Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2003, nr 2
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Item Disc Jockey jako twórca zależny – problem miksowania utworów w świetle przepisów ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Piesiewicz, PiotrOne of the fundamental issues regulated by the act on copyright law is the content of the rights vested in the author and related to his or her creation. The stipulations of the copyright law protect the author against an infringement of a personal bond relating him or her to the creation (personal copyrights) and provide him or her with economic benefits provided by the creation being exploited in various realms (copyright property law). The present paper addresses the problem of a disc jockey’s public presentation of music compositions and the protection of personal copyright and property law of the author of presented music.Item Fotografia w polskim systemie prasowym(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Mariański, RobertPress photography is not a frequent subject of press specialists’ considerations although it is an inseparable component of contemporary newspapers and magazines. The great part photography plays in the contemporary world in conveying information, spreading knowledge, shaping opinions and social, political and cultural attitudes is frequently forgotten. It should be sought in its universal character on the one hand and in its imminent authenticity and utter believability of its presentations on the other. Together with woodcuts and lithographs it played a supporting part. However, it has won certain privileges. It was copied in high circulation periodicals and wandered the world in thousands of copies thus gaining importance. The press has not only contributed to photography becoming common. In many instances it has preserved photographs for the posterity as an uncountable number of daguerreotypes and old photographs have been lost or destroyed forever and the only evidence of their existence have been their printed versions in old weeklies and albums, as well as separate prints.Item Evaluating Democratic Support in Poland : A Case Study of University Students(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Samuelson, RichardArtykuł poświęcono ocenie przyczyn popierania demokracji w okresach niezadowolenia z jej praktycznego funkcjonowania. Ocenę oparto o studium przypadku polskich studentów uniwersyteckich. Rezultaty badań wskazują, że poparcie dla demokracji wynika z instrumentalnej wiary w porównywalną skuteczność systemu, raczej niż z demokratycznej zasady siły. Dalsze wyniki wskazują na znaczenie postrzeganego wpływu przemian ekonomicznych dla popierania demokracji.Item Kierunki przekształceń świadomości narodowej Polaków w przededniu wejścia do Unii Europejskiej – pytania badawcze(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Wójcik, StanisławThe shape of Western Europe is settled in principle. For us – the people of Central and Eastern Europe – it is something of a European paradise. The difficulties emerge only in the realm of the philosophy of life and religion, although the West either does not realize these problems or neglects them. Can the candidate states meet the criteria the European Union has established? The following dilemmas should be solved here: as we access the EU in order to obtain forecasted economic and technical benefits, may we have to abandon with time our systems of values that are classical for European and Christian culture? What about the State security and sovereignty? Should we hasten to access the EU given the ruined economy, profound political divisions in Poland and the absence of the majority representation of the Polish society in the government? The at- titude of Polish society to the accession to the EU is currently undergoing a transforma- tion. The doubts about its value spread particularly in the provinces where the adverse results of wrong domestic and western economy are most acute. It should be scientifically explained why Western societies, in particular those of smaller states, such as Austria, increasingly complain about the conditions in the EU and actually regret their own accession. French, German and Italian ideologists propagate the creation of a single supranational state out of the whole Europe. This stands in direct opposition to the Polish national consciousness, including the Catholic, cultural and linguistic consciousness, as it is impossible to artificially create a new European nation in such a short time.Item Ruch Stu – alternatywa dla klasy politycznej powstałej w 1989 roku(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Borowiec, PiotrThe Movement of a Hundred (Polish: Ruch Stu) was to become an alternative for the political class that emerged after 1989. The whole political class was supposed to be substituted in a democratic manner by new people entering the political arena. The minimum political platform was to unite the activists of diversified political provenience. The Movement of a Hundred was to provide a new way of functioning for the political parties. The very naming of the party as the „movement”, that is a common activity of new people, was of significant importance itself. They were to introduce a new quality of politics and a new model of a politician. Current political events in- volved the Movement of a Hundred in a never-ending spiral of political elections. The two most important events were supporting Lech Wa³êsa before the presidential elec- tions and the decision to join the structures of the AWS (Solidarity Election Action). The Movement of a Hundred was to be an alternative and novelty on the Polish political arena. However, it became a tiny, hardly observable, component of the right wing of the former political class. It was commonly known to have been incorporated by the old elite. The Movement of a Hundred adopted behavioral models that were typical of a former political class (including the conflicts between the leaders), as well as the heavily criticized faults (struggle for gaining influence in the AWS) that resulted in the collapse of the whole right wing in the next parliamentary elections.Item O anachroniczności polskiego kapitalizmu – niekonserwatywne krytyki liberalizmu we współczesnej Polsce(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2003) Chwedoruk, RafałThe great political transformations in Poland after 1989 have made the notion of broadly understood liberalism the core of political discourse. There have emerged frequent claims of significant or even critical influence of this idea on the model of social, economic and political reforms. At the same time, an increasing discrediting trend of varied origins has emerged. The purpose of this paper is to present the key themes of critics of liberalism speaking from a pro-modernization point of view, i.e. those who accept the broadly understood Enlightenment paradigm and approve the imperative civilization modernization of Poland by means of its occidentalization. The discourse of liberal reformers with their opponents to a certain degree reflects the mythological dichotomy of the left and the right, although not many participants in the dispute have necessarily had to identify themselves in this respect.