Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2001, tom 13
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Item Barbara Tryfan, Zabezpieczenia społeczne rolników w Europie, Fundacja Programów Pomocy dla Rolnictwa, Warszawa 2000. (Recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Frątczak, JoannaItem Wewnątrzrodzinne uwarunkowania wyboru zawodu i szkoły uczniów postrzeganych przez nauczycieli jako wybitnie zdolnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Pielka, HenrykPeople’s abilities form the basis of the development of a society. Along with socio-economic and cultural development, the demand for highly specialized scientific, technical and managerial staff increases. The notion of ability is used to define those qualities of human psyche which condition the capacity to act effectively in specific areas while carrying out various tasks. The living environment of outstanding students was characterized by a complete structure of their families, higher and secondary education of their parents, favourable living conditions, a high standard of participation in culture and childcare, as well as good atmosphere at home. Parents support their children in the choice of proper school and work.Item Od histerii do pourazowego zespołu stresu - z historii badań nad przemocą(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Brągiel, JózefaIn the article the history of the survey concerning violence, was presented starting with the period of searching for the sources of hysteria, conducted by J. M. Charcot and Z. Freud through battered child syndrome and the role played by military psychologists and feminists in searching for and describing post-traumatic stress disorder as a medical case.Item Relacje zachodzące pomiędzy miejską rodziną małą a rodziną dużą(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Żurek, AldonaIn this paper undertaken became problem of relating account which one hold municipal families with relatives. Thought industrializing peoples make new demands on kin, industrialization also makes possible to respond to family claims with new resources. Nuclear family unite with large family intensive and complicated social ties. It accepts emotional, instrumental and normative character. Social interactions connect members of family lean more and more often, for executed free choice and rule of reciprocity. Only connections accounts of parents and of children and siblings have stood solid character more and more greater. Meaning, behaving to most of aspects of life o f individual, have other informal groups. Healthy relationships in large family include companionship, security and feeling of well - being.Item Transmisja międzypokoleniowa wartości wychowawczych w rodzinie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Skrzypniak, RyszardIn this scientific description are presented results of researches on the transmission of educational values in families among generations. The first results and opinions from presented sectors of researches let us draw the following conclusions: 1. The familiar transmission of educational values depends on the familiar conditions, such as: living conditions of family, environment, number of children and education, including level of pedagogical knowledge. 2. Stabilisation of familiar educational values is noticeable. The family, in spite of social destabilisation, keeps considerable stabilisation on a scale transmission values especially into closest generations. 3. In transmission of values are preferred methods of positive influence especially paying attention to positive communication among family members, good atmosphere of family nest and family traditions. 4. Negative bearing of intergeneration transmission of educational values is a fact that other educational environments can’t help family. Lack of moral authorities and endless discussions about the education ideal and even it’s negation is sensible.Item Małżeństwa w Polsce współczesnej. Studium empiryczne(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Dąbrowska, ZofiaThe study is based on the results of Polish gamological investigations, mainly from the 1990s. The author describes various features and determinants of modern marriages in Poland. They are characterized, among others, by selection of spouses according to demographic-social and regional factors, determination of marital success (various types), the problem of sexual satisfaction in marriage, the effect of religious attitudes of spouses on the duration of their union, the problem of violence in marriage (including sexual violence), and also the problem of health and wellbeing of spouses in older age. The author discusses also the specific problems of semarriagese, that is reconstructed families, especially their legal and psychological problems.Item Wartości preferowane przez osoby dorosłe pochodzące z rodzin pełnych i rozwiedzionych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Sokal, UrszulaValues as an essential ingredient of human personality are responsible for one’s activity. The most important ones decide about a person’s self-image and relationship with other people. They are shaped in the process of socialization in one’s family. A specific system of values depends on a family. Research results show that adults adhere to the same values irrespective of the fact whether they come from full or divorced families.Item Źródła wiedzy o rolach małżeńskich(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Przybył, IwonaThis paper shows the results of the author’s study carried out in 1999-2000 among 280 married people. The conclusions reached during the performance of research and analysis allow to state that the main sources of knowledge about marital roles are observations of parent’s way to perform marital roles, parent’s verbal instructions and making conversations with future spouse. It was discovered that women more frequently than men consider that mass-media are an important source of their knowledge. Family is a social group having a great influence on the genesis of knowledge about marital roles and it is the main pattern for young couples, especially when their parents remain in the happy, successfull relations.Item Francis Fukuyama, Wielki Wstrząs. Natura ludzka a odbudowa porządku społecznego. Przeł. Hanna Komorowska, Krzysztof Dorosz. Wyd. Bertelsman Media Sp. z o.o. Warszawa 2000. (Recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Kwaitkowski, MariuszItem Rola rodziny w opiece nad człowiekiem przewlekle chorym(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Taranowicz, IwonaContemporary medicine assumes the importance of the role of the family in taking care of ill individuals. This article shows results of study of 57 families with chronically ill members. The study has explored 2 related issuses : 1. What functions connected with treatment does the family perform, 2. How does the family cope with it. Most families perform basic functions important for treatment like control of taking drugs and the diet, physical activities, nursing activities. The way families cope with chronical illness of one of its members depends on a level of self-dependence of chronically ill members, family's economic situation and social support. Families receive social support from children, parents, brothers and sisters, less often from neigbours and friends, very rarely and almost never from insitutions.Item Oczekiwania dotyczące własnej osoby i przyszłego partnera