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Item Teologia łaski i wolności w nauczaniu św. Grzegorza z Nyssy(Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2006) Kotkowska, ElżbietaItem Simone Weil’s questions about God(Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2006) Kotkowska, ElżbietaWe can say that the 20th century was not an era for seeking the truth in the first place. Philosophers and others were absorbed with the idea that we cannot know anything for certain. No one is able to claim that something is really true. However, we can find philosophers who were willing to die for the truth. We can discover them in the Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant Churches. For example, father Pavel Florensky, a Russian philosopher and priest, played an important role in solving the problem of correlation between culture and religion. He died executed by the firing squad at the Solovki Gulag on December 8th, 1937. Another such philosopher was St. Edith Stein. She was martyred equally for the truth of the Catholic Faith and for the truth of Mosaic Faith. Edith Stein was put on a train heading for the East and died in the gas chambers of Auschwitz probably on 9th August, 1942. The third person, who died for the truth in those horrible times, was Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The integrity of his Christian faith and life led him to a concentration camp, where he was hanged on April 9th, 1945. Looking at those great people of European history in the 20th century, we can see some contrasts and similarities to the life and activity of a French thinker – Simone Weil. Simone Weil was looking for the truth all her life. She was Jewish, but she was attracted to Roman Catholicism and sure that the truth is in God. Simone Weil persuades us that it is at the same time possible and impossible to know God, because “Dieu ne peut ętre présent dans la création que sous la forme de l’absence”.Item Warunki interpretacji pojęcia doświadczenie poza-eklezjane w świetle dokumentów Soboru Watykańskiego II,(Wydział teologiczny UAM, 2008) Kotkowska, ElżbietaItem Warunki wstępne interpretacji doświadczenia religijnego. Pomiędzy »logos spermatikos« a »qehal el«(Wydział Teologiczny UAM 2008, 2008) Kotkowska, ElżbietaNowadays we observe social transformations that have no counterparts in previous ages. Social dependences are expressed in forms that change and increase with unprecedented intensity. Human beings in their individual experience, particularly religious, realize themselves through dynamic relations to the surrounding world, other people and God. People desire a deepened interpretation what they experience. In this article I seek research tools which can help investigations in the area of fundamental theology which is expected to transform or translate individual experience in a rational way into an objective interpretative pattern. We seek such models of reality, which will ground theological investigations in the social relation of an individual person to world [in general] and to transcendence. Two investigative categories from the Christian tradition are accepted in the article: logos spermatikos and assembly of God – qehal which especially take into account the salvific perspective of the history of creation. These notions allow us to describe phenomena not only as static; they also allow us to interpret dynamic relations underway in our time. In the accepted investigative model (model 2) both the beginning and the aim of creation are qualified as dynamic realities. They influence and react to everything that happens in creation. We should therefore interpret the precondition of individual religious experience as dynamic. This will let us describe the .transient relations. as a basis in these investigations. Such an approach will prevent us from deprecating individuality in favor of the community, or the reverse.Item Louange de la gloire - la vie de I'homme cachée dans la Trinité(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Wydział Teologiczny. Redakcja Wydawnictw, 2010) Nawracała, TomaszItem Całość i τέλος pamięci Kościoła(Centrum Dialogu i Modlitwy w Oświęcimiu, Stowarzyszenie Teologów Fundamentalnych w Polsce, 2010) Kotkowska, ElżbietaItem Gdzie jest basileia? Biblijne, historyczne i teologiczne aspekty współczesnej dyskusji na temat królestwa Bożego(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Wydział Teologiczny. Redakcja Wydawnictw, 2011) Nawracała, TomaszLa question concernant la relation entre l’idée du royaume de Dieu et l’Eglise a acquis au fil des siècles des réponses différentes, parfois même contradictoires. Cet article veut montrer la diversité de ces réponses fondées sur le concept biblique du royaume de Dieu et développées ensuite dès l’Antiquité chrétienne. Sur cette base, il montre comment les aspects de la discussion moderne portent sur la détermination de ce qui, par son essence, est le royaume de Dieu et sur son rapport à l’Eglise. Il montre ainsi l’ampleur du problème dans la théologie moderne et il esquisse les éléments essentiels qui doivent être prises en compte lors des recherches postérieurs.Item Rozłączność substancji i przypadłości chleba jako klucz do interpretacji Eucharystii. Opinia