Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2011 Nr 2 (9)
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Item SPIS TREŚCI(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011)Item Granice władztwa planistycznego gminy w wybranych orzeczeniach sądów administracyjnych(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) ZIELIŃSKI, ANDRZEJThis paper is devoted to the boundaries for the planning control solely in the procedure of passing the local spatial development plan. The author discusses the authority of the court to control the planning competence of the commune and considers objections suggesting infringement of boundaries for planning control by the commune. Spatial planning requires a balance of interests – public (including those of local communities) and individual. From the legal point of view these plan stipulations prove defective, which infringe the law, as well as those which are a consequence of abuse of competences attributed to the commune (planning control). It may hardly be expected from commune councils to manage interpretation ambiguities. For this reason it may be and it needs to be expected from the administrative legislature, ex lege guarding the law, to provide rational and practical application and interpretation of law in terms of planning, which would meet social needs.Item RECENZJE I NOTY BIBLIOGRAFICZNE Damian Puślecki, Społeczne ubezpieczenie wypadkowe rolników. Zagadnienia prawne, Warszawa-Poznań 2011(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) ZIELIŃSKI, ANDRZEJ (REC.)Item Swobodny przepływ żywności w postaci suplementów diety w świetle orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) ZBORALSKA, MONIKAThe subject of these considerations concerned the issue of free food flow in the form of dietary supplements in view of judicial decisions of the European Union Court of Justice. The problem is generally comprised in the qualification of a given product as a dietary supplement or a medicine, while its source – in the opinion of the author – stems from the possibility to provide a different qualification of the same product by two EU member countries. In conclusion the author states, among other things, that the possibility to provide by each member state its own qualification of the same product, based on a different risk analysis, obviously infringe on the principle of reciprocal recognition and free product flow. The EU Court of Justice allows member states to exercise considerable freedom in the determination of the level of health protection, which they want to apply in relation to their citizens, but adjudications in this respect may not be arbitrary or unproportional. A product should be analysed in accordance with the qualification criteria specified by the Court and treated individually on the case-by-case basis. As a solution to this problem the author suggests the creation of a separate category of products not being food and a complete harmonisation of regulations concerning dietary supplements.Item PRZEGLĄD CZASOPISM ZAGRANICZNYCH(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) MARCINKOWSKI, MICHAŁ (oprac.); LEŚKIEWICZ, KATARZYNA (oprac.); STANIEWSKA, ANNA (oprac.); Błażejewska, Kamila (oprac.); LEŚKIEWICZ, KATARZYNA (oprac.)Item Wsparcie produkcji bioenergii na obszarach wiejskich UE w świetle propozycji legislacyjnych dotyczących Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej po 2013 r.(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) Błażejewska, KamilaIn October 2011 the European Commission presented a set of legal proposals for the CAP after 2013. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the influence of the proposed legislation on the support mechanisms for the production and use of energy from agricultural and forestry biomass. However, these practices will not increase the volume of biomass supply for energy purposes within the EU. The bioenergy sector is to be supported to a greater extent by means of the rural development policy measures, especially with regard to the supply and use of biomass in the form of byproducts, wastes, residues and other non-food raw material. The preliminary analysis of the legislative proposals on CAP after 2013 shows that they are not able to provide for any precise support mechanisms for sustainable supply and use of agricultural and forestry biomass for energy production purposes.Item Z ORZECZNICTWA TRYBUNAŁU SPRAWIEDLIWOŚCI UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ Wyrok TSUE z 21 grudnia 2011 r. w sprawie C-503/10 Ewroetił AD przeciwko Direktorowi na Agencija „Mitnicy”(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) Błażejewska, Kamila (oprac.)Item Wspólna Polityka Rolna i Światowa Organizacja Handlu: między Rundą dauhańską a Organem Rozwiązywania Sporów(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) VELILLA, PHILIPPESThe influence of the World Trade Organization on the reforms of the CAP is important. It obliged the EU to plan the end of export subsidies, and to adopt a scheme of direct payments instead of price support. Nevertheless, the impact of WTO is not limited to its multilateral trade negotiations rounds. The decisions of the Dispute Settlement Body, whose authority is increasingly significant, restrain the European legislator, especially in the field of international trade agreements and cooperation for development policy.Item XXVI Europejski Kongres i Kolokwium Prawa Rolnego, Bukareszt, 21-24 września 2011 r. IV. SPRAWOZDANIA I INFORMACJE(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) MARCINKOWSKI, MICHAŁItem Prawne formy władania gruntami przez spółdzielnie funkcjonujące w rolnictwie i na terenach wiejskich(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) SUCHOŃ, ANETAThe paper presents an attempt at the clarification of the question whether legal regulations provide cooperatives operating in agriculture and in rural areas with stable conditions for holding of land and running economic activity and whether it facilitates acquisition of ownership of land for these entities. From this point of view the author analyses such forms (titles) of holding of agricultural land as usufruct (including particularly the usufruct of the land contribution to an agricultural cooperative), lease, perpetual usufruct, and next legal institutions were discussed facilitating the acquisition of ownership of land being in the holding of a cooperative, including first of all the right to pre-emptive purchase and priority of purchase. In the conclusion the author states that stabilisation of economic activity depends on the legal form of land holding. There is a marked absence of institutions facilitating the acquisition of ownership of municipal land as well as land belong to the State Treasury by cooperatives, which they hold within the usufruct institutions.Item Regulacja oświadczeń żywieniowych i zdrowotnych w Stanach Zjednoczonych(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) SZYMECKA-WESOŁOWSKA, AGNIESZKAThe subject of the paper is to present regulations and practice concerning the application of food and health claims in the United States. The