Browsing by Author "Rybak, Andrzej"
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Item A NEW LOCALITY OF THE FRESHWATER POPULATION OF Ulva flexuosa subsp. pilifera (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae) IN POZNAŃ (WIELKOPOLSKA)(2011) Rybak, Andrzej; Messyasz, Beata; Szendzina, Lidia; Pikosz, Marta; Koperski, MaciejIn the latter part of the April of 2011 green algae thalli from the genus Ulva were found at the new, until now not known site in the Wielkopolska region. Thalli of Ulva (syn. Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. pilifera (Kützing) Bliding 1963 were collected to a further morphological research from the small, nameless, artificial dam reservoir located in the north part of Poznań. It was the second site, after the Malta Lake, of its taxon in Poznań and the sixth site in Poland. At the newly described site of Ulva flexuosa subsp. pilifera located near the west shore of the reservoir free-floating thalli were appeared in the sparseness (5-10 ind./m2). Moreover, individual thalli of Ulva strongly were covered by filamentous algae which formed dense mats on the water surface. Thalli of Ulva at the new site were observed from the end of April until the end of May of 2011.Item Abiotic factors affecting the development of Ulva sp. (Ulvophyceae; Chlorophyta) in freshwater ecosystems(Springer, 2010-07-20) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, AndrzejThe influence of physicochemical factors on the development of Ulva species with distromatic tubular morphology was studied in three streams located in Poznan, Poland. The study evaluated key environmental factors that may influence the colonisation and growth of Ulva populations in freshwater systems. In total, nine environmental parameters were included: temperature, water depth, pH, oxygen (O2), ammonium (NH4),nitrate (NO3-), phosphate(PO43-), sodium chloride (NaCl) and total iron (Fe). Morphometric features of thalli (length and width, percentage of furcated and young thalli) and surface area of free-floating mats formed by the freshwater populations of Ulva were compared at all sites. Principal components analysis indicated the most important factors influencing Ulva development were sodium chloride concentrations and water depth. Two other key chemical factors affecting the freshwater form of Ulva were phosphate and nitrite concentrations. High concentrations of sodium chloride inhibited the development of Ulva, leading to a lower number of thalli in the Ulva mats. At the siteswith stable and deeper water, the surface area of the mats was larger. Both phosphate and nitrite concentrations were positively correlated with an increase in the number of thalli in the mats and the thalli length.Item Accumulation of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Zn) in the freshwater alga Ulva type, sediments and water of the Wielkopolska region, Poland.(2013) Rybak, Andrzej; Messyasz, Beata; Pikosz, Marta; Szendzina, Lidia; Łęska, BogusławaThe concentration of five trace elements: cobalt (Co), chrome (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) was determined in the Ulva thalli, in the water and sediment collection from several inland sites (lakes, stream and river) from the Wielkopolska region during summer 2010. The multielemental analysis of the heavy metal concentration was carried out with the use of ICP-OES method. The aim of this study was to determine the role of tubular forms as biomonitoring species. The relative abundance of metals in sediment decreased in the order: Mn > Zn > Cu > Cr > Co and in the water: Cr > Mn > Zn > Cu > Co. In Ulva thalli the distribution order from higher to lower was Mn > Zn > Cr > Cu > Co. The results indicate that the concentration changes of heavy metals in thallus, water and sediment have some differences, but concentration distribution tends to be similar, because among the analysed heavy metals Mn has the highest concentrations while Co the lowest abundance in the thalli and sediment of all the sites. Possibility to use freshwater species from Ulva genus as bioindicators of water pollution by manganese