Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 1994, nr 2
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Item Promocja a marketing-mix(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Cyrson, Edward F.Many companies have often forgotten that promotion is an element of marketing-mix. Therelore their promotional campain has not always been as effective as it could be. In designing and developing marketing communication one should consider all elements of marketing-mix as well as all promotional tools. They together create a promotional system in which all the elements are Mutually reinforcing and give the system the most efficient and effective power. The major thrust of promotional strategy is generally thought of in terms of four explicit promotional elements, i.e., advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations. However, it is necessary to emphasize at the ouset that these four explicit elements work in conjunction with other components of the marketing-mix. The other elements in the mix — product, price and place — not only inlluence the manner in which one can handle the explicit promotional tools, but can also convay a type of communication impact of their own. This type marketing communication is called implicit promotion. Product can convey marketing communication to target audience through its functional features and surrogate cues, price and distribution channels through their informational dimensions.Item Przegląd piśmiennictwa RPEiS 56(2), 1994(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994)Item System informacji marketingowej, obszary decyzji i źródła informacji(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Rutkowski, Ireneusz P.The article demonstrates problems related to the design of an information system for a company. It is found that the effectiveness of the system is determined by the degree of correlation and compatibility with a company's environment and with the information requirements of various Management levels. The Marketing Information System (SIM) which evolved from other information systems, is a subsystem of a company's Information Management System. Modern marketing information system are strictly connected with information systems, which make possible unlimited production of information and data. The question which then arises is how to connect SIM with a company's decision areas in order to limit the production of unnecessary data.Item Problemy ogólne nowej ustawy o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Kępiński, MarianThe article deals with some questions of general character raised by the Law. First, the author comes to the conclusion that the Law cannot be principally considered as "lex generalis" in relation to trademark or copyight law. The "lex generalis - lex specialis" relation may only be established with regard to particular norms contained in the respective regulations. The second point is the relation between the general clause of unfair competition (Art. 3) and its specific torts. The author indicates that the general clause may be used to cover cases not provided for by specific provisions, or to correct such provisions if drawn too broadly, or to exclude claims based on the specific provisions, but not justified under the general clause. Finally, the author considers that there is no reason to construct an exclusive subjective right to enterprise as a theoretical basis for unfair competition claims.Item Zróznicowanie regionalne wyników wyborów parlamentarnych w Polsce z dnia 19 września 1993 roku(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Matykowski, Roman; Tobolska, AnnaThe article aims at describing the regional differentiation of the turnout and of the support for major political parties in the parliamentary elections of 19 September 1994. Having analysed the aforesaid differentiation, one may note voividships with a consistently high (Wielkopolska, Małopolska) and consistently low electoral turnouts. Compared to the elections of 1991, the support for the Democratic Left Alliance has grown considerably throughout the whole country except the Zamosc voivodship, whereas the support for the Democratic Union has increased only in 7 voivodships (including the Poznań voivodship). One of the principal axes of competition was between peasant parties (PSL, PSL-PL) and townspeople parties (the Democratic Union, the Liberal Democratic Congress, the Labour Union).Item Nowe uregulowania, działalności reklamowej w ustawodawstwie polskim(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Nowińska, EwaThe new Law Against Unfair Competition of 199.8 contains several significant provisions forming the legal framework of advertising. Apart from references to non-legal axiological norms typical of this branch of legislation ("boni mores"), Art. 16 of t he Law, fully devoted to advertising torts, prohibits in particular: disinforming, arousing fear, exploiting naivety, infringing privacy. In accordance with trends in Europe, comparison is only conditionally permitted ("true information useful for customers"). The effectiveness of the new law in the marketplace will be decided by the practice. Hitherto no judgments based on its provisions have been reported.Item Spis treści RPEiS 56(2), 1994(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994)Item Strategia fuzji przedsiębiorstw a konkurencja(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Jantoń-Drozdowska, ElżbietaThe increasing importance of