Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 2005, Tom XIII-XIV
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Item Grobowce kopułowe w Tracji (V-III wiek p.n.e.)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Hatłas, JerzyThe article is aimed at presentation of the most important views on genesis and distribution of tholos tombs in ancient Thrace. There have been 34 such monuments discovered to date. They were not only the last-resting place for local aristocracy but played also a significant sacral role in the light of religious, mythological and eschatological beliefs of ancient Thracs.Item Z badań wykopaliskowych i inwentaryzacyjnych w Nowym Krakowie, gm. Darłowo, stan. 1(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Skrzypek, IgnacyThe article presents history o f hitherto conducing studies at this site. It is also aimed at presentation of a short-lived excavation of the early Roman Iron Age burial mound as well as the Hallstatt settlement features, conducted in the 1991 season.Item Kronika(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Jolanta, Machajewska; Henryk, MachajewskiPAMIĘCI MGR. EUGENIUSZA „GWIDONA” WILGOCKIEGOItem Ziemiański mecenat archeologiczny w Wielkim Księstwie Poznańskim: Adolf Skarbek-Malczewski (1813-1887) z Kruchowa koło Trzemeszna, odkrywca słynnego Aquamanile(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Fogel, JerzyA name of Adolf Skarbek-Malczewski brings back a discovery of the famous Roman aquamanile in his estate at Kruchowo near Trzemeszno in 1852. The article provides a detailed account on numerous field works by A. Malczewski, their repercussions in a subject literature along with significant museological enterprises of the period (the Warszawa exhibition in 1856/1857, the Kraków exhibition in 1858/1859). This part is followed by an attempt to reconstruct a private archaeological collection of A. Skarbek-Malczewski.Item Kazimierz Siuchniński - uczony i wychowawca(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Jankowska, DobrochnaItem Pierwsze dendrodaty z białogardzkiego grodziska(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Cnotliwy, EugeniuszSettlement phases of the Białogard stronghold, excavated in the years 1970-1972, have been dated by pottery typology so far. These dates, in particular those from the earliest phases, have been recently questioned. Twelve wooden samples from well preserved wooden constructions from the sixth phase of the stronghold fortification were taken in 1991 from a section of the former trench. The following dates of truncation were obtained: 878-892 and 902/903 AD. Pottery chronology of the sixth phase gave 25 years older dates. There are still no precise dates from the earliest phases of occupation.Item Ornament sznurowy na ceramice ludności Kultury Amfor Kulistych z Poznania-Nowego Miasta (stan. 314)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Michałowski, Andrzej; Sikorski, AndrzejThe article discusses a corded decoration on pottery from the Amphorae Globular Culture seasonal camp. Analysis of impressions on the pot outer surfaces revealed that this characteristic motif was produced by a simple textile template. Fragments of a five-stranded cord (S/3S/2Z) - certainly not a two-stranded one - were sewn on a net 'band' (item of a sprang type). This technique guaranteed a precise layout and space between particular impressions (ca. 2 mm each) on a soft amphorae (?) surface irrespective of an angle of ornament placements and decorative element joints.Item O pochodzeniu pomorskich grobowców bezkomorowych kultury pucharów lejkowatych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Jankowska, DobrochnaThe article presents a short overview of discussion on the origin of the Funnel Beaker Culture in particular regions of Pomerania. In particular, an origin of the Pomerania long barrows with a stone construction is debated. The study implies that prototypes o f these monuments are to be found in the Lower Elbe region and influences from Kujavia are only detectable in the latest phase. The article tackles also a theory linking an emergence of long barrows with the late Danubian tradition („long houses”).Item Autoreferaty doktorskie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Krajewski, PrzemysławANALIZA PRZESTRZENNA OSADNICTWA WYSPY WOLIN I PRAWEGO BRZEGU DZIWNY OD ŚRODKOWEGO OKRESU EPOKI BRĄZU DO WCZESNEJ EPOKI ŻELAZAItem Późnośredniowieczna nadmorska osada rybacka w Pleśnej, gm. Będzino, pow. Koszalin(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Janocha, HenrykThe article is aimed at presentation of different aspects related to discovery and analysis of materials from a late medieval seaside fishing village at Pleśna. It presents a scope of archaeological rescue excavations and assesses factors responsible for