evolution of the adopted solution was shown and types of specific categories of claims are presented, together with the requirements and procedures of authorising the sale of these products.In view of the analysis of these regulations, systemic differences were considered in terms of the approach to the regulation of nutritional and health claims in the USA and in the European Union. The main difference arising from the comparison pertained to boundaries between consumer protection and support for the innovative development of activity on the part of food producers. The American system proved to be more producers-oriented, while the European system is more focused on the protection of consumers (consumers-oriented), which in many areas justifies limitations in the activity of entrepreneurs, being more far-reaching than in the USA.Item Bezpieczeństwo i koordynacja wymogów żywnościowych z wymogami energetycznymi: nowe problemy prawa rolnego(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) D’Addezio, MariaritaThe paper presents considerations concerning issues of safety and coordination of food requirements with energy requirements. Food safety may be viewed in different aspects – security, safety and quality. Agriculture should satisfy food needs of the human population, as well as contribute to the diversification of energy supply sources and meet the constantly increasing requirements concerning environmental protection. At the same time incentives for agri-energy production are connected with the risk of a reduction of food production. The author analysed EU and Italian regulations. In the conclusions it was stated that e.g. safety requirements pertaining to agricultural product safety are not identical for products to be used as food and those comprising energy sources. Thus procedures and legal models, regulating respective production and distribution processes are not and may not be identical for all entities. Agricultural law, taking into consideration food requirements, is influenced by ecological and energy concerns; thus there is ample space for its development.Item Sprzedaż produktów rolnych jako działalność rolnicza w prawie włoskim(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) KAPAŁA, ANNAThe aim of the paper is to provide a more detailed characteristic of criteria determining the qualification of direct sale as related agricultural activity. Summing up the author presented conclusions concerning advantages and disadvantages of Italian regulations from the point of view of the agricultural entrepreneur, system cohesion and in the context of Polish regulations. The development of direct sale in case of agricultural products is definitely a desirable phenomenon both from the point of view of the agricultural entrepreneur and the consumer. The Italian regulations satisfy those needs. They contribute to a strengthening of the position of agricultural entrepreneurs, not only as producers, but also one of the important subjects in the agri-food sector. It realises the objective of “complete utilisation of the production cycle of an enterprise”, facilitating sales of agricultural products. At the same time the Italian regulations may be a perfect reference point for comparison with the fragmentary Polish regulations.Item Rozwój prawa rolnego w ostatnich latach(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) Budzinowski, Roman; SUCHOŃ, ANETA; Błażejewska, KamilaThe article is an extended version of a paper Dévéloppement scientifique et pratique du droit rural dans L’UE, dans les régions et dans L’OMC, presented at the 26th European Congress and Colloquium of Agricultural Law (Bucharest 21-24 September 2011). The development of agricultural law in recent years has been determined by factors of both international and regional and local importance. Although no acts of the EU agricultural law have been enacted to become equivalents of the so-called European agriculture codes, numerous attempts have been made in order to determine the future agricultural policy, culminated in the publication of a package of legislation proposals on 12 October 2011. It is justified to state an extension of material regulations concerning agriculture, its expansion, internationalization, as well as its being Europe-oriented, focused on rural areas and ecology-oriented. At the same time the EU agricultural law is becoming increasingly regulatory in character, rather than intervention-oriented. Agricultural law in Poland is developing rapidly in those areas, which are covered by the Common Agricultural Policy. This is manifested in the Polish agricultural law becoming Europe-oriented and at the same time this law may be ascribed the above-mentioned development trends. In turn, in areas not covered by the Common Agricultural Policy the development dynamics observed for the EU law is not found.Item Pojęcie wypadku przy pracy rolniczej – uwagi de lege ferenda(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) Puślecki, DamianThe aim of this paper was to make an attempt at the determination of a new concept of an occupational accident in agriculture. The current definition of such an accident, despite its broad scope and introduced changes, does not sufficiently include accident events, which may occur in agriculture and does not facilitate their qualification in the post-accident proceedings. In conclusion the author proposed a simplification of the definition and adopting its following form: “An occupational accident in agricultural activity is a sudden event caused by an external factor, causing damage to the organism or death, if it occurred in the course of performance of agricultural activity or remained in connection with the performance of such activity. An accident covered by protection needs also to include such events, which occurred on the way to the site of performance of such activity or when returning from that site, if the travel was not interrupted by an unnecessary break.”Item Nowe zjawiska we wzajemnych zależnościach między WTO, Unią Europejską i Polską w polityce rolnej(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) Puślecki, Zdzisław W.The aim of the paper was to present new phenomena in mutual relationships between WTO, the European Union and Poland in terms of agricultural policy. In view of the CAP operation it is essential to adapt its mechanisms to new conditions for the development of world economy. The source of failure of the Doha round stemmed from the difference in opinions between the USA and the EU concerning a reduction of subsidies in agriculture, which was also connected with the determined position of developing countries on a reduction of subsidizing of agriculture by developed countries. In the future as a result of necessary reforms, WTO should continue to stimulate liberalisation of international trade as well as increase support for the development of the Third World countries. Changes introduced to the Common Agricultural Policy, also under the influence of WTO, are of paramount importance for Poland. These changes have to be reflected in the strategy of Poland during negotiations on the EU budget.