requires further study.Item Bioaccumulation of alkaline soil metals (Ca, Mg) and heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Pb) patterns expressed by freshwater species of Ulva (Wielkopolska, Poland)(WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2012-12) Rybak, Andrzej; Messyasz, Beata; Łęska, BogusławaThe paper includes results of the first study on the accumulation of selected metals in freshwater populations of Ulva taxa at 16 sites in Poland. The thalli examined contained very high concentrations of Ca and Mg, owing to well-developed surface incrustations of carbonate. Among the heavy metals investigated, the most significant concentration in the thalli was Ni, whereas the lowest was Pb. The median concentrations of Ni and Cd in the freshwater Ulva thalli were significantly higher than those reported in the available literature for marine taxa of the same genus. Several statistically significant correlations were found when the concentrations of different metals in the thalli and the water were analysed.Item Biomasa alg słodkowodnych surowcem dla przemysłu i rolnictwa(2013) Schroeder, Grzegorz; Messyasz, Beata; Łęska, Bogusława; Fabrowska, Joanna; Pikosz, Marta; Rybak, AndrzejWykorzystując doniesienia literaturowe oraz wyniki badań własnych, przedstawiono występowanie, budowę chemiczną i morfologiczną alg słodkowodnych występujących także na terenie Polski oraz zastosowanie ich biomasy jako cennego surowca dla różnych gałęzi przemysłu i rolnictwa. Z powodu braku w Polsce systemu wykorzystywania biomasy alg do celów przemysłowych i rolniczych, zagospodarowanie tych surowców powstających na dużą skalę w zbiornikach wodnych stanowi duże wyzwanie i jest istotnym elementem gospodarki zrównoważonego rozwoju.Item Charakterystyka inkrustacji pokrywających plechy słodkowodnej formy zielenicy Ulva (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta)(CURSIVA, 2010) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, Andrzej; Łęska, Bogusława; Pikosz, MartaPowstawanie inkrustacji węglanu wapnia na pędach roślin wodnych zachodzi jako efekt przeprowadzania procesu fotosyntezy w wodach zasadowych [Dodson, 1974]. Powstawanie inkrustacji na pędach roślin wodnych jest procesem zachodzącym szczególnie intensywnie w wodach o wysokim pH. Zwapnienie jako proces osadzania się soli wapnia jest obserwowany również na powierzchni glonów. Odkładanie się węglanu wapnia może zachodzić w różnych miejscach komórki: na zewnątrz, wewnątrz jak i między nimi [Borowitzka, 1982]. Ramienice (Characeae, Chlorophyta) produkują kompleksy węglanu wapnia, które masowo pokrywają powierzchnię ich komórek [Browlee i Taylor, 2002]. Mechanizm zwapniania plech ramienic został w pełni opisany i zbadany [Hutchinson, 1975; Królikowska, 1997]. Ramienice do przeprowadzenia procesu fotosyntezy zdolne są do pobierania węgla z wodorowęglanów, które przy dostępności wolnych jonów Ca2+ wytrącają się na powierzchni w postaci CaCO3. Intensywne wydzielanie i odkładanie CaCO3 ma miejsce w zasadowych rejonach plech, w których dochodzi do poboru jonów wodorowych, które są z kolei wykorzystywane w obszarach kwaśnych plechy do pobrania CO2 z jonów wodorowęglanowych [Pełechaty, 2004]. Hutchinson [1975] i Królikowska [1997] podczas prowadzonych badań nad łąkami ramienicowymi stwierdzili, iż zawartość węglanu wapnia stanowi ponad 50% całkowitej suchej masy tych makroglonów. Natomiast Siong i Asaeda [2009] udowodnili, iż stopień zwapnienia wzrasta wraz z wiekiem glonów. Zawartość węglanów wzrasta znacząco od najmniejszej u młodej plechy do największej u dojrzałej plechy. Zwrócono także uwagę, że kalcyfikacja powoduje spadek intensywności wzrostu rzeczywistej biomasy ramienic [Pełechaty, 2004]. Poza wspomnianymi ramienicami zjawisko wytrącania węglanu wapnia zaobserwowano także u innej grupy zielenic, reprezentowanej przez słodkowodne gatunki z rodzaju Ulva (syn. Enteromorpha – taśma, błonica, watka) [Messyasz i Rybak, 2009a]. Do tej pory badania prowadzone nad makrozielenicami z rodzaju Ulva (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) skupiały się na biogeografii, ekologii i morfologii tych