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Item Diagnoza statusów tożsamości w okresie adolescencji, wyłaniającej się dorosłości i wczesnej dorosłości za pomocą Skali Wymiarów Rozwoju Tożsamości (DIDS)(2009) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Piotrowski, KonradThe paper presents the results of a research into the formation of identity statuses during the periods of adolescence, emerging adulthood and early adulthood. 711 individuals participated in the study, from 4 age groups: 14 to 17, 18 to 23, 24 to 29 and 30 to 40 years old. The results indicate that in the first two age groups the process of exploration is dominant, while participants from the latter two age groups focus on making commitments and identifying with them. Regardless of the age group, the status of diffused identity was rarely seen, as was the status of foreclosed identity in the groups below the age of 24. Also, the older the group, the lower the percentage of individuals with the ruminative moratorium identity status. The statuses of undifferentiated and achieved identity occurred with similar frequency in all age groups with the exception of 18-to-23-year-olds, i.e. full-time college students. In this group the status of achieved identity occurred less frequently than in the other age groups, while the reverse was true for undifferentiated identity.Item Formowanie się tożsamości a poczucie dorosłości i gotowość do tworzenia bliskich związków(2010) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Piotrowski, KonradThe presented study looked at 100 full-time and part-time college students. The articipants were divided into three groups, on the basis of their age and undertaking developmental tasks of early adulthood. Group 1. consisted of persons aged 20–23, the majority of whom were full-time students; group 2. – persons aged 24–29, chiefly extramural, part-time students; finally, group 3. was comprised of persons 30–40 years of age, solely extramural students. The subject of analysis was differences in the intensity of each of the five dimensions of identity as well as the sense of being adult and readiness to form intimate relationships. The results showed that commitment making and identifi cation with commitment were growing higher with age. Also, in groups 2. and 3. the intensity of problems related to forming identity (ruminative exploration) was signifi cantly lower. A linear relationship between the sense of being adult and actual age was observed as well. The participants characterized by achieved identity status or foreclosed identity status scored highest on sense of adulthood and readiness for intimate relationships scales.Item Identity, self-sufficiency and disability in the context of educational and vocational activity(2011) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Piotrowski, KonradThis study focused on relations between identity and sense of self-sufficiency. These relations were analysed in the context of educational and vocational activity. 204 persons without disabilities and 230 persons with different kinds of disability participated in the study. Participants were divided into three groups: (1) 18-24-year-olds – students, (2) 25-30–yearolds – unemployed and (3) 25-30–year-olds – employed. The results revealed that unemployed people have significant problems with identity formation. This group obtained the highest scores on ruminative exploration and the lowest scores on the scales of commitment making and identification with commitment. Self-sufficiency proved to be a moderator of the relations between educational/vocational activity on the one hand and exploration in breadth and exploration in depth on the other hand. In students, level of exploration was high in individuals with a high sense of self-sufficiency whereas in the unemployed strong exploration was observed in the group with low sense of self-sufficiency. The need to conduct studies where participants are recruited from populations which seldom attract researchers’ interest, such as the unemployed and people of low social status, is also noted.Item Odroczona dorosłość: fakt czy artefakt?(2011) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Kaczan, Radosław; Piotrowski, Konrad; Rękosiewicz, MałgorzataThe article presents the findings of the research concerning the period of emerging adulthood, in other words the transition phase between adolescence and early adulthood, conducted in the years 2010-2011. It has been demonstrated that becoming an adult, both in the objective dimension (taking on adult social roles – family and vocational ones) and subjective dimension (feeling of adulthood, identity characteristics and identity status, feeling of being on-time and off-time) is closely related to factors external to the individual as well as to the individual’s psychological profiles. A crucial point in entering adulthood is the completion of education. Non studying individuals assume more social roles related to adulthood, consider themselves to be more adult and to a greater extent undertake identity commitments than studying persons. People with various levels and kinds of physical disability not only take on fewer roles related to adulthood than nondisabled persons but they also hold a stronger conviction that the roles are undertaken “off time” in comparison with their non-disabled peers. On the other hand, intellectual disability is linked to lower intensity of exploration and more tenuous commitments than in the group of people without disabilities. The analysis of research results is located in the