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Item CYKLICZNOŚĆ W TEORIACH LUDNOŚCIOWYCH(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1998) Szuman, AlicjaSome characteristic concepts attempting to explain a mechanism of demographic transformations were presented in the article. All of them have exponed the phemomenon of periodicity as a determinant of population development. Changes in numeral level of population have been explained with wars or pests (G. Bouthoul, W. Able, E. Rosset, A. Lòsch), detections were also made to find out in demography pre-causes of some social phenomenons (J. C. Russel), and some other conceptions are grown on the groundwork of biological ideas (C. Gini, R. Pearl). The attempts made up to the present to find out some regularity of population increase depending on successive phases of development of this process have all failed. Theories were built on a basis of concrete sources of materials which were incomplete as a rule and, above all, incomparable and, as such, it led to distorted results. Fluctuations within the process of population reproduction had therefore various forms. No one from the theories appealing to periodicity does explain mechanism that generates increase in the population number.Item Elementy rachunku społeczno-ekonomicznego zatrudnienia kobiet w okresie rozwoju rodziny(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1977) Szuman, AlicjaThe object of this article is the benefits and costs connected with the married women's labour in the 20-44 age group. The autoress wants to acquaint the reader with the basic elements of the social-economic calculation of employment of the women. The basic element of this calculation is the national income generated by married women in the 20 - 44 age group. In the cost analysis connected with the women's professional work attention should be paid to wages for women, costs of absence caused by maternity and care taken of ill child, building expenses of infants' nurseries and kindergartens, building expenses of services of all kind.Item ETIOLOGIA RÓŻNIC I ZMIAN W MOTYWACH PRACY ZAWODOWEJ MATEK(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2004) Szuman, AlicjaThe aim of this paper is to discover the reasons behind mothers’ decision to practice a profession and to determine a possible relationship between their material/non-material motivation to work and the family/occupational status of mothers in different stages of family life. The analysis of working mothers’ reasons to be employed has been based on the source data gathered in a state-wide opinion poll carried out by Poznań University of Economics Family Research Center. The research was carried out in 1999 on a sample of 2484 working mothers, living in cities. As the research shows, the material motivation to work was the principal and sole reason for only 4.8% of working mothers living in cities. 22.4% of the respondents pointed to non-material motives. The dominant group in the sample consisted of married women who claimed both matérial and non-material reasons (72.8%). Taking into account additionally the stages o f family life, the married women in the 1st stage of family stabilisation (see 3.1) are the most remarkable group in terms of the structure of the declared reasons for working. Material reasons were stated the least often, and non-material reasons - the most often by them. In general, with greater number of children in the family, mothers are less likely to declare non-material grounds as the most important and the value of non-material grounds in an overall ratio is smaller. The motives are also conditional on the type of family. Three-generation families are noteworthy here as the respondents from these families mentioned the non-material grounds most often. The age of the mother, the child and the year of contracting the marriage has a far smaller impact on the structure of reasons for working. As for socio-occupational factors, the level of education is the most discriminatory: the higher the mother’s education, the more frequently she declares the non-material motives as the most important. Finally, motivation is also related to the way the mother handles her professional career. The influence of the financial situation of a family is undisputable. Respondents who described their standard of living as very good declared the non-material motives most often, and were most likely to mention them first.Item Postawy i zachowania prokreacyjne matek pracujących w okresie rozwoju rodziny(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1989) Szuman, AlicjaThe purpose of the article is to determine the influence of professional activity of mothers on procreation attitudes and behaviours of these women in the family formation period. The study is based on the questionnaire conducted among 1459 mothers. The analysis showed that professional activity of mothers influences the procreation activity, decreasing the number of children and prolonging the periods between consecutive births. Most working mothers in reproductive age resign from having more children, especially mothers having already 2 or 3 children. The percentage of one-child mothers not wanting to have more children is also high, a phenomenon which evokes serious concerns from a demographic point of view. Motivation for resigning from having more children is diversified. The most frequent reasons are: the increase in costs of bringing up children poor condition of mother's health and inadequate housing conditions.Item PRACA ZAWODOWA MATEK A WARUNKI MATERIALNE RODZINY(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 2006) Szuman, AlicjaThe aim of this paper was to study and evaluate the main elements that determine the living conditions of families and the extent to which their needs are satisfied at different stages of family development, depending on the professional activity of mothers. The study was based on extensive empirical material collected from questionnaires that had been circulated nationwide by the Centre of the Family Research, at the University of Economics in Poznań. It was carried out in 2004 and comprised a group of 3611 families in which the mother worked, or did not work professionally. The obtained results have shown that families in which mothers work professionally have a relatively better financial conditions than the families with non-working mothers. Almost 3 of mothers reported insufficient means preventing them from fully satisfying the needs of their families. However, families in which mothers worked professionally did not have to save for house repairs or house improvements as much as those with non-working mothers, and the latter exceeded in their saving activity, or inability to invest by 37.2% those with a working mother. A decided majority of families was also forced to cut down on their expenses on recreation and social life. The housing situation of the families under our study was markedly different, to, depending on the professional activity of the mother, the place of the family residence, and some major demographic and social features. The housing situation of families with a non-working mother is less advantageous to than that with a working mother. Their households show a different level of abundance in durable consumer goods. That diversification becomes even more pronounced, when it comes to more expensive or more luxury goods.Item PRZEOBRAŻENIA STRUKTURY SPOŁECZNO-ZAWODOWEJ LUDNOŚCI POLSKI W XX WIEKU(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Szuman, AlicjaIn the paper an attempt was undertaken to make a review of changes in populations structure as a result of its differentiation from the point of view of employment. Considerations have been limited to three following aspects of these transformation, and namely: intersectorial evolution, changes of maintenance of the population and increasing professional activity of women. The analysis is based on data taken from seven selected censuses (1921,1931, 1950, 1970, 1978, 1988) and from three micro-censuses (1974, 1984, 1995). The research made proved that fundamental trend in changes within professional structure is continuous moving of the employees of the 1st and 2st sectors to the third one. Such a relative regrouping makes that the share of service sector in general volume of employment grows larger. Also the image of the Polands’ population in respect of the main source of maintenance underwent some essential changes because of the move of population from the century to the towns and because of increased number of persons who derive their means of maintenance mainly from extra-agricultural sources. One of principal features of modernisation is a growth of professional activity of women. Distributions of the last as presented in the paper made us able to state that a pattern of constant professional activity is still on force in Poland. In such a situation women in Poland do reconcile their job with family duties. So clearly outlined trends of changes do indicate however that Poland tends firmly towards the group of economically highly developed countries.Item Społeczno-ekonomiczne aspekty pracy zawodowej matek w okresie rozwoju rodziny(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1985) Szuman, AlicjaThe present work attempts at establishing and systematizing social and economic profits and costs related to the professional engagement of mothers in the period of their family development. Taking up the paid work mothers are increasing the actual family income. Yet apart the favorable financial effect for the family, the paid work of mothers is accompanied by material costs incurrecj by the household (expenses for a child-care during the work period, commuting time, necessity of additional care for the physical appearance of mothers and their children, satisfying the own increased cultural needs, additional expenses for the household managing) and by the social losses which can not be measured in pecuniary categories although they are incurred by the family and the Whole society (extensive burdening of working mothers with professional and family duties results in drawbacks in fulfilling their procreational, care and educational functions, accelerates the process of family disintegration, negatively affects the health of mothers and their children). Professional engagement of mothers creates numerous conflicts and problems which must be overcome; it is the basic task of the social policies of the State.