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Item Grupy młodzieży w wielkomiejskim środowisku. Próba typologii(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Sosnowski, Adam; Walkowiak, JerzyThe article presents a fragment research results of housing estate communities of Szczecin and Poznan. It concerns groups of youth (of the same age and others) in the age 13 - 20-working or studying. The authors dwell on the sociological definitions of social group providing also their own understanding of the notion. It is found that the examined youth belongs most frequently to the contemporary groups (packs and gangs) and to loose social circles. Criteria to divide the population were: 1) level of the social adjustment, 2) level of social, cultural and educational activity. These criteria allowed to distinguish „exemplary" youth, „medium", „difficult" from the social margin and „difficult" in the conflict with law. The research proves that the respective categories are loosely related to school as institution, with the example of „medium" youth. Next, the composition of youth groups and circles was established. It appeared that on account of their institutionalized background, it is mostly the „medium" youth which belongs to them, it is rarely the case of „exemplary" youth and sporadically only of the „difficult" one. Members of extraschool packs are usually the „difficult" ones (both categories), next the „exemplary" ones and rarely the „medium" ones. It has been also established that the binding force varies as well: it is common interests for the „exemplary" and „medium" ones and crime and delinquency for the „difficult" ones, it concerns mostly the youth remaining in conflict with law.Item Kierunki badań i rozważań nad stereotypami w polskiej socjologii(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1979) Sosnowski, Adam; Walkowiak, JerzyL'article comprend la discussion et la classification des considérations et recherches polonaises à l'égard de quelques critères principaux concernant: 1) l'essentiel du stéréotype, 2) ses fonctions de base, 3) ses composants essentiels, ses traits ses dimensions, 4) le fondement de la naissance du stéréotype et 5) des méthodes de le découvrir et de le déterminer. Il met l'accent sur les résultats de l'analyse de la littérature soriologaqaie polonaise. En prenant et considération les critères mentionnés on a distingué les trois directions de base des considérations et des recherches: 1) la conception „de résultat", concentrant l'attention sur les imaginations et les convictions stéréotypées, 2) la conception cognitive, traitant le stéréotype en tant que manière de voir la réalité, en tant que schéma représentatif or comme un processus, 3) la direction liée strictement à l'analyse de l'opinion publique, traitant le phénomène discuté en tant que sa fraction — l'opinion fixe. Ce sont les trois courants si différents que dans quelques cas extrêmes embrassent par la reflexion et les recherches les ensembles des phénomènes bien éloignés. Dans le cadre des directions caractérisées on a soulevé et élaboré beaucoup de questions diverses concernant des stéréotypes, quoique on ait laissé des problèmes non résolus. C'est dans la deuxième partie de l'article que nous les signalons. Ils concernent entre autres le statut ontologique du phénomène discuté, son caractère social, la multiplicité des stéréotypes ayant rapport aux objets identiques, leur acceptation pour la vie sociale; la passivité de la perception déterminée par le schéma stéréotype ou par l'immae. D'une part l'article systématise la réflexion polonaise sur les stéréotypes à l'égard du leur traits essentiels, d'autre part il montre des questions non résolues en proposant certaines directions de leur résolution.Item Kierunki badań i rozważań nad stereotypami w polskiej socjologii(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1979) Sosnowski, Adam; Walkowiak, JerzyItem Marynarska zbiorowość na statku(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1983) Sosnowski, AdamThe article touches on a problem which is contained in the problems of maritime sociology and, to be more precise, in sociological theory of a ship. The first part is devoted to a discussion of the organizational structure of sea vessel. Its specific problems are a consequence of interelation of the environment of professional labor and of personal life outside the work on a ship as contrasted with a typical inland working place. Next the basic organizational structures of a sea vessel are indicated. The category of "social organization" is adopted as the particularly adequate to describe life and work on a boat as most sailors are defining their position on a boat through its angle. In the second part of the article basic groups and circles having an impact on the ship along with their social reflections are presented. The groups and circles are defined with regard to 1) the character and substance of the professional activities carried out, functioning in task roles, 2) character and substance of contacts and social relations beyond the task activities- functioning in friendly, comradely, informal and cultural roles, 3) character and substance of the activities indirectly related to professional activities- socio-political roles. The study proves that a problem of circles shaped by the hierarchical structure of a crew is particularly important, it is percepted by almost all sailors. The analyses also prove that ship circles of the privileged and discriminated persons are functioning in sailors' consciousness and in social reality, yet they are not the poles of the social hierarchical structure of a ship.Item Małżeństwo w systemie wartości rodzin marynarzy(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1987) Sosnowski, AdamThe article is the outcome of several years of studies of the problems of marital values in the families of seamen. In the theoretical sphere, the author refers to various formulations concerning the concept of "value". He begins with general (lexical) notion of that term; then he passes on to the presentation of its meaning in axiology, in the science of culture, social psychology and sociology. Next, various operationalizations of the concept of "value" in sociological research, both Anglo-American and Polish, have been presented. The following part contains the analysis of some results of studies of marriage and family as values. In the last part of the article an original attempt at empirical application of the term "the system of values" in studies of seamen's families with respect to the results of research conducted in 1978 - 1980 has been presented. The article ends with conclusions and assumptions and hipotheses to be verified in future.Item Specyfika ról zawodowych i pozazawodowych