Studia Prawa Publicznego, 2014, Nr 4 (8)
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Item Studia Prawa Publicznego 4 (8) 2014 - spis treści(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014)Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Eleonóra Marišová, Tomáš Malatinec, Lucia Grešová, The Europeanization of the Slovak Administrative Law and Current State Administration Reform in the Agriculture, Forestry and Land Sector (Europeizacja słowackiego prawa administracyjnego i obecna reforma administracji państwowej w dziedzinie rolnictwa, leśnictwa i gospodarki gruntami), „Ágrarne právo EÚ” 2013, no. 2, s. 72–80, DOI: 10.2478/eual-2013-0010.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Narożniak, AgnieszkaItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Nicolas Bouclet, Le droit de l’Union européenne face à la pollution atmosphérique d’origine industrielle. Quel bilan? Quelles perspectives? (Prawo Unii Europejskiej w obliczu zanieczyszczenia powietrza ze źródeł przemysłowych. Jaki jest bilans? Jakie są perspektywy?) „Études et observations des risques” 2013, N° 2, s. 19–30.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Staniszewska, LucynaItem Report on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice of 27 January 2014 in the case concerning the Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Matsuno Remigio, Alejandro; Saco, VictorItem Petycja, skarga, wniosek. Uwagi na marginesie Ustawy z dnia 11 lipca 2014 r. o petycjach(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Gajewski, SebastianItem Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Vasily Erokhin, WTO Agreement on Agriculture and Its Implication on Rural Development Policies in Russia (Porozumienie WTO w sprawie rolnictwa i jego wpływ na politykę rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w Rosji), „Ágrarne právo EÚ” 2014, no. 1, s. 31–36, DOI: 10.2478/eual-2014-0005.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Narożniak, AgnieszkaItem Prawo do decydowania o zakresie i zasięgu informacji udostępnianych innym osobom na temat swojego życia w kontekście Big Data(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Grzymisławska-Cybulska, Maria; Cybulski, MarcinThe technological development and naturally fl owing from it possibilities of managing information generate increasing anxiety regarding the right to confi dentiality of private information and its protection. In this age of considerable technological progress combined with mass access to mobile applications, big data processing has become of particular signifi cance. A substantial economic signifi cance of data processing was also stressed in ordinance No. 157 of the Council of Ministers held on 25 September 2012 on the adoption of the Country’s Development Strategy 2020. Acknowledging the economic importance of big data processing, the Council of Ministers seemed to recognise the potential obstacles to its advancement due to still prevailing in Poland insuffi cient technological development, unsatisfactory equipment and mental resistance to change and novelty, and expressed doubts concerning aggregation and use of big data sets. Thus this paper aims to determine whether, and if, then what kind of threats may arise from the implementation of Big Data processing in Polish reality. In order to do that, the concept of Big Data needed first to be given a precise defi nition. Strangely enough, there is no such notion in Polish legal terminology despite the fact that the term has been used by central administrative bodies and theorists of the subject. Next the very issue of Big Data with a particular emphasis of the right to privacy and a guarantee of its protection is discussed. Since data protection derives from the protection of privacy, an attempt was also made to identify the current judicial problems related to personal data protection based on the analysis of the decisions delivered by the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional Court (Trybunał Konstytucyjny) and the Supreme Administrative Court (Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny) as well as regional administrative courts.Item In memoriam - Wspomnienie o Profesorze zwyczajnym doktorze habilitowanym Michale Aleksandrze Waligórskim(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Wojtczak, KrystynaItem Prawodawstwo wyznaniowe z okresu II Rzeczypospolitej we współczesnym polskim systemie prawnym(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Borecki, PawełThe following religious laws are still formally binding in the contemporary Polish legal system: ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland of 22 March 1928 on the relationships between the State and the Eastern Old Rites Church without hierarchy chart, the Act of 17 March 1932 on the contributions payable to the Catholic Church, the Act of 21 April 1936 on the relationships between the State and the Muslim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland, the Act of 21 April 1936 on the relationship between the State and the Karaim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland, and the Act of 25 March 1938 on the production and trading in religious and cultic objects. Their compatibility with the current Constitution of 1997 raises certain doubts, while the regulations themselves contain some anachronisms and constitute an isolated phenomenon in the national legal system. What is more, these acts exist