destruction of a cliff shore along with the settlement placed on top of it. Additionally, the article brings about analysis of excavated materials. The settlement chronology and development of the Pleśna region occupation is based upon archaeological evidence and historical sources.Item Kronika(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Michałowski, AndrzejWSPOMNIENIE O PROF. DR. HAB. GEORGU KOSSACKUItem Pierwsi rolnicy na Ziemi Kociewskiej - refleksja z najnowszych odkryć archeologicznych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Kochanowski, MarianThe article is aimed at presentation o f a newly discovered Linear Band Pottery settlement at Kościelna Jania, Smętowo Graniczne commune. The site was excavated during rescue works on the A l highway. It has been the largest settlement o f this culture in the Starogard Lake District explored to date. In 21 excavated features, mainly settlement pits, numerous pottery sherds and animal bones (post-consumption remains) were found. Pottery technology and decoration make possible to link these materials with the Note phase and date them back to 430CM1000 be.Item Kronika(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Matuszewska, AgnieszkaMIĘDZYNARODOWE SPOTKANIE „BRUSZCZEWO. BADANIA MIKROREGIONU Z TERENU WIELKOPOLSKI”, ŚMIGIEL, WOJ. WIELKOPOLSKIE, 7-8 SIERPNIA 2004 R.Item Archeologiczna struktura zbiorów ceramiki z osad neolitycznych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Kukawka, StanisławThe article is intended to address an essence of pottery assemblages from Neolithic settlements. Three aspects have been analysed: relationships between complete vessels and fragments resulted from their breakage; relationship between composition of pottery vessels used at any given moment and composition of deposited ceramics; and relationship between deposited pottery and its excavated fraction. It is argued that pottery assemblages excavated and analysed by archaeologists are result of refuse practices. Consequently, they distinctive traits reflect neither a deposited assemblage nor a composition of pottery vessels used at any given moment at the settlement.Item Nowe materiały tzw. fazy wczesnopucharowej osadnictwa protoneolitycznego na Pomorzu(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Galiński, TadeuszThe article presents stone and pottery materials from Tanowo, site 3, near Szczecin, excavated in the years 1999-2002 (trench II). The materials represent the late phase o f proto-Neolithic occupation dated back to 3300-2900/2800 BC. An animal bone sample from settlement pit in trench II is dated back to 5170 +/- BP (Poz - 1385).Item Pierwsze odkrycie grobu rowkowego z okresu wędrówek ludów wWwielkopolsce (Konarzewo, pow. Poznań ziemski, stan. 5)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Makiewicz, Tadeusz; Kaczor, WojciechThe article presents a discovery of the first grooved burial, rectangular in section, from the Great Poland. It is an urn burial with multiple interments; two urns with remains of three individuals are associated with a groove. Four clusters of cremated bones composed of remains of five individuals were placed directly above. Depending upon chosen interpretation, it was a burial of three or eight individuals. The burial has been dated back to the second half of the 5th century AD. It is a manifestation of transformations in the domain of burial rites in the last phase of the Przeworsk culture. They resulted in increasingly atypical and archaeologically indefinable forms of the burial rite. The burial was placed in the west edge o f the settlement composed of hall houses made of a post construction, which was founded in the years 340-352 AD. A well cemetery with cremation burials was also discovered at this site. This was a settlement complex composed of a large settlement and at least two cremation cemeteries. It is the first complex of this type in the Przeworsk culture.Item Autoreferaty doktorskie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Rola, JarosławPÓŹNONEOLITYCZNY WĘZEŁ KOMUNIKACYJNY W STREFIE ŚRODKOWEJ NOTECI (ŻUŁAWKA MAŁA, GM. WYRZYSK)Item Kronika(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Przybył, AgnieszkaMIĘDZYNARODOWA KONFERENCJA „NOMADYZM A PASTORALIZM W MIĘDZYRZECZU WISŁY I DNIEPRU (NEOLIT, ENEOLIT, EPOKA BRĄZU)”, OBRZYCKO, 7-10 PAŹDZIERNIKA 2003 R.Item Dlaczego?(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Małecka-Kukawka, JolantaItem Wczesnoneolityczne narzędzia kamienne z Pobrzeża Koszalińskiego(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Ilkiewicz, JolantaThe article is aimed at analysis and classification of 47 stone tools discovered in the Koszalin Coast (the Baltic Coast), which are taxonomically attributed to the ‘Band’ forms and the early Neolithic-type - so-called ‘Northern’ - axes (‘Walzenbeile’).