context of delaying and/or postponing the process of entering adulthood which can be observed currently not only in Poland.Item Polska adaptacja Skali Wymiarów Rozwoju Tożsamości (DIDS)1(2010) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Piotrowski, KonradThe paper presents the Dual-Cycle Model of Identity Formation, a theory formulated in recent years by researchers from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, as well as a questionnaire created to verify the assumptions of this theory – the Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS). The authors make an overview of results of studies carried out using DIDS and describe the development process of the questionnaire itself. Since DIDS is currently being adapted for application in Poland, reports of the progress of the adaptation process and ratings of the psychometric value of this questionnaire are presented as well.Item Przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość. Predyktory oceny dotychczasowego życia oraz perspektyw na przyszłość przez osoby niepełnosprawne w okresie adolescencji i wyłaniającej się dorosłości(2012) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Piotrowski, KonradThe aim of the study was to identify the predictors of satisfaction with present life and prospects for the future among people with disabilities in their adolescence (16-17 years of age), emerging adulthood (18-25 years) and early adulthood (26-30 years). The results indicate that satisfaction with present as well as future life is linked to various predictors. In the case of the first variable, the general assessment of one’s health is of major significance whereas in the case of the two subsequent age groups continuation of education is also important. Satisfaction with future prospects is determined, above all, by satisfactory financial situation of one’s family and relations with people other than family members.Item Tożsamość i jej osobowościowy kontekst: charakterystyka psychologiczna uczniów zespołów szkół zawodowych(2014-07-28) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Czub, Tomasz; Piotrowski, Konrad; Kaczan, Radosław; Rękosiewicz, MałgorzataArtykuł prezentuje wyniki badań 271 uczniów klas I–III zasadniczych szkół zawodowych, 448 uczniów klas I–III technikum oraz 253 uczniów klas I–III liceum profilowanego. Badania przeprowadzono w Poznaniu semestrze zimowym roku szkolnego 2012/2013. Zastosowano baterię kwestionariuszy: cztery adaptowane do warunków polskich, tj. DIDS/PL – wymiary tożsamości, PFQ-2/PL – poczucie wstydu i winy, DERS/PL – trudności w regulacji emocji i ISI-4/PL – styl przetwarzania problemów tożsamościowych oraz jeden oryginalny polski KPS – Kwestionariusz Partycypacji Społecznej. Wyniki wskazują zarówno na istotne, choć niewielkie, różnice między uczniami ZSZ itechnikum z jednej strony a uczniami liceów profilowanych z drugiej, jak również na różnice pomiędzy kobietami i mężczyznami. U uczniów klas I-III wszystkich trzech rodzajów szkół zawodowych podobna jest struktura powiązań badanych zmiennych osobowościowych (poziom poczucia wstydu i winy, trudności w regulacji emocji, dwie orientacje społeczne) z pięcioma wymiarami tożsamości (eksploracja wszerz, eksploracja w głąb, eksploracja ruminacyjna, podejmowanie zobowiązania, identyfi kacja ze zobowiązaniem) i stylami tożsamości (normatywny, informacyjny, rozproszony). Najbardziej adaptacyjny układ badanych czynników występuje w grupie uczniów technikum.Item Uwarunkowania aktywności zawodowej osób z ograniczeniami sprawności: czynniki powodzenia i czynniki ryzyka(2008) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Kaczan, Radosław; Piotrowski, Konrad; Rycielski, PiotrThe article is the forth one prepared by our team in the series of research on life quality and occupational activity among people with ability limitations („Nauka” 1/2008, „Nauka” 2/2008, „Nauka” 3/2008). The aim of the presented analysis was to create the complex model of determinants for occupational activities of people with disabilities that takes into account the broadest possible look-out. That is why we used the variables from all the fields analyzed in the previous papers in this series i.e. (1) SES; (2) characteristics of disabilities (the type, the degree, the age of acquiring disability); (3) upbringing characteristics in childhood; (4) social network; (5) personal capacities. In order to discover the significant determinants of occupational activities and quality of life among people with different disabilities – which could be both risk and success factors – we have divided the subjects into four groups according to two variables: (1) occupationally active or inactive patients and (2) patients satisfied/dissatisfied with their own income.The group with the largest observed number of risk factors has consisted of the subjects that have been inactive (non-looking for a job) and unsatisfied with their own income. Gender, city size, education, received support, social relations, disability characteristics, upbringing characteristics and personality traits have turned out to be significant risk/success factors. Moreover the results show that in different groups of people with disabilities we find different settings of risk and success factors.Item Uwarunkowania aktywności zawodowej osób z ograniczeniami sprawności: czynniki społeczno-demograficzne(2008) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Kaczan, Radosław; Piotrowski, Konrad; Sijko, Kamil; Rycielski, Piotr; Wiszejko-Wierzbicka, DorotaThe following article presents the goals and assumptions contained