in separation from their primary historical context, including the axiological context and the context of the constitutional rights, which is particularly noticeable with regards the relationships between the State and religious unions. As it happens, the standards deriving from those laws have either entirely, or at least partially disappeared due to the desuetudo. From the perspective of a behaviourist approach, acts adopted in 1932 and 1938 are no longer binding whereas those of 1928 and 1936 have largely lost their applicability today. Further, the importance of pre-war religious legislation in the contemporary legal system in Poland is signifi cantly reduced. Most regulations, save for those of organisational nature or pertaining to the legal nature of religious unions and their organisational bodies, are impractical, inapplicable and out of use. What is more, these acts in their current form are not compatible with the principle of citizens’ confi dence in the state and obstruct development of confessional communities, and even undermine the State’s authority. As such they should be urgently repealed or modified.Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Aleksandra Wilk, Akt urodzenia, seria Monografie, Prawo administracyjne, LexisNexis, Warszawa 2014, ss. 328, ISBN 978-83-278-0441-9.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jankowska, PaulinaItem Bartosz Kołaczkowski, Małgorzata Ratajczak, Pomoc społeczna. Wybrane instytucje pomocy rodzinie i dziecku, Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2013, ss. 297, ISBN 978-83-264-4511-8.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Wojtczak, KrystynaItem Administracyjnoprawne ograniczenia w strefach ochrony uzdrowiskowej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jankowska, PaulinaThe legal nature of ‘protected zones’ is based on combining a specifi cally separated part of a territory with a specifi c legal regulation to be binding on that isolated part of territory. There are many defi nitions of protected health resort zones in administrative law provisions, but there is no one legal defi nition that would precisely determine what such a zone really is. The Act of 28 July 2005 on spa treatment, health resorts and spa protected zones created the foundations for proper functioning and development of health resort municipalities, spas, and spa treatment in Poland. The same Act defi ned the protected zones within health resort areas. A health resort municipality is a municipality in which its whole territory or a part of it has been given a health resort status. Thus it is a health resort territory on which spa treatment is provided, and which is an area with defi nite borders delineated to use and protect its natural therapeutic resources. Health resort (spa) municipalities belong to a special category. The therapeutic properties that characterise those municipalities and their natural environment practically determine the only one direction of their development and economic activity that may be undertaken by their inhabitants, which is limited to activities that are not in confl ict with spa/health resort functions. Such limitations, or restrictions cannot be found in any other but only in health resort municipalities.Item Sprawozdania i informacje - Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Edukacja prawnicza we współczesnej Europie”, Zielona Góra, 30 września – 2 października 2014 r.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Feja-Paszkiewicz, Anna; Węgrzyn, JustynaItem The evolution of the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights and the doctrine of conventionality control(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Conci, Luiz Guilherme ArcadoArtykuł przedstawia problematykę międzyamerykańskiego systemu ochrony praw człowieka, utworzone w jego ramach organy oraz ich funkcje. Zaciągnięte przez państwa amerykańskie w ramach tego systemu zobowiązania międzynarodowe do realizacji i ochrony praw człowieka tworzą – w opinii autora – swoiste spektrum prawnej normatywności, która chroni osoby w państwach tych zamieszkujące, a w przypadku naruszeń pociąga za sobą negatywne skutki międzynarodowe. W artykule podkreślono, że problem wrażliwości demografi cznej, cechujący historycznie kontynent południowoamerykański, odgrywał istotną rolę w procesach towarzyszących rozwojowi praw człowieka w tej części świata. Rozwój ten podzielony został się na trzy etapy. Pierwszy, początkowy, etap miał miejsce w późnych latach sześćdziesiątych, kiedy na kontynencie rozprzestrzeniały się dyktatury. Wówczas to doszło do utworzenia międzyamerykańskiego systemu praw człowieka. Podczas drugiego etapu, zapoczątkowanego w latach osiemdziesiątych, nastąpił proces demokratyzacji kontynentu, na fali której podjęto próby zapewnienia odpowiedniej efektywności wprowadzonym mechanizmom ochrony. Etap ten zakończył się pod koniec lat dziewięćdziesiątych. W trakcie trwającego od tego czasu do chwili obecnej trzeciego etapu wzmocniono natomiast powstałe dotychczas instytucje i położono większy nacisk na kwestię realizacji praw ustanowionych na podstawie traktatów międzynarodowych. W ostatniej części artykułu podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia znaczenia kontroli konwencyjności (control of conventionality) sprawowanej przez Międzyamerykański Trybunał Praw Człowieka. W tym kontekście wskazano również na obowiązek wszystkich instytucji wykonujących zadania wymiaru sprawiedliwości – a zatem nie tylko tych pełniących funkcje sędziowskie – stosowania przyjętej przez sądy wykładni praw człowieka. Działanie takie pozytywnie wpływa bowiem na zwiększenie stopnia integracji na kontynencie amerykańskim.Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Dorota Pudzianowska, Obywatelstwo w procesie zmian, Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2013, ss. 348, ISBN 978-83-264-4204-9.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Princ, MarcinItem O stopniach naukowych i veniam legendi w II Rzeczypospolitej (Część II)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Wojtczak, KrystynaThere were many important tasks that Poland had to address after it regained independence in 1918. One was the ordering of the matters of higher education. This included taking over control over establishments of higher educations which had earlier functioned in partitioned Poland under a foreign rule, as well as establishing study rules and academic regulations. The legislative actions had to be taken step by step, as further portions of Polish territories had been regained, to ensure students who had commenced studies in partitioned Poland their continuation under new, Polish conditions, and to enable validation of examinations already taken, and in the case of graduates, nostrifi cation of their diplomas. Unlike as it was in the case of earning lower degrees (of a licencjat, physician, or magister) and higher degrees (of a doctor), a completion of habilitation did not result in earning an academic degree. The habilitation process consisted of three steps: (i) submission of a print-out of a habilitation thesis, (ii) discussion on the habilitation thesis, and (iii) presentation of a habilitation lecture to the faculty members or members of another statutory body of a state institution of higher education. Following positive opinions of the reviewers of the thesis, the Council of the Faculty (or another competent organ of the institution) would resolve to grant the habilitation candidate an exclusive right to lecture, so called veniam legendi, and a title of a docent. The acquisition of that right did not tie the candidate to the school conferring the right, or compel him to lecture, but resignation from the right to lecture resulted in the expiry of such right, which nevertheless was capable to be restored without the need to go through the habilitation process again. A high education institution could off er a docent employment as a paid docent, which required proper nomination and appointment by the School’s competent authority, or contract with the docent the veniam legendi as a private lecturer (docent). Habilitation was not recognised as an academic degree and consequently nostrifi cation of the veniam legendi was not possible.Item Charakterystyka środków ochrony prawnej przewidzianych przepisami ustawy Prawo zamówień publicznych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Różowicz, KonradAnalysis of the legal nature of the remedies provided by public procurement law aims to introduce the basic problems and identify ways to overcome them. In addition, the basic arrangement of institutions of both the public interest and the private interest to correctly understand the practical problems. Analysis of legal protection is not possible without an indication of the characteristics of the ruling body which is the National Chamber of Appeal (KIO). In the literature are presented two diff erent ways of classifying the indicated institutions. The solution to this initial question allows to determine whether the proceedings by the KIO has administrative or civil nature. To assess the legal status of the KIO requires a reference to both the achievements of EU law and national law including constitutional law. Legal remedies provided by law cited includes two institutions: the appeal and complaint. The fi rst of the indicated remedies considered by a specialized institution, the KIO. The judgments and orders terminating the appeal issued by the KIO to the parties and participants of the appeal may be appealed against to the district court having jurisdiction over the registered offi ce or place of residence of the contracting authority. Through the indicated property highlights the hybrid nature of the procedure which makes use of the provisions on legal institutions from other procedures, administrative and civil liability. Heterogeneity of the procedures can also result in a interpretation’s problem in the regulation which does not explicitly expressed in legal texts and has to be inferred from other norms. Specifi c inconsistency of legal protection established on the basis of the public procurement system is vindicated furthermore diff erent regulations in this regard, the Act on Concessions for Construction works and services which is considered to be a directory, set the shaping system of public procurement law in Poland. It issues were also analyzed in terms of constitutional doubt what makes eff ective regulation.Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa - Sébastien Marmin, Du respect du contradictoire dans le cadre de la procédure de contrôle et de sanctions administratifs des installations classées (Poszanowanie kontradyktoryjności w procedurze kontroli a sankcje administracyjne), „Études et observations des risques” 2013, N° 1, s. 85–93.(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Staniszewska, Lucyna