Kartezjusza na temat Misterium eucharystycznego(Prymasowskie Wydawnictwo Gaudentinum, 2012) Nawracała, TomaszThe changes taking place in modern philosophy have also had their impact on theology. New attempts at describing and explaining the world constituted an encouragement towards taking up a discussion with the Church dogmas, defined in scholastic terms. These terms have shaped, in a particular way, the theology of the Eucharist rendering it a great mystery. Descartes, who intended to create his own philosophical summa endeavours to explicate the Eucharist by means of his methods and philosophical assumptions. In many instances, the Eucharistic doctrine recurs in the French thinker’s writings only to culminate in the letter to Father Mesland of February 1645. This article deals with and analyses the aforementioned letter with the evaluation of its contribution to the understanding of the greatest mystery of faith – the sacramental presence of Christ the Lord.Item „Might we become God?” Some methodological remarks on ‘theosis’(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Wydział Teologiczny. Redakcja Wydawnictw, 2012) Nawracała, TomaszChrześcijańska wizja człowieka ukazuje go jako nieustannego wędrowca do Boga. To bycie z Bogiem ukazuje się człowiekowi jako przedmiot najgłębszych nadziei i pragnień, które stopniowo realizują się aż do pełni w życiu wiecznym. Eschatologiczne wejście człowieka we wspólnotę z Osobami Trójcy Świętej określa się tradycyjnie słowem przebóstwienie. Co jednak oznacza? Jaką rzeczywistość określa dosłownie, a nie przenośnie? Niniejszy artykuł wskazuje na kilka istotnych elementów koniecznych do rozpatrywania 'theosis' człowieka. Nie chodzi tylko o wskazanie możliwości przebóstwienia jako takiego, tylko o pewną metodologię mówienia o nim. Kluczowe jest bowiem pytanie, jak daleko 'theosis' niweluje dystans między człowiekiem a Bogiem.Item Teolog fundamentalny wobec ataku Przypadku, Nieokreśloności, Prawdopodobieństwa, Dwuznaczności, Wieloznaczności?(Księgarnia św. Jacka, 2012) Kotkowska, ElżbietaPostmodernizm prezentuje postawę akceptacji Nieładu, Chaosu i Przypadku. Czy istnieje moż- liwość dialogu z taką postawą? Postmodernizm powstaje jako bunt na pograniczu filozofii i estetyki. Kontestuje zastany Ład. Sprzeciwia się kartezjańskiemu Cogito ergo sum oraz podziałowi na res cogitans i res extensa. Jest to ruch kulturowy, który nie ma jeszcze swojego ostatecznego wyrazu. Jest on ciągle postrzegany jako proces przechodzenia od starego do nowego Ładu. Taki brak dookreślenia budzi niepokój i sprzeciw. Teologia fundamentalna jest badaniem granic i dialogu. Stoi na progu, więc ma obowiązek rozeznać ludzki niepokój w akceptacji otaczającego świata. Musimy zapytać, dlaczego człowiek akceptuje ten Nieład?Item Tradycja jako przekazywanie Bożego Objawienia w świetle dokumentu Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej "Teologia dzisiaj: perspektywy, zasady, kryteria"(Włocławskie Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne, 2013) Rossa, PiotrThe author of the article reflects upon of the theme of handing down Revela-tion in light of International Theological Commission’s document, Theology Today: Perspectives, Principles and Criteria. The starting point in this handing-down process is a broadly-understood listening to the Word of God. Recognizing, in light of the Word, the revealed God in Jesus Christ, one sees the whole process which has taken place through Christ’s commission to the Apostles, that they proclaim the Gospel which has been announced and fulfilled by Him. The handing down process takes place through the words and life of the Apostles; it is committed to writing, and Scripture as well as Tradition are tightly bound in order for Revelation to be handed down. This process takes place in the Church by the power of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, the Church Magisterium – which is the College of Bishops who are the Apostles’ successors by the power of succession in union with the Pope as the head – authentically interprets the deposit of faith. In this handing down process, the mission of theologians is not only individual, but collegial as well.Item „Co mam czynić, aby osiągnąć zbawienie?” Znaczenie ‘ergon’ w Nowym Testamencie(Prymasowskie Wydawnictwo Gaudentinum, 2013) Nawracała, TomaszThe author of the article, “What Shall I Do to Be Saved? The Significance of Ergon in the New Testament” stresses that that all the tasks undertakenduring a person,s life define and express his / her essential character. A person’s actions refer not only to his / her past but to the future as well. Each activity acquires a fully human dimension only if it is based on love. Whenever love is missing, evil appers. The author of the Book of Revelation, following the Old Testament tradition, mentions the reward for the good deeds performed by the saints. This article is an attempt at providing an answer to the question about which deeds can be rewarded by God.Item Umberta Eco "dzieło otwarte" a Biblia(Stowarzyszenie Teologów Fundamentalnych w Polsce, 2013) Kotkowska, ElżbietaIn this study the author presents the concept of the Umberto Eco’s model of "open work". The question is: if this model can be applied