwim, who in the 1930s were the first to employ word play, unconventional use of idioms and proverbs, and nonsensical linguistic associations. They became a source of inspiration for contemporary children’s poets. The paper further analyses selected poems whose common feature is the use of language games not only to entertain but to educate and inspire creativity. The poems were divided into the following categories: poems-plays on sounds (letters), poems-plays on rhyme and rhythm, poems-plays on words, poems-plays on idioms and proverbs, poems-questions and poems-associations. The conclusion points to the role of adults as guides in the world of poetry for children and their role in preparing children to receive and understand the message of poetry.Item Przysłowie jako językowy nośnik wartości – perspektywa pedagogiczna(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kuszak, KingaThis article looks at the values represented in traditional proverbs. The first part presents selected approaches to values, referencing the theories of M. Scheler, R. Ingarden, C. Kluckhohn, M. Nowak, and J. Puzynina. The following section examines the role of language as an instrument of verbalisation and introduction into the world of values. Referring to J. Bartmiński’s approach, it details the relations between language and the world of values. Subsequently, the article analyses the references to values and value judgements present in traditional Polish proverbs included in available reference works and studies. Taking as her starting point the definition of the term “proverb” and the oldest Polish proverbs preserved in writing, the author analyses proverbs used in the Polish language, focusing on those referring to values such as good, work, industriousness, happiness, luck, wisdom, and virtue. In this part of her study, she attempts to categorise the specific groups of proverbs, illustrating them with selected examples. The last part of the article addresses contemporary approaches to popular proverbs referencing values and value judgements, in particular the use of proverbs in advertising and the role of the verbal messages conveyed through advertising slogans. Presented are selected examples of advertisements and commercials related to values and value judgements which form the basis for the creation of new sayings that become part of contemporary Polish linguistic culture. Moreover, the author attempts to outline the manner in which new sayings are created, pointing out the fact that a significant number of them comes from advertising. The final part summarises the ways of a practical use of traditional proverbs.Item Słownictwo specjalistyczne uczniów w młodszym wieku szkolnym. Zainteresowania i doświadczenia utrwalone w języku(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2015) Kuszak, KingaThe article addresses the subject of specialist vocabulary, an element of every person’s idiolect. The author attempts to present a thesis, based on the analysis of up-to-date literature from the field of psychology, pedagogy and linguistics, that its development is a result of individual interests and experiences collected in various life situations, starting from early stages of development. Its first manifestations can be seen in preschool-aged children, which is corroborated by the existing research on children’s language development. The author starts her reflections by presenting issues related to the formation of individual interests and experiences as important factors in the expansion of the individual vocabulary of a person. She proceeds to note the specific nature of childhood vocabulary development, underlining the quantitative and the qualitative aspect of expanding one’s vocabulary. She treats these issues as the background for presenting specialist vocabulary, i.e. professional language from various disciplines of science, art and sport. The author concludes her reflections with examples of early school age students’ utterances about their interests. She presents and analyses the children’s utterances, showing the wealth and variety of specialist vocabulary related to history, sport, art, dance and theatre used by young school students. The final part includes guidelines and suggestions for teachers working with children of early school age.Item Związki frazeologiczne w edukacji językowej dziecka – zarys problematyki(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Kuszak, KingaThe article touches on the thread of figurative language embodied in conventional idiomatic combinations in: metaphors, idioms, proverbs. The author analyzed the most important concepts relating to the figurative language using pedagogical, psychological and linguistic literature. She took note of traditional and contemporary sources of idiomatic expressions functioning in the con-temporary language. In the next part she considered the thread of children’s language education and what place dose idiomatic education hold in contemporary propaedeutic education. The article is an introduction into the subject matter of idiomatic expressions functioning in the contemporary language.