Studia Edukacyjne, 2014, nr 33
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Item Młodzi dorośli wobec zmian na rynku pracy(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Wawrzonek, AnnaThe objective of the article is to present reflections on the situation of young people on the labour market and its effects on education. The article focuses on employers’ expectations of young people on the labour market, on the support offered the analyzed group to improve their professional situation, with particular interest in legislative changes in the labour market policy as well as implications for education and counselling.Item Socjoterapia w profilaktyce w pracy z młodzieżą(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Herman, TomaszThe purpose of this article is to bring the idea of sociotherapy as one of forms of prophylaxis. In the first part sociotherapy and prophylaxis will be discussed as the key concepts of this subject. They will be discussed in the context of the therapeutic impacts of prophylaxis. In the second part the author will try to show the dimension of prophylactic sociotherapy in work with young people.Item Teacher’s Grammar: Teaching Beliefs and Practices. A Research on What Second Language Teachers Think, Know, Believe and How It Tallies With Their Practical Methods, Approaches and Standards of Teaching(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Mielnik, KamilThis study examines the relationship between grammar teaching beliefs and practices. The sample of teachers consists of thirty-tree foreign language teachers. They provided insights into how they are familiarised with teaching methods and approaches and how the grammar is taught in reality. Moreover, the study refers to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), according to which the practical knowledge should be measured. The nature of teachers’ theories is illustrated with examples from classroom research on grammar teaching. The results suggest that the majority of these teachers possess clearly defined theoretical beliefs, which consistently reflect one particular methodological approach. Some implications of this study for language teacher education are also discussed.Item Mikro- i makrokontekst w procesie systemowej diagnozy psychopedagogicznej dzieci i młodzieży z trudnościami w uczeniu się(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Krauze-Sikorska, HannaThe process of diagnosing children and adolescents with learning difficulties is considered to be the initial and simultaneously the basic link of building a constructive process concentrated on prophylaxis and therapy to assist and support children’s development and activities. This article tries to determine the place diagnostic procedure should take up in the multi-faceted intervention system to help children and adolescents with learning difficulties. I present in it assumptions based on the systemic (or even systemic – constructivist) model, though I realize that such an approach does not facilitate the diagnosis because it requires opening up to dialogue with a “client” and the environments in which he or she operates, to view the problems of children and adolescents from different perspectives, including but not limited to the biographical perspective. The main aspect I focus on are the conditions to be fulfilled in order for the realization of the diagnostic process in systemic terms. The assumptions of the systemic approach in diagnosis are very inspiring both theoretically and practically, but their real inclusion into diagnostic practice raises dilemmas and doubts as we are faced with continuous challenges.Item Na pograniczu psychologii i pedagogiki – czyli życie i działalność Ludwiki Karpińskiej-Woyczyńskiej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Groth, Jarosław; Waszyńska, KatarzynaThe purpose of this paper is to present the achievements and the person of Dr. Louise Karpińska- Woyczyńska, an outstanding researcher and academic lecturer who implemented in practice scientific developments and popularized psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the first decades of the twentieth century. Karpińska-Woyczyńska belongs to the group of Polish scientists hardly remembered today. This article aims to preserve the memory of the pioneers of Polish science. The opportunity to see the humanistic ethos of Karpińska-Woyczyńska also seems to be important in shaping the identity of those who study, conduct research and use the discoveries of science in practice today. The extant archival material, allowing only a rudimentary recreation of her accomplishments, shows the uniqueness of this social activist and science enthusiast, who disseminated knowledge from the fields of psychology, pedagogy and psychoanalysis.Item Polaryzacja społecznych efektów reklam komercyjnych – analiza mechanizmów działania na przykładzie nastoletnich odbiorców(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Maksymiuk, Renata Anna; Jasielska, AleksandraAdolescence is the period of important changes of the individual’s emotional, cognitive and social development. These changes occur in a specific social and cultural environment, of which advertising is part. Because young people are the target group of many products and commercials, it is worth highlighting the social role of advertising. Usually it is identified with negative consequences (like unhealthy habits). But some social effects of advertising may also be positive (e.g. dissemination of a healthy lifestyle). The article presents: 1) a pattern of social effects of advertising, 2) examples of polarization of the social effects of advertising, and 3) explanation of the mechanism of the opposite effects of advertisements.Item Styl przywództwa dyrektora szkoły a rozwiązywanie konfliktów. Zwiad badawczy(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Cieślińska, JustynaNowadays, there is very often a need for modern leadership schools. The contemporary school is the place where political, social, cultural, and economic pressures interact. Many changes taking place in Polish schools are determined by the requirements of the educational policy of the state and the influence of the European Union. In contemporary society, institutions should be managed in a way that addresses a high competitiveness. One of the dimensions of contemporary management is effective conflict resolution. In the educational context, what seems to be interesting is the way that principals resolve conflicts among the teachers. The article presents those ways of conflict management, the possible solutions and the directions of conflicts. It also presents issues concerning leadership in the education context. To confirm the theoretical and practical approach to education management, the article presents the results of a study consisting in interviews