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Glottodidactica „Glottodidactica” jest międzynarodowym czasopismem z zakresu szeroko pojętej lingwistyki stosowanej. Publikowane są artykuły o tematyce językoznawczej, glottodydaktycznej oraz translatorycznej, psycholingwistycznej, socjolingwistycznej, pragmalingwistycznej w językach angielskim, niemieckim, rosyjskim i francuskim a także recenzje książek naukowych oraz sprawozdania z konferencji.
Glottodidactica is an international journal that focuses on all fields of applied linguistics with reference to aspects vital for foreign language learning and teaching. It publishes research on general linguistics, pedagogy of foreign languages, translation, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmalinguistics in English, German, Russian and French. We encourage our academic colleagues from Poland and abroad to submit publication proposals (papers, reviews and reports) for the upcoming issues of our journal.
Redaktor naczelny: prof. UAM dr hab. Sylwia Adamczak-Krysztofowicz
Kontakt: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej
al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań, Poland
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Nazwa wydawcy: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
ISSN 0072-4769
DOI: 10.14746/gl
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Item Goethes "Fischer" und Schillers "Fischerknabe". Ein Beitrag zur Rolle der Literatur im Deutschunterricht(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1983) ZELLWEGER, RudolfItem Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Programmierung des schriftbildlosen Verfahrens im Deutschunterricht. (Bericht über einen Versuch)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1983) Brzeziński, Jerzy (UMCS)Item A note on teaching contrastive linguistics to students of English at Polish univeisities(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1983) JAWORSKI, AdamItem Zur Bedeutung und zu den Grenzen der Linguistik für den Fremdsprachenunterricht(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1983) Helbig, GerhardItem The status of French phonemic length as a pedagogical norm(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1983) Chumbow, Sammy BebanItem Phonetic stereotypes and the teaching of pronunciation(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1983) Puppel, StanisławItem Valenztheorie und Konfrontation(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) Dębski, AntoniThe theoreticians of valence have, from the beginning, shown interest in applying it to pedagogical grammar, which found an expression in attempts to produce a “productional” grammar. However, the concepts of valence have not, so far, taken into consideration the lexical combinatoriness of the verb resulting from its semantic valence. The author points out the lack of precision in the description of semantic valence by means of abstract features of meaning and suggests that the description should be complemented, for didactic purposes, with a lexical representation of those features. Such a model of description makes it possible to capture the complicated relations of equivalence between languages and the restrictions in the semantic and lexical valence of particular verbs.Item Errors made by Arab university students in the use of English prepositions(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) MUKATTASH, LewisEnglish prepositions are an everlasting problem for Arab learners of English. The study aims at discovering the type and cause of errors which Arab learners make in the use of English prepositions, as well as the type(s) of strategies which they use in the process of acquiring these prepositions. Seven groups of English prepositions whose members tend to be confused for each other due to interference from Arabic are presented and discussed separately from those error-types that are not caused by LI interference.Item Zusammenbildungen in der deutschen und polnischen Gegenwartssprache(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) Bzdęga, Andrzej Z.The aim of the paper is to give an appropriate structural interpretation of a very productive kind of word-foimation which results from simultaneous composition and derivation processes, and in German word-formation is called “Zusammenbildung”. After some general statements on the importance of word-formation rules in foreign language teaching the author is trying to describe two different types of “Zusammenbildung’' in German and their counterparts in Polish, pointing at several striking correspondences, and some inadequacies in their up to now interpretation.Item Les traits prosodiques dans l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère, à l’exemples du français(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) SYPNICKI, JózefThe prosodic features play a prominent part in the communication process; some linguists — like André Martinet — even assign them a higher priority than correct articulation. Next to the delimitative function, they often introduce various grammatical, semantic or subjective information. They also indicate the structuring of an utterance. These various functions ought to be described in theoretical papers on glottodidactics and taught in foreign language. The analysis of some selected papers, handbooks and other language teaching materials shows that prosodic features are handled insufficiently. The author of this paper recommends changes in this field to improve the foreign language teaching.Item Unterrichtsphasen bei der Beherrschung einer Lehreinheit(1984) PFEIFFER, WaldemarThe author distinguishes a lesson period from a didactic unit in glottodidactical materials. One unit of a text-book is usually covered during several successive lessons. We distinguish four phases in the preparation of the material of this unit: presentation, automatisation, contextualisation and testing. The author sees the most important premises of a communicative oriented system of foreign language teaching in relation to cognitive processes of perception in the phase of presentation, reproductive and integrative exercises of automatization and productive exercises of contextualisation.Item he role of age in second/foreign language acquisition(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) Arabski, JanuszThe article starts with the traditional notion of the critical period hypothesis (Lennne-berg) showing its limitations as the only explanation of children being better language learners than adults. The latter portions are devoted to the description and interpretation of variety of studies which show