glonów oraz strukturze peryfitonu okrzemkowego zalegającego na plechach Ulva. Dotychczas nie podejmowano analiz dotyczących wpływu kompleksów kryształów CaCO3 na rozwój plechy Ulva jak i na kształtowanie się biomasy rzeczywistej w czasie trwania ich cyklu rozwojowego. Celem prowadzonych badań była charakterystyka składu ilościowego i jakościowego inkrustacji pokrywających plechy słodkowodnych populacji Ulva występujących na terenie Wielkopolski. Określono również skład suchej i świeżej masy makroglona z wyszczególnieniem ich udziału w kształtowaniu biomasy; peryfitonu okrzemkowego oraz kryształów soli wapnia. Zwrócono również szczególnąa uwagę na różne typy morfologiczne kryształów, wytrącających się na powierzchni plech badanej zielenicy.Item Charakterystyka morfometryczna i siedliskowa makrozielenicy Ulva prolifera O.F. Müller J. Agardh 1883 (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae) na słodkowodnym stanowisku w Wielkopolsce(2009) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, AndrzejBadania nad morfometrią i czynnikami fizyczno-chemicznymi kształtującymi rozwój U. prolifera (Enteromorpha prolifera) prowadzono od maja do końca lipca 2008 r. Stanowisko badawcze zlokalizowano na stawie przepływowym we wsi Tulce pod Poznaniem (Wielkopolska). Stwierdzone miejsce występowania U. prolifera jest szóstym śródlądowym stanowiskiem tego gatunku w Polsce. Do analiz morfometrycznych i struktury plechy pobrano szereg prób. Odnaleziony gatunek makrozielenicy cechował się znaczną długością młodych plech (do 210 cm), które pojawiły się na początku maja. Zróżnicowana struktura powierzchni plech U. prolifera zarówno u osobników wolnopływających, jak i zanurzonych, wynikała z obecności rozbudowanego peryfitonuokrzemkowego. Obecność znacznej biomasy U. prolifera w ekosystemie słodkowodnym wskazywała na dużą żyzność badanego zbiornika. Stan eutrofii panujący na omawianym stanowisku może wynikać z faktu permanentnego zrzutu zanieczyszczeń komunalnych z Kostrzyna, dopływających rzeką Kopel do badanego stawu.Item CRYSTALS BANDS ON THE SURFACE OF FRESHWATER ULVA TAXA(2013-03-06) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, Andrzej; Pikosz, MartaThe incrustation process is an important occurrence whose effects were noticeable in the changes in growth of species from genera Ulva. It consisted in the precipitation of calcium carbonate on the surface of the cells wall of the freshwater macrogreen alga. The calcium carbonate occurred abundantly and formed characteristic bands on the surface of Ulva thalli. Surface incrustation of calcite was clearly rugged. In the first phase of development Ulva thalli growth naturally, could reach up to 1 m and was thin and smooth to the touch. It was correlation with small numbers of crystals on the surface. But with time, thalli becomes shorter and rough. The mass of deposit crystals increased with the age of Ulva thalli, which may constitute up to half of the dry weight of algae. The great density range of crystals was natural for mature thalli. The main aim of this study was to determine the morphology of the calcium carbonate crystals from the surface of freshwater Ulva taxa.Item Epiphytic diatom community and calcium carbonate crystals characteristics on the surface of freshwater Ulva thalli(2012) Messyasz, Beata; Pikosz, Marta; Rybak, Andrzej; Łepkowska, KarolinaOn the surface of the freshwater form of Ulva thalli the incrustations process takes place which resulted in the precipitate of calcium carbonate crystals (CaCO3 ). At the same time, this area is also inhabited by large numbers of periphytic communities, mainly by diatoms. Siliceous frustules and calcite crystals are responsible for the thalli roughness in all stages of its growth. Diatom communities colonizing young, thin thallus of Ulva were dominated by Cocconeis placentula and Melosira varians, and mature thalli by Cocconeis placentula and Navicula cryptocephala. The obtained data show that the surface roughness of thalli depends on the participation of calcium carbonate in the dry matter of Ulva and diatoms content does not change significantly with age of