with school principals.Item Herbart’s Philosophy of Pedagogy and Educational Teaching(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Somr, Miroslav; Hruškova, LenkaHerbart’s scientific educational theory pointed to the fact that the application of pedagogical ideas in educational practices would brought a guaranteed outcome with a regular, mathematical precision. Herbart he was personally aware that this system contains the danger of formalism and unilateral intellectualism and therefore he endeavored, in theory, to overcome the concept of educational learning. This emphasis, however, was neglected by his pupils and followers.Item Pedagogiczny kontekst kategorii sensu życia w okresie średniej dorosłości(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jabłońska, SylwiaIt is widely believed that stability and permanence of values, purposes and attitudes are the attributes of adulthood. However, the physical and mental changes of middle adulthood as well as social challenges necessitate a search for answers to the emerging existential doubts concerning an overloaded routine of everyday life, a lack of understanding of one’s role in the world, the values themselves, and the meaning of life. This particular development period therefore requires an extra effort and support of the environment; here pedagogy should join as a discipline focused on the theoretical and practical creation of the Human Being of the Future.Item The Education of the Vietnamese Minority in Poland(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Zieliński, PawełAnalysis of the Vietnamese minority education in Poland in the context of the objectives of intercultural pedagogy showed that it varies depending on the wave of the population migration to Poland. The Vietnamese from the first wave of migration (since the 1950s through the 1970s) with multigenerational families are mostly integrated into Polish society, in contrast to the Vietnamese from the second wave (initiated in the 1990s). This has resulted not so much from a conscious policy of the Polish state on the delivery of intercultural education, but on a confluence of a variety of factors, the most important of which turned out to be the educational and intrinsic activity of the Vietnamese themselves. The Vietnamese minority in Poland has retained their national identity and provide family education in line with the Confucian patterns.Item Orientacja zawodowa jako kategoria teoretyczna i badawcza(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Myszka, LucynaThe concept of orientation forming a very complex and multidimensional construct while having an interdisciplinary value becomes an interesting subject of theoretical analysis and research. As a mark of a category of volatility and dynamism, it is very difficult to be clearly defined. The findings of the definition of orientation in general are not without significance for decisions concerning professional orientation, also of ambiguous nature. An intense interest in the analyzed discourse is caused by intensified socio-economic changes impacting the labor market and, consequently, the condition of a person participating in it. This situation makes the issue a subject of extremely valuable cognitive considerations and consequently has implications for the teaching practice, which encourages a discussion on the theme of professional orientation.Item Zagrożenie nowymi formami zachowań ryzykownych wśród dzieci i młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością – uzasadnienia dla zainteresowania problematyką(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Chrzanowska, IwonaThe “modern technologies – disability” relations are mainly considered in the context of support. Modern technologies in the context of disability trigger associations such as: software for the blind, speech synthesizers for people with cerebral palsy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, smart prostheses, etc. It seems that today the possibilities of using new technologies in human lives are unlimited. Undoubtedly, technological development has an impact on social relations. New patterns of behavior, including new forms of risky behavior, emerge. This issue has not been studied in children with disabilities. We do not know whether the disability is a risk factor of hazardous behavior and what kind of relationships and regularities we should expect.Item Pedagogika w zmianie paradygmatycznej – problem hermeneutycznej niewspółmierności(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Krause, AmadeuszThe text focuses on the issues of the development and changes within scientific disciplines, in particular social sciences and special education as one of their areas. The author locates his reasoning in reference to the idea of scientific development and the concept of paradigmatic change of Thomas Kuhn, especially revealing the notion of hermeneutic disparity, which metaphorically means the lack of a common language of researchers originating from different (opposite) paradigms. Applying hermeneutic disparity in his discussion, the author seeks answers to the questions formulated either to the essence and quality of pedagogy as a science or to the ways it is practiced and conditioned by a researcher’s paradigmatic and methodological orientation.Item Wybrane problemy diagnozy opisowej w socjoterapii – aspekty teoretyczne oraz związki z funkcjonowaniem zawodowym socjoterapeutów(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Jankowiak, Barbara; Soroko, EmiliaThe matter of psychological diagnosis in socio-therapy is a relatively new area of theoretical reflection and empirical research. The piece of research presented here deals with socio-therapists’ perspective and regards developing the picture of the psychological problems of groups participants and the consequences of the described manner of perceiving problems in socio-therapists’ professional functioning. It was explored what kind of descriptive diagnosis is made by socio-therapists and certain general tendencies in identifying the relational problems were observed (e.g. more frequent observing the problems with adults or the child with itself), as well as the participants and their families (mainly the problems with learning, ADHD at children and violence and alcoholism in families). The co-occurrence of the individual’s and family’s problems identified here corresponds to other clinical psychology studies of children and teenagers (especially co-occurence of fear disorders, ADHD of the disorders of learning in the alcoholic family environment). The relations between the tendencies to recognize particular problems and the subgroups of these problems (relational and nozological aspects) and professional functioning of the socio-therapists were described. It has been noticed that the severity of diagnoses is