Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 1999, nr 5
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Item Polsk akkusativ og dens norske ekvrvalenter(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Kawczyńska, ElżbietaIn the article the author compares ways in which Polish and Norwegian mark the grammatical categories of direct and indirect object as well as different semantic types of adverbials. Having presented the sources and sketched the theoretical background the author goes on to discuss Norwegian equivalents of the Polish accusative within the above-mentioned categories.Item 1. Contents(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999)Item Indirekte Rede als Übersetzungsproblem. Günter Grass’ Roman, “der Butt” in schwedischer und dänischer Übersetzung(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Birkmann, ThomasThe article discusses the very frequent occurrence of indirect (reported) speech in Grass’ novel Der Butt. It presents strategies which have been chosen by the Swedish (resp. Danish) translator of the novel. By means of graphemic, syntactic, lexical and other indicators the translation substitutes the morphological category of subjunctive in the original text. Nevertheless it fails quite often to indicate clearly whether the construction in question is reported speech or the author’s commentary.Item Kolare, tiggare, spelmän – finnmarken och dess invånare i Dan Andersson författarskap(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Kowalska, MagdalenaDan Andersson (1888-1920), a poet and writer, has a large number of enthusiasts in Sweden. Many of his poems were put to music and they became well - known songs. His lyrics are said to contain the essence of Sweden - anxiety, melancholy and existential dilemmas. He lived and wrote in the period of important political and social transformations which were also reflected in literature. There are many similarities in the biographies of Dan Andersson and of the first proletariat writers. Being himself very poor he commiserated with the poor, the unhappy and the sufferers. This compassion reflected in his works has taken the form of philosophical and religious thoughts of human fate and attitude towards God. The background of Dan Andersson works is finnmark - a Finnish colony region lying on the border between the province of Varmland and Dalama. When describing his finnmark Dan Andersson combines realistic pictures of hard work, poverty and misery with elements of fantasy and folk beliefs. He also pays a lot of attention to the descriptions of nature. His heroes are very characteristic: they are charcoalburners, beggars, fiddlers, shamans and criminals. Each of these groups is described in a different way.Item Institutionalisation of Scandinavian Consensual Democracy(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Musiał, KazimierzThe paper takes as a point of departure the notion of consensual democracy as a characteristic element of the so called Scandinavian Model. Both terms, i.e. the consensual democracy and the Scandinavian Model got really famous only after World War Two as potential Scandinavian ‘export goods’. The author argues that singularity of Scandinavian solutions within the labour market and politics started already before World War Two. The key to understanding the origin of the Scandinavian Model lies in understanding of the nature of collective bargaining in the Nordic countries. The September Agreement of 1899 in Denmark and the Saltsjobaden Agreement of 1938 in Sweden are examples of institutionalisation of labour relations, while the Danish Kanslergade Agreement and the Swedish Kohandel of 1933 are instances taken from parliamentary politics. These examples show how the pattern for conflict resolution in the Scandinavian countries was institutionalised.Item Pseudoanglizismen im dänischen(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Szubert, AndrzejIn the following paper the author analyses English pseudoloans in Danish. The problem has not been given received much interest and neither has it been researched thoroughly so far. The paper is an attempt to define pseudoloans and to describe Danish words that are formed out of English morphemes.Item Isländische Nationalbewegung im 19. Jh. (ca. 1880-1918)(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Piotrowski, BernardThe article presents the main development phases of the independence movement in Iceland (ca 1800-1918). The Icelanders’ activities took various political and social forms: concern for the native language, literature and culture; parliament activity (althing); support for industrial development and more favourable social structures; formation of political parties and social organisations; attempts to persuade the Danish to issue more advantageous legislation for the Icelanders.Item Semantische Differenzen Zwischen dänischen und deutschen Tautonymen Personenbezeichnungen(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Rajnik, EugeniuszThe purpose of the article is to show certain structural (morphological), and in more detail, certain semantic differences between the tautonymic (identical or nearly identical in form) personal nouns (=PB) in Danish and German, that can lead to linguistic errors. The study was based on a representative selection of examples.Item Norway in the First World War(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Knutsen, Jan NormannThe article describes the economic, social and political consequences of World War I for Norway. It deals with how the country’s chosen neutral stance was being undermined and in this context its relationship with the belligerent parties. It tries to answer the question why Norway did not become directly engaged in the war, and finally looks into the changes in Norwegian society and foreign policy brought about by the war.Item Post-War Philosophy in Norway. Problems, Achievements and Dilemmas(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Piotrowska, EwaThe aim of the paper is to present the main trends within philosophy in Norway. The author also discusses the most important research works carried out at university centres, the goal of which is to analyse Norwegian post-war philosophy. The predominant movement, so called ‘practical philosophy’, deals with ethical, religious, political, social and economic issues. Many Norwegian philosophers are also active as university teachers or researchers at universities in Oslo (e.g. Arne Naess, Hans Skjervheim, Trond Berg Eriksen, Torstein Tollefsen, Anfinn Stigen) and in Bergen (e.g. Gunnar Skirbekk, Nils Gilje, Vigdis Songe-Møller, Knut Erik Tranøy)Item Polish-English Terminological Equivalence in the Language of Politics(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Feder, MarcinIn the present study we put forward a translation method that would help ensure the proper rendering of Polish political terminology into English (or any other language since the tenets of this method are universal and can be applied to any pair of languages). The translation procedure is based on findings of Barbara Z. Kielar. We also present the classification of equivalents that are obtained after applying the method. This is followed by considerations on the possibility of attaining particular types of terminological equivalence and an appeal that the presented method be applied universally in order to improve the quality of political translations produced in Poland. A sample Polish-English glossary of political terms compiled on the basis of the advocated method is enclosed as the “Appendix”.