Studia Prawa Publicznego, 2016, Nr 2 (14)
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Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Jankowska, PaulinaItem Z orzecznictwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Różowicz, KonradItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Narożniak, AgnieszkaItem Reform of the budget of the European Union as a process of strengthening the European identity. Are Europeans ready for it?(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Nieborak, TomaszStan finansów Unii Europejskiej stanowi od wielu lat przedmiot ożywionej debaty publicznej. Dotyczy to kilku elementów, z których obecnie za najważniejsze należy uznać: kryzys finansowy, sytuację w strefie euro, kryzys migracyjny, a w ostatnim czasie wyzwania, przed jakimi stanie Unia Europejska w sytuacji opuszczenia jej przez Wielką Brytanię. Wszystkie wymienione elementy to jedynie część aktualnych problemów mogących zadecydować o przyszłości Zjednoczonej Europy – Europy, której proces jednoczenia, mimo niewątpliwych błędów popełnionych po drodze, uznać można za zakończony sukcesem. Wydaje się wszakże, iż w pewnym momencie ideologia jednoczenia przysłoniła istotę budowania efektywnych struktur europejskich. Zaczęły bowiem dominować interesy indywidualne poszczególnych państw, a wartości przyświecające ojcom założycielom Unii Europejskiej zostały zmarginalizowane. Dowodem na to jest sytuacja budżetu ogólnego Unii Europejskiej, który w swej istocie stanowić miał instrument realizacji idei i wartości unijnych. Niestety, poprzez wprowadzanie kolejnych wyjątków od zasad nim rządzących, wyrażających się między innymi w uprzywilejowaniu poszczególnych państw, doprowadzono do tego, że w dyskusji na jego temat zaczęła dominować retoryka zamykająca się w zdaniu: „kto dał więcej, a kto mniej”. W związku z tym zatracono sens realizacji zasady solidarności, tj. faktycznego wyrównywania szans pomiędzy państwami czy też regionami, a także wartości dodanej tworzonej przez poszczególne wydatki budżetowe. Należy stwierdzić, że wzrost nastrojów antyeuropejskich w połączeniu z powolnym odchodzeniem od fundamentalnych wartości, na których historycznie budowana była Europa, godzi w kształtowanie tożsamości europejskiej. Nie wszystko jednak stracone. Konieczne jest wprowadzenie zmian, które przywrócą Europie jej europejskość i pozwolą utrzymać pozycję we współczesnym świecie. Z całą pewnością jednym z instrumentów prowadzących do tego celu powinien być budżet ogólny Unii Europejskiej, którego struktura oraz mechanizmy funkcjonowania, podobnie jak instytucje unijne, muszą być wszakże poddane reformie.Item Sprawozdania i informacje(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Urbańczyk, MichałItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Staniszewska, LucynaItem Istota i znaczenie (funkcje) zasad postępowania sądowoadministracyjnego(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Wiktorowska, AleksandraThere are two main platforms on which the role and importance of the principles of procedural law can be observed. One concerns the basic functions played by these principles, i.e. the function that orders the process, the function that shapes the process model, the interpretative function and the cognitive function. The other platform concerns the reference sphere i.e. a sphere to which these principles are or may be of importance owing to the functions they have. Thus it comprises the sphere of making and enforcing law and its criticism, the law teaching and researching sphere, the practical sphere, the political-ideological sphere and last but not least the sphere of codifi ed and non-codifi ed law. This division however is not absolute. There exists, for example, convergence between the sphere of law enforcement and law practice as well as between the sphere of law criticism and law teaching or researching. A similar convergence may be observed between the law making and the political-ideological spheres. The two platforms cross over and create meeting points in which individual functions of principles in relevant reference spheres may be marked. At the law-making stage, the ordering function harmonises legal solutions adopted in a legislative act whereas at the law-enforcement stage it facilitates construction of a legal text. The shaping of a model of proceedings in administrative courts by principles means that these principles make it possible to determine the structure of institutions and procedural solutions in proceedings before administrative courts, while the interpretative function occurs only in the sphere of law enforcement and criticism. The cognitive function is mainly signifi cant for the law teaching and researching sphere, but also for the law practice, including criticism.Item Społeczne budownictwo czynszowe jako usługa w ogólnym interesie gospodarczym(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Bujny, Jędrzej; Maśliński, MikołajSocial rental housing is one of the possible instruments which are applied to ensure the satisfaction of housing needs. However, public funds which are transferred to entities that operate within this area should be usually classified as State aid. The analysis presented in this paper concerns the following question: is it possible to consider the operation of a social rental housing program as services of general economic interest. This question seems to be a topical issue because of a new legislative initiative aiming at establishing a governmental housing program that was implemented by the Act of 10 September 2015 which amended the Act on certain forms of supporting housing construction. The aforementioned program stipulates the legal frames for refundable and preferential financing that may be granted to specific entities in order to realise investments in social rental housing. The governmental housing program complements earlier local housing policies in force. What is significant is that the Polish legislator decided to qualify support granted as services of general economic interest, as referred to in Commission Decision 2012/21/UE of 20 December 2011 on the Application of Article 106(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to certain undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest. Applying Commission Decision 2012/21/UE to this situation raises some doubts as to the lack of clarity of a term “social housing”. Due to a certain controversy over the abovementioned issue, the authors have attempted to examine whether the application of preferential provisions of Commission Decision 2012/21/UE to the social housing program is in accordance with the relevant provisions of EU competition rules.Item O stopniach naukowych w Polsce Ludowej. Część 2. Organizacja aspirantury naukowej i studiów doktoranckich(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Wojtczak, KrystynaBetween 1952–1990 a lower academic degree could be earned in a number of ways, two of which were post graduate studies (aspirantura) and doctoral studies. The organisation of post graduate studies followed the Soviet solution available from 1951. Participants obtained a title of a science candidate. Doctoral studies, implemented in 1958, allowed participants to earn a title of a doctor. The two ways discussed in the paper differed significantly but shared a common feature: the solu tions which they implemented served firstly, to recruit candidates ready to engage in research and academic teaching; secondly, to ensure the social and economic society availability of professionals with qualifications exceeding the knowledge gained at an institution of higher education; thirdly, to provide institutional scientific guardianship to doctoral students working on their dissertations; fourthly, to realise the educational programme prepared for doctoral students who were adequately prepared for post graduate studies; and fifthly, to precisely define the status of scientific researchers working on scientific dissertations and to establish the principles upon which they received financial and social assistance. In both cases, education leading to a scientific degree differed in stability. While those regarding aspirantura were largely constant and durable, doctoral studies lacked this durability. The elements which were taken into consideration when examining the latter form of PhD studies included in particular: determination of the purpose of offering doctoral studies, forms in which doctoral studies were conducted (both for employed and non-employed candidates), recruitment and admission requirements, and the conditions in which the course was conducted. The whole process was also found to be subject to the changing scope of rights and duties of doctoral students, their tutors as well as supervisory bodies responsible for doctoral studies.Item Charakter prawny wyroków wydawanych przez Krajową Izbę Odwoławczą(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Różowicz, KonradThe regulation of the legal nature of an appeal proceeding or a judgment crowning the proceeding is ambiguous and unclear. The National Appeals Chamber which issues a judgment decides upon the validity of a contract, the obligations of the contracting authority, financial penalties, and, indirectly, the actions taken by contractors. The influence of such decisions is of theoretical and practical significance and justifies an analysis presented in the paper. Thus the constitutive features of judgments handed down by a public administration body have been analysed and compared with typical forms of law enforcement (judicial decisions of the common courts, decisions issued by arbitration courts and individual administrative decisions). The latter have been given particular attention. The deliberations were based on the position of the doctrine of the law on public procurements, provisions of civil law and administrative law, as well as judicial decisions and judgments issued by the National Appeals Chamber. These were then analysed in the light of normative regulations of the Act on Public Procurements. The analysis revealed a multitude of problems resulting from the adoption by the legislature of atypical forms of action by the National Board of Appeal. The analysis provides the basis for further research aimed to create a coherent system regulating public procurements to ensure its proper functioning and to reduce the possibility of further interpretative problems.Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Narożniak, AgnieszkaItem Najnowsze zmiany ustawy o postępowaniu egzekucyjnym w administracji(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Kożuch, PiotrThe Act on Administrative Enforcement Proceedings was adopted on 17 June 1966. The Act constitutes the basis of enforcement proceedings in administration and has been in force for the last fifty years. Despite many political and socio-economic changes during that period, the national legislature decided not to introduce any new legislation but simply modify the existing regulations. This study aims to describe and explain the amendments to the law on administrative proceedings which came into force on 1 January 2016. These amendments are connected with the solutions worked out in the model structures of tax administration organisations resulting from the enactment of the Act on Tax Administration of 10 July 2015 and require extensive discussion as they change the essential components of the procedure i.e. initiation of enforcement proceedings by creditors, exclusion of the Minister of Finance from the jurisdiction in the second instance in individual cases of enforcement procedure, the possibility of authorising local governments own organisational units to exercise the rights and obligations of the creditor and the enforcement authority, postponement of enforcement proceedings or enforcement actions, mandatory elements of an administrative enforcement title, the procedure adopted by an enforcement authority at the stage of examining the admissibility of an enforcement order, information rights of the enforcement authority, recognition of complaints regarding enforcement actions (general and connected with applying a specific enforcement measure) as well as the excessive length of proceedings and elimination of enforcement costs if creditors are tax offices or customs chambers.Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016) Staniszewska, Lucyna