in the project entitled “Psychosocial influences concerning disabled people’s professional activity”. The study was conducted in four stages: (1) document analysis and literature review presenting research concerning how disabled people function on the job market; (2) expert opinions, including disabled people; (3) qualitative studies employing Maxqda2 to analyze information gathered from 311 interviews; and (4) quantitative research on a sample of 1498 participants with various types of disabilities (hearing, sight, physical, somatic, and psychological) conducted in 2007. The following article presents the first set of results obtained, referring to connections on a socio- demographic level (place of residence, gender, age, education, and marital status) as well as those isolating disability characteristics (type, level, and genesis) against degree of life satisfaction. Comparisons were executed for five groups with various employment statuses: employed, those looking for employment who had worked before, those looking for employment who had no previous employment experience, previously employed but had no intention of returning to the workforce and those who had never worked and had no intention of becoming employed. Lowest feelings of life satisfaction were among those not looking for employment whereas highest levels of life satisfaction occurred amongst employed participants. Important risk factors: gender (female), age (elderly), low education, marital status (single), place of residence (non-city dwellers), disability (innate and level).Item Uwarunkowania aktywności zawodowej osób z ograniczeniami sprawności: kapitał osobisty i społeczny(2008) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Kaczan, Radosław; Piotrowski, Konrad; Rycielski, PiotrThe following article is the second in a series (see „Nauka” 1/2008) presenting the results concerning the relationship between personal and social capital and level of life satisfaction among disabled people engaged in various professions. Personal capital is constructed on the basis of early socialization experiences within the family such as: number of responsibilities set by parents, degree of freedom, independent decision making, and parent-child relations. Social capital includes: respondent’s level of education (measured by years of studies), parent’s education, number of acquaintances, number of disabled people among acquaintances, family’s reaction to respondent’s needs and problems, and respondent’s perception of family support. Personal capital is an important predictor of life satisfaction among three subject groups – those engaged in employment activities (employed, formerly employed and searching for work, presently unemployed and not searching for work). Family support was isolated as an important predictor of life satisfaction among all five groups designated by professional status.Item Uwarunkowania aktywności zawodowej osób z ograniczeniami sprawności: kompetencje osobiste(2008) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Kaczan, Radosław; Piotrowski, Konrad; Rycielski, PiotrThe following article is the third publication presenting the results of a study concerning the professional activity of handicapped people (see: „Nauka” 1/2008 and „Nauka” 2/2008). The purpose of this part of the research was to determine whether there is a relationship between professional status, life satisfaction, and various personal competencies among handicapped people. Apart from this, we also wanted to establish what conditions personal competencies by focusing on social-demographic factors and disability characteristics. The tested competencies were isolated from the administered questionnaire using a factor analysis. Seven factors were found: locus of control, level of aspiration, potential for development, effort invested in development, impulsiveness, stamina, and mood. Analysis of the results leads to the following conclusions: (1) personal competencies are significantly related to professional activity for handicapped people, as is level of life satisfaction, (2) personal competencies are related to external factors shaping the development of handicapped people, such as: dwelling, gender, level of disability, and type of disability.Item Wymiary tożsamości a ich podmiotowe i kontekstowe korelaty(2010) Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Piotrowski, Konrad; Garbarek-Sawicka, Elżbieta; Karowska, Kamila; Muszyńska, KingaThe paper presents the results of two studies in which adolescents, emerging-adults and early-adults participated. The first study aimed to discover correlations between identity dimensions (exploration in breadth, exploration in depth, ruminative exploration, commitment making and identification with commitment) on the one hand, and temperament and gender on the other. Highly reactive and strongly persevering persons scored higher on three exploration scales than persons with low scores on these temperamental dimensions. High activity and low reactivity proved to be the most favourable configuration of temperamental dimensions for making commitments and identifying with them. The other study focused on correlations between anxiety level and personal financial situation. Here, a high anxiety level proved to be rather strongly connected to high ruminative exploration, while at the same time making it difficult for the person to make commitments and identify with them. Also, the income level and ability to satisfy their needs was shown to be linked both to the participants’ anxiety level and identity dimensions.