different factors responsible for the fact that children are not necessarily superior acquirers to adults. The decisive factors causing the differences between the two groups are: 1. physical, cognitive and psychological differences, 2. different conditions in which they acquire a language, 3. different inputs they are exposed to.Item Der sprachliche Fehler im gesteuerten Fremdsprachenunterricht im Gefüge der Interimsprache und der Sprachnorm(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) SKOWRONEK, BarbaraAlong with the growing interest in the living language there appeared the necessity to treat foreign language teaching from multidimensional perspectives. This point of view has found its justification in the treatment of speech norms on the one hand and the treatment of language errors in the foreign language teaching with glottodidactical norms and an interlanguage in order to retain the integrative nature of foreign language teaching.Item Psychologische Probleme und Erkenntnisse zur Textauswahl für den fremdsprachigen Lehr- und Lernprozeß(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Apelt, WalterThe interest linguistics shows in the text manifests itself in a global orientation (synthetic, contextual) and consists in linguistic-total approach: from the general to the particular and back to the general. It also finds its reflection in the methodology of FLT. The author criticizes the recently prevailing communicative approach; then ha gives the results of research on the contents of texts (as far as their motivational and anti-motivational aspects are concerned).Item Partir du bon pneu”: l’expression idiomatique ä travers l’expression publicitaire(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Diaz, OlgaAn important linguistic function of expressions and idiomatic phrases i3 their intentionality, therefore the function which precedes the act of expression. Inten-tionality of idioms is used by sales, political publicity, which in order to increase the emotional value of idioms modifies them, transforms and deforms them. The watchword of publicity presents two difficulties for the learners of foreign language.Item Syntax und Semantik iin Erwerb zweitsprachlicher Fertigkeiten 37 Barbara SKOWRONEK, Zur Beschreibung der Fachsprachen für den gesteuerten Fremdsprachenunterricht(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Figas, JanuszAction-oriented observation of the second language acquisition (L2-acquisi-tion) multiplies task setting in the organization of the L2-acquisition. A double problem has to be solved for three processes, namely Test I, Operation, and Test II (cf. TOTE-unit in Miller/Galanter/Pribram 1960) have to be normatively directed and also made functionally effective. Traditional division of syntax and semantics applied to the success and failure analysis does not seem to be sufficient. The verbal action in L2 should be considered in three aspects: normative regularity, functional reproductivity, and creativity.Item Bestimmungsfaktoren fremdsprachenunterriehtlicher Interaktion: begriffliche Abgrenzungen mit Blick auf die Praxis(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) KÖNIGS, Frank G.For a long time the discussion concerning the norm has been carried out from the point of view of linguistics and resulted in developing a theoretical-abstract concept that moves „somewhere” between a language system and the actual realization of language. FLT is an independent research branch and as such it cannot adopt that view as far as the norm is concerned. The author wants to define the concept of norm, than in its grounds he wants to draw an interaction in FLT, and carry out notional determinations based on language material.Item Für einen stärkeren Eirlsatz der visuellen Komponente in der Präparation giottodidaktischer Materialien(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) ZYDROŃ, JanuszThe following paper discusses the role and the function of visual elements {iconic elements, text visualisation and signal elements used as an organizer of the FLT-process) and of their components such as colour, motion, opposition,. typography and layout in the preparation of glottodidactic materials. The analysis deals mainly with textbook materials and the phase of the presentation of new material. The discussion proved great usefulness of visual elements for the preparation of glottodidactic materials, particularly in the aspect of the increase of retaining effects and their easy integrity in textbook materials. Taking account of their supralingual communicativeness, the personal relevancy of visual impressions, the redundant, for the FTL-process profitable, nature of visual elements and their, consisting in objectivity, interpretative relation to the verbal contents as well as considering their situational text completion and their culture-and realia-cognitive value, the author postulates a wider exploitation of visual elements in the preparation of glottodidactic materials.Item Zur Beschreibung der Fachsprachen für den gesteuerten Fremdsprachenunterricht(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) SKOWRONEK, BarbaraAlong with the increase in the interest of linguistic research with reference to the phenomena of linguistic performance, more attention has been paid to the specialistic languages. The present article deals with considerations concerning the description (definition) of specialist languages. On the basis of research approaches mainly of Hoffman (definition) of specialist languages. On the basis of research approaches mainly of Hoffmann and Bungarten the author draws conclusions for the teaching of special language as a foreign language.Item Sprachtheorie und Übersetzungsfehler — Prolegomena zu Empirie und Theorie einer Fehleranalyse im Bereich der Übersetzungswissenschaft(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1988) STEIN, DieterThe paper emphasizes the necessity to provide a theoretical frame of reference for a rationalised, linguistically-based error analysis in the field of translation. After discussing the relationship between text-type and error typology, the paper suggests two basic categories of error analysis. A ‘descriptive’ approach centers on the degree to which the intended communicative effect or value of the whole piece of discourse is affected by a given local error. An ‘explanatory’ approach locates the origin of the error at a point in the sequence of steps of cognitive operations involved in translating understood as a psychological real-time process. The dialectic between the two approaches is discussed and their respective effect on error evaluation exemplified.