the macroalga thallus.Item Fertility effects on Ulva thalli mass development in inland waters of Poland(2013) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, Andrzej; Pikosz, Marta; Szendzina, LidiaThe genus Ulva (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) consists of some 140 species which are present mainly in marine waters. Nine species occur in the inland waters in Poland (central Europe), of which U. flexuosa subsp. pilifera (Kützing) Bliding is the most widespread in the Wielkopolska region. The occurrence of Ulva species in any particular locality seems to be governed mainly by the availability of nutrients (N, P) than by the high levels of anthropogenic salinity in freshwaters. Freshwater Ulva can grow in different types of ecosystems from reservoir (Malta) through ponds (Tulce) or rivers (Nielba) and ending on drainage ditches. The main question addressed by this study was does the quantity and size of Ulva thalli increase together with the amount of nutrients in water? In addition, the aim of the study was to determine whether the development and the persistence for the long time of the big and dense Ulva patches exert influence for the aqueous ecosystem. We used freshwater Ulva as a model study species.Item Freshwater Ulva (chlorophyta) as a bioaccumulator of heavy metals pollution in Nielba river (Wielkopolska region)(Ist Young Scientist Conference World Water Day, 2012-03) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, Andrzej; Pikosz, MartaHuman activities still increase and causes negative impact to environment and consequently lead to ecological degradation. Water pollution, whose source are pesticides and chemical fertilizers from catchment areas, in result enrich the aquatic environment in heavy metals. These water contamination is accumulated in tissues of living organisms. A high degree of accumulation of dissolved metals is noticeable in macroalgae. To the one of the most tolerant group to high levels of water contaminations belong both marine and freshwater green algae from Ulva genera. The main aim of these study was to show contamination levels of heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) in the freshwater Ulva growing in polluted water in Nielba River.Item Freshwater Ulva (Chlorophyta) as a bioaccumulator of selected heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) and alkaline earth metals (Ca and Mg)(Elsevier, 2012) Rybak, Andrzej; Messyasz, Beata; Łęska, BogusławaWe analyzed the ability of freshwater taxa of the genus Ulva (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) to serve as bioindicators of metal in lakes and rivers. Changes in heavy metal (Ni, Cd and Pb) and alkaline earth metal (Ca and Mg) concentrations in freshwater Ulva thalli were investigated during the period from June to August 2010. The study was conducted in two ecosystems in Western Poland, the Malta lake (10 sites) and the Nielba river (six sites). Three components were collected for each sample, including water, sediment and Ulva thalli. The average concentrations of metals in the water sample and in the macroalgae decreased in the following order: Ca > Mg > Ni > Pb > Cd. The sediment revealed a slightly altered order: Ca > Mg > Pb > Ni > Cd. Ca and Mg were found at the highest concentrations in thalli due to the presence of carbonate on its surface. Among the examined heavy metals in thalli, Ni was in the highest concentration, and Cd found in the lowest concentration. There were statistically significant correlations between the levels of metals in macroalgae, water and sediment. Freshwater populations of Ulva exhibited a greater efficiency to bioaccumulate nickel as compared to species derived from marine ecosystems.Item Macroalga Ulva intestinalis (L.) Occurrence in freshwater ecosystems of Poland: a new locality in Wielkopolska(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrdniczego w Lublinie, 2008) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, AndrzejA new locality of Ulva intestinalis was found near Krąplewo in the River Samica Stęszewska located in the Wielkopolski National Park region (Wielkopolska). On the basis of Carlson's index ranges, waters of the Samica Stęszewska river were qualified as eutrophic. In the river single thalluses of U. intestinalis which appeared by its banks were observed. The presence of this Ulva species thalluses in the Samica Stęszewska river confirmed the results of trophy examinations of this river. U. intestinalis is a species attached to eutrophic waters – both salty, slightly salty and inland. This next found site of this Ulva species is the 35th site on the inland area of Poland and the third in the Wielkopolska region. Altogether 59 localities of Ulva genera representatives, including U. intestinalis and 4 other species (U. compressa, U. flexuosa, U. paradoxa, U. prolifera) and one subspecies (U. flexuosa subsp. pilifera), were noted in limnic waters of Poland. The new locality of U. intestinalis in freshwaters of Wielkopolska contributes new and essential information about the distribution of this originally marine species on the inland area of Poland. The authors indicated the lack of studies in the scope of the mass thalluses influence from the Ulva genera on inland ecosystems and on water organisms inhabiting them.Item METALE CIĘŻKIE W WODZIE ORAZ PLECHACH ZIELENICY ULVA (ULVOPHYCEAE, CHLOROPHYTA)(CURSIVA, 2010) Łęska, Bogusława; Ptaszkiewicz, Łukasz; Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, AndrzejGlony mają bardzo szerokie zastosowanie i znaczenie w przyrodzie. Mogą być wskaźnikami zanieczyszczenia wody oraz środowiska w jakim się znajdują. Stanowią często największe źródło biomasy w wodach, szczególnie morskich. Pełnią bardzo ważną funkcję w utrzymaniu równowagi środowiska wodnego a ich obecność jest czynnikiem niezbędnym do prawidłowego funkcjonowania ekosystemów oceanicznych, morskich i słodkowodnych. Formy planktonowe glonów odgrywają także duże znaczenie w procesie biologicznego samooczyszczania się wód. Przyczyniają się do oczyszczania wód z pierwiastków biogennych (N, P). W literaturze można znaleźć informacje, że niektóre glony z gatunków Ulva (= ulwa, błonica, watka) mogą być dobrymi wskaźnikami podwyższonych koncentracji chlorków czy azotu w wodzie i skażenia wód metalami ciężkimi. Badania nad bioindykacyjną rolą tych glonów prowadzono dotychczas w estuariach i w pasie wód przybrzeżnych mórz i oceanów. Coraz częstsze masowe pojawy makroglonów Ulva w wodach śródlądowych zainicjowały tego typu badania z wykorzystaniem plech tej zielenicy. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie stężenia wybranych pierwiastków (Cd, Pb, Ni, Mg, Ca).w komórkach plech Ulva oraz w wodzie, w której te plechy intensywnie się rozwijały. Ponadto próbowano określić czy w komórkach Ulva dochodzi do kumulacji metali ciężkich i jeśli tak to jakich pierwiastków.Item Morphological and ultrastructural studies on Ulva flexuosa subsp. pilifera (Chlorophyta) from Poland(2013) Messyasz, Beata; Czerwik-Marcinkowska, Joanna; Massalski, Andrzej; Uher, Bohuslav; Rybak, Andrzej; Szendzina, Lidia; Pikosz, MartaUlva flexuosa subsp. pilifera (Kütz.) M. J. Wynne 2005 (= Enteromorpha pilifera Kützing 1845) was previously found in Argentina, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden, recently also in Poland. The genus Ulva was first time described as Enteromorpha. Interestingly, Enteromorpha is used nowadays as a synonym for Ulva, a development which is based on molecular data. The morphologies of both young and mature specimens were studied, and most life cycle stages could be observed. Further, the formation of calcium carbonate crystals on the surface of Ulva thalli seems to influence the arrangement of the cells. A detailed ultrastructural (TEM) analysis of cell walls is presented. The TEM reveals in great details highly complex, irregular structures with stratification lines.Item New locality of macroalga Ulva prolifera (Ulvaceae) in the Wielkopolska Region(W. SZAFER INSTITUTE OF BOTANY - POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - KRAKÓW, 2009-12-27) Rybak, Andrzej; Messyasz, BeataNew inland locality of Ulva prolifera O. F. Müller [=Enteromorpha prolifera (O. F. Müller) J. Agardh, Enteromorpha