marynarzy(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1982) Sosnowski, AdamThe article is opened with an analysis of the term „social role" as a category of social analysis. The most typical for Polish sociology theoretical concepts and empirical operationalizations of that basic category are hereinafter discussed. Subsequently the most characteristic situations leading to the assumption of professional roles of sailors are indicated, Basic elements manifesting continuity and change of the roles were quoted following generational construction, historical and comparative analysis. In this way the subject of origins of future roles being shaped among future seamen (students of Martime High School and of Martinie College in Szczecin) was handled. The author also mentions intergenerational similarities in the achievement of a professional role of sailor as well as typical elements of the role for all generations: graduates, sailors remaining in active service and retired seamen. Next the remaining non professional roles are indicated: family roles to start with, a complex of political and social roles and a role of cultural life participante. The basic elements of distinguished role types are characterized in the attempt to describe similarities and differences in their performance by sailors and workes employed in inland based companies who are fulfilling roles related to life and work inland.Item Systemy wartości trzech pokoleń marynarzy(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1981) Sosnowski, AdamL'introduction passe en revue les notions concernant la place de la valeur dans le vie de l'individu et de la société; ce problème apparaissant dans de nombreux domaines. La partie suivante de l'article caractérise les valeurs approuvées les plus souvent par les représentants des trois générations de marins — retraités, marins en activité, élèves du Lycée de la Marine et étudiants de l'Ecole Supérieure de la Marine à Szczecin. Les valeurs approuvées et mises en relief par les représentants des groupes en question sont soumises à l'analyse. L'article présente la genèse des valeurs positives, leur sens, la dimension du dessin, la dimension de l'étendue (degré de l'obligation) et les rapports entre les valeurs (dimension de l'organisation). La comparaison entre les échelles des valeurs des adolescents fréquentant les écoles de la marine, des marins et des retraités met en évidence la transformation profonde. Les valeurs correspondant à la science, pratique, culture, distractions et développement de la condition physique sont liées au rôle de l'élève et au celui de l'étudiant. En acceptant le rôle du marin les jeunes changent la structure des valeurs. Dans la période de l'activité professionnelle ils distinguent deux groupes: 1) valeurs résultant de la hiérarchie qui règne sur le navire, 2) espérances liées au voyage commun comme: cameraderie, sociabilité, amitié. Le système des valeurs est modifié durant cette période par les problèmes liés au mariage, à la naissance des enfants, au nouveau appartement et à son aménagement, au développement de la vie professionnelle. Les marins terminant leur carrière professionnelle mettent en relief les valeurs liées au bon état de santé, au calme, au repos et à la famille.Item Typologia rodzin wielkoarmejskich środowisk według kryteriów wydolności wychowawczej i stymulacji kulturalnej(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Sosnowski, Adam; Walkowiak, JerzyThe article is presenting a fraction of survey results obtained during the iresearch of housing estate circles of Szczecin and Poznań. It concerns family circles of housing estate neighbourhood youth in the age of 13 - 20, studying and not working. The authors start with the sociological understanding of a family and its basic functions. In further part of the study they (present and discuss categories of youth differentiated by them. Criteria of differentiation were the following: 1) level of social adaptation, 2) level of social, cultural and educational activeness. The "exemplary" youth is the first of the mentioned categories. Its functioning in the family is characterized by the incentive to cooperate with the remaining members of that genetical group and appearing conflicts have a creative and developing character. That part of youth consists of almost one fifth of the whole population. The next category described as "average" youth differs from the rest by means of the emotional ties with their families of origin and by drawing from it patterns for the created models and visions of their family of procreation, especially in social and educational spheres. That part of the examined equals one half of the neighbourhood youth. The final category, subdivided into the "difficult" youth from the social marigin and the youth in conflict with law is characterized by loose ties with a family and little relations with a wider social environment. Representatives of that category consist over the third part of the whole category of youth.Item Typy udziału młodzieży w kulturze a poziom przystosowania(Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016, 1990) Sosnowski, AdamThe article starts with a series of questions concerning the relations between particular levels of adjustment and the forms and contents of the youths' participation in culture. Having commented on basic dilemmas of contemporary adjustment, the author distinguished and discussed five basic types of the youths' participation in culture, determined according to the criterion of the level of social adjustment. The first (the lowest) level consists in participation in massand pop-culture in institutional frames, with the elements of revolt and individualism. A characteristic feature of the second level of adjustment is the past association with local cultural institutions and the present participation in cultural institutions of more universal character. A determinant of the third level of adjustment is cultural superficiality and syncretism. The essence of the fourth level of adjustment is the continuity of interests and the past participation in school extracurricular activities. Finaly, a characteristic symptom of the fifth (the highest) level of adjustment is the autotelic (in the past) and pragmatic (at present) character of the reading habit. The article ends with the confrontation of the adjustment levels with the character of the youths' participation in culture. In that part the author synthetically discusses the stages and periods of adjustment in relation to the types of participation in culture. Here, the author distinguished eight types of participation in culture, starting from the simplest one (habitual), characterized by the mere participation in mass culture, and ending with the fullest and comprehensive participation, characterized i.a. by one's own creative activity. 10