Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1999, nr 2
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Item DZIECIĘCA PROSTYTUCJA HOMOSEKSUALNA I PEDOFILIA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Lisiecki, MirosławThe phenomenon of child’s prostitution and of the ensuing from it paedophilia increases constantly proportionally to deepening discordance between welfare and poverty and to still growing up moral relativism. Essential is also the question of emancipation of sexual behaviour recognized up to the present as being deviated (for instance: acceptance for official existence of gay’s organizations). The Author points out a series of problems which have an imminent link with certain part of the gay’s milieu; its member can - through a violence of legal rules, morals and morality - exert their criminogenic and wictimogenic influence on their social milieu. The Author, by the way of his considerations, devotes much place also to unlawful heterogenic contacts, to the phenomenon of sexually abused juveniles within their families and also - to juvenile prostitution and adequate means of preventing such a trade.Item KORZYSTANIE Z PORNOGRAFII AGRESYWNEJ A PRZEMOC SEKSUALNA - ZALEŻNOŚĆ POZORNA CZY RZECZYWISTA?(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Krawulska-Ptaszyńska, AnnaThis article makes a review of previous studies engaged mainly to prove the pornography - aggression relationship. Question asked the most frequently in these studies, connected with the problem of pornography consumption, was the following: is pornography able to lead to antisocial behavior against women? This article attempts also to analysis obtained results (experimental outcomes and statistical data came from sexual crime statistics made for countries in which pornography is not restricted). According to this analyse, it is possible that, so far, we do not have fully convincing evidence to prove the main thesis - that pornography really provokes changes in men’s attitudes and behavior towards women.Item Sprawozdania i informacje EKONOMICZNO-SOCJOLOGICZNE I ETYCZNE ASPEKTY RESTRUKTURYZACJI W GOSPODARCE KRAJÓW EUROPY ŚRODKOWO-WSCHODNIEJ Konferencja naukowa, Poznań, 3 - 4.12.1998 r.(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Budzisz-Drozdowska, Elżbieta; Suwalski, AndrzejItem PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Czabański, AdamMaria Jarosz, Samobójstwa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1997, ss. 194.Item ORGANIZACJA JEDNOŚCI AFRYKAŃSKIEJ W PROCESIE POKOJOWEGO REGULOWANIA SPORÓW MIĘDZYNARODOWYCH W AFRYCE(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Sidi Diallo, BoubacarThe Author discusses the genesis o f the Organization o f African Unity, its aims and operational principles as well as, next, its structure and regulations on membership. Then the nature of international litigation in African continent and the role of the Organization in its settlement (against general historical background) are presented. Finally, the practice of African States in the process of settlement of international litigation as well as the contribution of the OAU to this process are discussed - with a series of concrete examples of such conflicts. 20 T.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Opałło, MirosławaProblemy polityki ekonomicznej. Studia i szkice na Jubileusz Profesora Zdzisława Dąbrowskiego, praca zbiorowa pod red. naukową Jerzego Tarajkowskiego, Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu, Poznań 1998, ss. 333.Item PRAWA PRACOWNICZE KOBIET W NORMACH MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ ORGANIZACJI PRACY I WSPÓLNOTY EUROPEJSKIEJ(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Buchowska, NataliaThe Author has divided the existing legal regulations of the above mentioned institutions in three categories, and more particularly: - legal acts of protective nature, corrective legal acts, and - anti-discriminatory acts. Then the Author is occupied with some concrete provisions on elimination o f discrimination, provisions to guarantee equal salaries and protection o f women’s labour. According to the Author’s opinion the regulations bom within the ILO system are sufficient to guarantee a protection of work and an observation of women’s rights in work relations and as well they are also sufficient to secure equality o f rights of women and men. The norms adopted within the law of European Communi ties are in full conformity with standards elaborated by the ILO and in certain cases they are even superior.Item Sprawozdania i informacje JUBILEUSZ „CZASOPISMA PRAWNO-HISTORYCZNEGO”(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Stanulewicz, MaksymilianItem PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Ślęzak, MonikaJan Róg, Przemiany w stosunkach polsko-czeskich na pograniczu (na przykładzie Śląska Opolskiego), Opole 1998, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, ss. 118Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Kędzior, ZofiaOchrona prawna konsumenta w uregulowaniach publicznoprawnych, pod red. Jana Kufla, Zeszyt Naukowy AE, Poznań 1998, ss. 183.Item FUNDUSZE INWESTYCYJNE W POLSCE W ŚWIETLE ZMIENIAJĄCYCH SIĘ PRZEPISÓW PRAWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Łabowski, KrzysztofDuring a dozen or so last months in Poland a series of changes in the legislation has been carried out. All of them have an essential influence on functioning of the whole financial system. The Author discusses foundamental new regulations that are distinct from the previously binding provisions as well as the most important issues of the funds operation. Main distinct regulations of the new law are: distinguishing of four basic kinds of the funds, new definition of the investment fund, introduction of conception of a fund based on two separated subjects of rights, detailed definition of control functions of the depositary, increasing of the role of the funds’ statute, introduction of funds register, definition of three foundamental aims of investment funds. Further the Author analyses the details of: regulations concerning subjects managing the assets of funds, provisions on depositaries, organizational and functional structure of subjects engaged with funds’ service, precaution norms that are obligatory for the activity of funds, particular types of funds, their limitations in investing and obligations to keep informed, and, as