salina Kützing] was found in flowing pond in the Kopla valley, near Tulce country (Wielkopolska Region, locality coordinates: 52o20′35″N; 17o04′40″E). Macroalga thallus had been watched since May till August 2008. U. prolifera thalluses reached significant sizes (above 200 cm long). Thalluses of such sizes have not been described in the literature yet. Macroalga thalluses have been differing greatly in respect of its built in relation to all already known see forms. The pond in which this originally see species lived, was filled with very fertilized water. The eutrophia state present in the U. prolifera locality was caused by the flow of contaminated waters from a production plant nearby the pond, floating to it with Kopla river.Item Nowe śródlądowe stanowiska halofilnej zielenicy Enteromorpha compressa (L.) Ness w Polsce(2011-01-07T11:52:18Z) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, AndrzejThe new freshwater localities of Enteromorpha compressa were located in Poznań streams: Michałówka, Dworski Rów and Świątnica. The occurrence of this green alga was connected with the great concentration of chlorides and nitrates in the water. Mature thalluses of E. compressa were rich in corrugation, had numerous of long (several cm) proliferations and narrowings at the top parts of the tape. This freshwater form was reached the largeness of the thallus even up to 8 cm widths and 180 cm of the length.Item Occurrence of Enteromorpha compressa (Chlorophyta) in the Wielkopolska Region(W. SZAFER INSTITUTE OF BOTANY - POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - KRAKÓW, 2008-03-01) Messyasz, Beata; Rybak, AndrzejThe new inland positions of Enteromorpha compressa (L.) Ness [Ulva compressa L.] are located in Poznań streams: Michałówka, Dworski and Świątnica. Taking into account the morphology the freshwater form of E. compressa is very different from its see forms. Mature thallus reach impressive size from 180 cm in length to 8 cm width. All positions of that see-like macroalga are located near the A2 route (Nowy Tomyśl - Stryków). Sewage coming from the route fall into streams, in which great mass growth was observed. It is assumed, that this sewage probably has an impact on intense thallus growth.Item OCCURRENCE OF MACROALGAE FROM THE ULVA GENERA (ULVACEAE; CHLOROPHYTA) IN THE WIELKOPOLSKA REGION(Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk, 2009) Rybak, Andrzej; Messyasz, BeataThe work presents the specification of the reports from the appearance of species from Ulva genera (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) in the Wielkopolska region. The stands of the three species (Ulva compressa, U. intestinalis and U. prolifera) were marked on the map of the region in the ATPOL squares sequence. Since seventies till 2008 thalluses of the Ulva genera have been noticed in the 10 stands. Ulva species occurred in the lakes, ponds and rivers localized in the central part of the Wielkopolska region, often in the vicinity of the urbanized area.Item Odmiany polimorficzne węglanu wapnia na powierzchni plech Ulva (Chlorophyta) notowanych w wodach słodkich(2014) Messyasz, Beata; Pikosz, Marta; Rybak, AndrzejProcess of calcification, which is the formation of calcite — a pure calcium carbonate mineral, commonly takes place among both marine and freshwater algae. The available literature referring to inland waters provides a lot of information about calcareous macroalgae, mainly on extensively encrusted species of Chara, called stoneworts. In addition to this group, where CaCO3 may provide 60% of dry weight, also freshwater green alga Ulva is prone to CaCO3 precipitation (up to 50% of dry weight).Freshwater Ulva exhibit an extracellular calcification mode and the deposits form bands on the surface of a thallus. Owing to a large number of calcite crystals the surface is quite coarse. Microscopic observations demonstrated differences in the size and shape of crystals and divided them into two morphology types of CaCO3 microcrystals: calcite rhombohedrons and aragonite needles. The percentage of CaCO3 in the thalli was about 50% of dry weight.