to Bible. Umberto Eco argued that literary texts have many fields of meaning, that they are understood as open, internally dynamic and psychologically engaged fields. We can say the same about Bible. The model of "open works" is very useful in the research of relation between Bible and a reader of Saint text. The model of "open works" does not include verification function of the community and Tradition.Item Trudności i szanse wychowania na współczesnym uniwersytecie: autorytet mistrza(Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe ZAPOL, 2013) Rossa, PiotrThe university as a community of theachers and students is dedicated to the search for truth through scientific research. This search is intrinsically connected with the university's educational role. It is a role which, for centuries, has been bound up with the authority of the academic teacher who is also a mentor. Contemporary transformations have resulted in placing an ever growing emphasis on the student's professional training and a lesser emphasis on educational tasks. The modern university is characterized by an economization and an easy access to multiple fields of study. In spite of a frequent tendency to abandon the task of factual evaluation, the university retains some of its educational functions which are linked with the person who is both a teacher and a mentor, as for instance, in the case of a project coordinator.Item Karola Wojtyły postulat dialogicznego wzbogacania wiary(Włocławskie Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne, 2013) Rossa, PiotrThe text elaborates on Karol Wojtyła’s dialogical call for the enrichment of faith. The basis of such an approach to faith was Wojtyła’s earlier philosophical and theological research which took note of man’s personhood, and emphasized the personal and dialogical character of one’s ability to humanly relate to God and other human beings. This research enabled Wojtyła to contribute significantly to the various formulations of Vatican II and constituted the foundation of his spiritual and pastoral activities.Item Sakramenty w przekazie wiary Kościoła o Jezusie Chrystusie w świetle encykliki Lumen fidei(Włocławskie Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne, 2013) Rossa, PiotrThe article presents a reflection of the encyclical Lumen fidei on the role of the Sacraments in the transmission of faith. They are understood in light of this document as one of the forms of the Church’s communal memory. Of all the Sac-raments, Baptism and Eucharist are the most foundational ones in the experience of encountering Christ and journeying toward Him who is the end, toward whom man is striving.Item 'Akoloutheo' w Nowym Testamencie. Próba interpretacji w świetle eschatologicznej odpłaty dla świętych(Prymasowskie Wydawnictwo Gaudentinum, 2014) Nawracała, TomaszFollowing Christ is one of the most distinctive elements of Christianity. This ideal is reflected in thr lives of the saints, who were able to act in a surprising and admirable way in faith and love of God and their neighbour. The Saints’ deeds make us think all the more so if following the author of the Book of Revelation we ponder over them being accompanied (‘akolouthia’) by their own works. This manuscript attempts to interpret the Greek notion in view of the repayment for the saints.Item Teologiczna symbolika wybranych postaci historii Izraela w mowie Matatiasza (1 Mch 2,51-61)(2015) Janusz NawrotThe core of Mattathias’ deathbed speech addressed to his sons and all the participants of the Maccabaean rising (1 Macc 2:51-61) is the command to be faithful to the law and the covenant as a foundation of patriotism as it was then understood – love of one’s homeland and defense of traditions that constituted the identity of the people who inhabited it. The biblical author recalls the major figures in the history of Israel to show the struggle of the insurgents as a continuation of the history created by the heroes of the past. The object of the article is to present the theology of those particular figures from the history of Israel in the context of the then ongoing events whereby they became models to follow and a source of perseverance in the undertaken struggle against the pagan invaders from the Seleucid empire.Item Integralne ujęcie prawdy jako odpowiedź na współczesne zagrożenia wiary(Wydział Teologiczny UAM, 2015) Kotkowska, ElżbietaItem „Godne pochwały jest rozgłaszać i wysławiać dzieła Boże”. Znaczenie czynu ('ergon') w Starym Testamencie(Wydawnictwo Gaudentinum, 2015) Nawracała, TomaszA human being in his/her entire existence is oriented towards God. Thanks to His grace, not only is he/she ‘capax Dei’, but only in God does he/she feel fulfilled. Eternity is the communion of people and man has been invited to it. He/she enters it after the Final Judgement, delivered by God after a person’s death. What will the result of the Final Judgement be? Who and what will survive it? The man deprived of everything or his/her deeds, as well? These were deeds thanks to which he/she achieved salvation, and thus it is possible that they will be preserved in God. This article aims at answering the question of what deeds can be preserved in eternity according to the authors of the Old Testament.