well, the provisions concerning takings over, liquidations and transformations of investment funds.Item CHARAKTER PRAWNY UZNANIA DZIECKA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Haberko, JoannaThe paper relates to legal character of fathering a child by his natural father. This act is a typical act in the law. It is a personal action of the acting subject though for its effectiveness a consent of some persons defined by the law is needed. A declaration deposited does confirm the existing state of facts which is an effect of previously occured events. Factual state acquires in the act of fathering its legal convalidness and subjects of such a legal relationship do acquire rights and obligations. One can not deny that an act of fathering a child has a quality of legal action which contains as well a declaration of will as, in the same time, a statement of knowledge. This act is determined by the legislator in provisions of the family and guardianship code, however it is not in full conformity with the acts as defined within the civil code. Such a solution is nevertheless the effect of conscient standpoint of the legislator who resigns good solutions comprised in civil code (and concerning general civil relationships) for the benefit of better solutions which do more adequately meet family relations.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Rymarczyk, JanMarian Gorynia, Zachowania przedsiębiorstw w okresie transformacji. Mikroekonomia przejścia, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu, Poznań 1998, ss. 311.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Mruk, HenrykLeksykon marketingu, pod red. Jerzego Altkorna i Teodora Kramera, PWE, Warszawa 1998, ss. 336.Item ZABEZPIECZENIE NIEMIECKIEGO POSTĘPOWANIA KARNEGO PRZECIWKO POLSKIM OBWINIONYM(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Scheffler, UweAs well the accession of Poland to some more important European conventions as several bi-lateral agreements concluded between Germany and Poland have together created a possibility of conducting penal proceedings in „normal” mode. One should hope that future membership of Poland in the European Union shall bring further progress in this scope. However, it is easier to cope with transborden crime already today if we have recourse to special possibilities presented in the above article. In relation with foreigners there are often better possibilities in this respect than in case of German citizens, and particularly in what concerns a detention awaiting trial and means securing a possibility of proceedings by writ or payment. It is to be noted here, however, that the application of such proceedings is not at all deprived of difficulties - because of the principle of the State of law. After the admission of Poland to the European Union a problem of discrimination of foreigners can emerge here - in relation with the Art. 3 al. 3 of the German Constitution (conf. Art. 6 al. 1 of the Treaty of the European Unions). Naturally, we must take into consideration the circumstance that Polish penal proceedings’ code does often foresee in case of foreign defendants some means that are even more far-going: a detention awaiting trial can be applied already because of the fact that a defendant does not possess in Poland his own permanent domicile (Art. 258 par. 1 point 1 of the penal proceedings’ code).Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Górawski, JanWładysław Balicki, Makroekonomia, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej, Poznań 1998, ss. 219.Item WPŁYW PRAW CZŁOWIEKA NA WYMIAR SPRAWIEDLIWOŚCI RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ POLSKIEJ(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Redelbach, AndrzejThe article is a result o f research made on operational mechanism o f the European Convention on Human Rights which has brought acceptance b y sovereign States o f some general norms that serve as security for the rights o f persons residing in the territory o f their exclusive ju r isd ic tion. The 1997 Constitution o f the Republic o f Poland is close to formulations o f the European Convention in the construction it s e l f o f human and citizens’ rights. Respective dispositions o f the Convention are presently d irectly applied w ithin the n ational legal system. In case o f a concurrence o f dispositions o f law, the priority belongs to the provisions o f the Convention (Article 91 o f the Constitution). The Author discusses next the human rights’ nature and forms o f introduction o f the latter into Polish legislation, as well as the position o f Poland within international system o f human r igh ts’ protection. In f inal part o f the article the Author is occupied w ith the p roblem o f application o f law in present circumstances in Poland - after system transformation o f the nineties.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Witkowski, MarekPrognozowanie gospodarcze. Metody i zastosowania, praca zbiorowa pod red. Marii Cieślak, PWN, Warszawa 1998, ss. 311.Item PRZEGLĄD PIŚMIENNICTWA(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Ochendowski, EugeniuszZofia Duniewska, Ignorantia iuris w prawie administracyjnym, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 1998, ss. 238.Item MEDIACJA I ARBITRAŻ JAKO PRZYKŁAD INTERWENCJI TRZECIEJ STRONY W NEGOCJACJACH GOSPODARCZYCH(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1999) Kowalczyk, ElżbietaThe Author in her article analyses mediation and arbitration processes in order to present all factors that characterize both of these forms of intervention of a third part and, against this background, carries out a comparison of them. The point of the interest here is to establish a possibility of using mediation and arbitration in Polish market economy circumstances. Having appeal to graphic means the Author visualizes connections between the mediation process and negotiations; particular phases of mediation as well as of negotiations are described. An analysis of a model of an effective mediator entered too the area of interest of the Author; a characterization of such a model as seen by several other researches is given. In what concerns the arbitration we can find a comparison of this solution with the mediation and with a trial. An analysis of advantages and disadvantages of arbitration as a method of settlement of a litigation is also an important point of the article.