related to a greater amount of negative feelings in professional works and there are no significant relations between identifying the problems and a hope for a professional success. The results have been discussed in the context of the light on socio-therapy as psycho-pedagogical help.Item Migracyjne transnarodowe wsparcie społeczne. Kazus młodych polskich imigrantów zarobkowych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Kozielska, JoannaStudies of the phenomenon of Polish foreign migration fail to reflect on the biographical experience of young Polish post-accession emigrants, their judgments and opinions. This publication is targeted, therefore, towards research on migration prospects of micro entity. These, in turn, predispose migrants to aid them, by both formal and informal multi-faceted support. The proposed approach should inspire you to reflect on the quality of the trajectory of migration biography by blending into the mainstream of humanist discourse on present-day multidimensionality of human life, condemned to permanent search of a place in life (for living, working, fulfilling family duties) in constant reconstruction of the new global reality. The postmodern migration support network and its new quality in the form of the blogosphere – as “an immediate panacea for all ailments of migration” is another issues discussed. The whole has been enriched by comments stemming from recent studies that describe the trends in contemporary Polish post-accession emigration.Item Nowe szanse, nowe wyzwania i nowe zagrożenia dla edukacji związanej z rosnącą imersją uczniów w cyberprzestrzeni(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Tadeusiewicz, RyszardThe development and increasing number of diverse forms of all age students' immersion in cyberspace (e.g., common participation in social networking services, intensive use of electronic communication, widespread acquisition of information primarily from the Internet etc.) leads to the necessity of considering the above-mentioned factors also in any discussion about the current education. After the propagation of Internet facilities across the whole population and the emergence of numerous easily available sources of data and other information on the net – the relation between teachers and students must necessarily change in a dramatic way. Instead of the traditional role assigned previously to the teacher – that of the source of information acquired by students – now the teacher must be rather a guide in the “information jungle” sprawling over cyberspace than an information provider. The quantity and diversity of information available on the net is totally incomparable with the information that can be given to students by even the most educated and generous teacher. However, the collection of information acquired by a student from electronic sources alone is not equivalent to knowledge. There is a saying that knowledge consists of information, like a house is made of bricks. But not all heaps of bricks are houses, and not all collections of information can be considered knowledge. Both the bricks in the house walls and the information in knowledge systems must be formed by an expert. A contemporary teacher should be an expert in knowledge formation rather than an information provider. We can see here the opportunities generated by the vast amount of information available to students from the cyberspace, much bigger than the amount of information available from the teacher, or even all textbooks in the traditional teaching model. Yet we must also see the threats posed by the huge amount of imprecise, obsolete and even incorrect information which is also available on the Internet, and is often indistinguishable from the true information, the information solely valuable from the viewpoint of merit. Moreover, also examination of students is a source of threats, because the frequently employed test exams are useful for checking the information acquired by students, but are inadequate when we need to evaluate their knowledge. All the problems pointed out above are discussed in the paper, which also proposes and examines some futuristic ideas.Item Norbert G. Pikuła (red.), Marginalizacja na rynku pracy. Teorie a implikacje praktyczne, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków 2014, ss. 209(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Łukasik, Joanna M.Item Instynkt macierzyński – mit czy rzeczywistość? Refleksje wokół rozproszenia (powołania) kobiet w XXI wieku(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Szymczak, EmiliaThe present article is an attempt to determine whether maternal instinct is the essentialist feature or it is socially constructed (in extreme versions is seen as a fiction passed down from generation to generation, a myth which is a product of culture and in fact it does not exist. The article refers to the contemporary trends of maternity, the need of reconciliation between social and professional roles by contemporary women and the individual dispersions of Polish women in terms of their identity.Item Sprawozdanie z II Interdyscyplinarnego Seminarium Naukowego z cyklu „Migotanie znaczeń” Poznań, 14 maja 2014 roku(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Mazurowska-Domeracka, AnnaItem Dziecko, kobieta i ubogi – genealogia (neo)liberalnego wykluczenia(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014) Lewartowska-Zychowicz, MałgorzataThe text covers the matter of social exclusion understood as limited access to social, political and economical life, and its justification. Its purpose is to face the provocative thesis that the intentional implementation of exclusion can be done on the basis of liberal theories. The source of such actions is the model of the rational individual, on which the liberals based their theory of personal autonomy. The exclusive potential of this concept caused the politics of exclusion applied to children, women and the poor. In children, limiting their personal autonomy was justified by the liberals due to its potential rationality and therefore a temporary inability to make independent decisions and take responsibility for itself. Exclusion practices towards women in early liberal societies are justified by separating the private sphere from the public sphere and liberating the former from any interference. This liberal idea influenced the process of perpetuating the pre-political home authority of men and blocked women’s emancipation for many years. The exclusion of the poor from participating in liberal freedom is caused by the connection between personal autonomy and private property. The liberal guilt in this case is the full awareness of the excluding features of poverty, with strong commitment to political actions, radically increasing the process of countries holding power over the world growing poor.