mergers for the growth strategies of corporations, multinational in particular, gives rise to questions about the motives for the choice of such strategy. Traditionally, mergers have been explained by economies of scale, increases in operational effectiveness, beneficial results of internal transactions, and the synergetic effect flowing from complementaiy resources. It seems, however, that the foregoing motives do not fully explain the contemporary wave of mergers. The author attempts at linking the development of merger strategies with a certain chain of interdependent phenomena, for which competition is the propelling force. Further, she analyzes the impact of merger strategies on the market structure and corporate behaviour, and suggests a need to make mergers subject to stricter antitrust scrutiny than currently in force.Item Zachowania konsumenckie - teoria preferencji - reklama(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Kowalik, StanisławAne article analyses the changes in consumer behaviour during the period of transition from socialist -planned to market economy. Three types of consumer behaviour are distinguished: acquisition, use, and disposal of goods. The theoretical basis of the analysis was Coombs' preference theory. His conception was also used to indicate the dangers of inappropriate uses of advertising regard to people with limited financial resources.Item Marketing w spółdzielczości rolniczej w Polsce. Podstawy i przesłanki stosowania(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Kubiak, KatarzynaThe article indicates the need to use basic marketing principles in the process of farming cooperatives' adaptation to the current economic conditions. Whereas marketing was formed in connection with the market behaviour of profit-oriented economic entities, a cooperative, apart from being an economic entity, is also an association of persons. Therefore, marketing concepts should be revised in order to be applied to cooperatives. Marketing-mix, consisting of product, price, distribution and promotion policies should have specific features in case of cooperatives. In addition to describing such features, the article presents the premises of the application of marketing techniques in farming cooperatives. Finally, the importance of marketing advising is illustrated with examples drawn from the activities of the Countryside Cooperative Foundation and the Wielkopolska Chamber of Agriculture.Item Obszary i etapy badań marketingowych(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Ciechomski, WiesławThe article is devoted to market research and analyses. In the first part, where areas of market research are described, those pertaining to demand, product, distribution and promotion are distinguished. In the second part the stages of marketing research are described, starting from the problem and research objective definition and ending with the practical application of research results and of the conclusions flowing therefrom. The entire article attempted to stress the importance of complete, up-to-date and reliable information for a company's marketing management.Item Komunikacja perswazyjna a reklama(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Paluchowski, Władysław JacekThe author, departing from a general model of a message, enumerates factors of persuasive communication influencing its effectiveness, describes typical objectives of advertising and manners of generating desired consumer behaviour. The author also presents technical problems of transmission, traps on the way to the practical use of persuasive communication, and further he draws a hierarchy of advertising results.Item Innowacje produktu jako źródło przewagi konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstwa(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Szulczyńska, UrszulaCorporations' subsistence and growth depends on their capacity to adapt to new operating conditions. Innovations are therefore a response to changes in demand resulting from demographic changes, although experience indicates that introduction of new products to the market may be costly and risky. Endeavours aimed at flooding the market with novelties may also result in creating products with insignificant modifications merely with the objective of generating rapid profits. While considering the sources of the competitive advantage achieved by companies involved in product innovations, the author attempts at answering the questions whether it is more beneficial to act rapidly or more slowly and judiciously, and what products are now most profitable for manufacturers.Item Segmentacja psychograficzna jako metoda badań marketingowych(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1994) Wanat, TomaszThe article presents the results of research on market segmentation. Their essence consisted in the use of psychographic criteria, i.e. criteria relating to psychological properties affecting conconsumer behaviour. A sample of 300 inhabitants of Poznań were used in the research. Data collected with the use of questionna ires were first processed with factor analysis allowing to limit the number of variables, and then clustering analysis allowing to create certain groups. 6 such groups, called segments were distinguished: t he active, conservatives, townspeople, t he passive, aspiration- holders, and traditionalists. Each of the segments is characterized by a different lifestyle, and consequently, a different approach to shopping.