małżeńskiego w późnej adolescencji(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Liberska, HannaThe article has touched upon the problem o f young peoples expectations towards themselves and their future husbands / wives, as well as their selected conditioning. The results of the research carried out on 120 subjects, aged 16-20, have shown the differences of the above expectations as far as sex and some identity aspects are concerned. In general, among the youth egalitarian expectations in reference to their own life achievements and the achievements o f their partners prevail. Young people prefer partnership model of marriage, although this tendency is dominant among men.Item Wychowanie dziecka w rodzinie nauczycielskiej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Pielkowska, Józefa AnnaUpbringing and its role in today’s Polish families is conditioned in specific ways. An interesting environment for the upbringing process, from the cognitive perspective, is a teachers’ family. Teachers are educated people, which is not without effect on beneficial function on the family and bringing up children even in spite of a difficult financial condition of such a family. Teachers’ families live on the minimum social level or even below that. This condition exerts a negative effect on teachers’ participation in culture. In teachers’ families, norms o f social intercourse are observed. Children reach a high level o f social adaptation.Item Kierunki przemian rodziny - alternatywy dla małżeństwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Kwak, AnnaThe Polish family is being transformed in the same way as is the family in other societies - fewer legal marriages, fewer children, more divorces, more single parents, more cohabitation. Causes of these changes have social and economic background. Changed perspectives on meaning of marriage correlates with the change of expectations directed to partner and the union itself. Public opinion became more distinctly tolerant which undoubtedly facilitates spreading of alternative unions. Although people will accept cohabitation in principle, they would still prefer their own family members to establish formal marriages. Is there cohabitation an alternative and threat to marriage?Item Nowoczesna domowa ekonomia jako instrument zmiany relacji społecznych w rodzinie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Wachowiak, AnnaMutually connected structural social changes are going on the level : society, family and individual. Undergoing changes are the great challenge to - among others - home economics. Problems of the family - in the context of home economics -may be seen through different prospects: historical, inner and inter culture. Also from the point of view of the budget of the family and the possible ways of sharing it into different types of expenditures and from the point of view of women other role in home economics today and in the past and the division of roles between sexes. Regional inequalities and polarization of types of home economics because of the accumulation of sources is a great challenge to egalitarian social development in the 21th century. Profesional, theoretical and practical home economy directed to application in home economy is a very important tool in the management of changes in functioning of the family. Practical application of this knowledge unable progress in the family and development of more egalitarian relations in the family.Item Socjomedyczne aspekty spóźnionego macierzyństwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Sawicka, MałgorzataMaternity is mostly associated with young women. However, nowadays, there are more and more mature women making their in the role of mother. Maernity of women who decide to have their first baby at the age of 35 or even later causes quite a lot of problems, which are not encountered by younger mothers. Pregnancy alone, child delivery and later puerperium are burdened with a bigger risk for a mother, a foetus and a child. In spite of many arguments supporting the idea of having the first baby at younger age, more and more women put this decision off till later time. This new trend is influenced by social, cultural and political changes taking place in our country. Furthermore, decrease in perinatal morality of mothers and babies, modern ways of treating infertility, modern methods of diagnosing of pathological states assure women that even at later age they will be able to become mothers of healthy babies.Item System ról w rodzinach wiejskich w Polsce lat osiemdziesiątych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Nowak, WaldemarThe author has presented role syndrome in the following types of country families: farmers’ and farmer-workers’ families, families o f workers o f country socialized institutions, and non-agricultural families. In most o f the country families there exists traditional and conservative role division. It results from the division of country duties and work and also from rural mentality and culture. That explains bipolar divisions o f roles within country families into male and female roles closely related to productive functions. As far as the internal life o f a country family is concerned - considering especially interhuman relations, bringing up children and life-style - we should notice gradual and evolutional repelling of authority, formal and conservative roles leading to their democratization.Item Kompetencja emocjonalna kobiet i mężczyzn a życie w rodzinie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Filipiak, GrażynaThe article focuses on the differences in emotional competence of women and men. The author, on the basis of numerous studies, discusses family life’s influence on constituting these differences. Such variables as: marital status, ability to express emotions by partners, ability to talk about emotions, care of health both one’s own and of the family members, dealing in fate situations, response to partner’s death, suicidal tendency and the higher death rate of men. It is shown that during the socialisation processes in the family men acquire worse emotional competencies than women. They are less able to recognise their own and others’ emotions and to react to them in the emotionally adequate way as well. Men’s lower emotional resourcefulness is accompanied by the higher need to profit from the positive aspects of family life. The family has also a greater impact on men’s than on women’s psychophysical sphere.Item Partnerstwo w międzykulturowych małżeństwach mieszanych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Jodłowska, MałgorzataPartnership in the contemporary world is a need and a necessity. But to define what it is in its essence and to what extent its realization is possible, especially in the multicultural mixed marriages is the main question of this article that the author is going to give answer to. The relationships that interest the author the most are those in which one of the partners has Polish background, while the other has a non-European background (Asian or African). The author analyzes the various definitions of partnerships made by spouses of Polish and foreign background, their own ways o f assessing marriage based on partnership (or not) and also the extent of its realization in two zones: institutional-functional and, in some aspects, the personal zone. The first zone includes those issues concerning a fair share of house duties, right to make main decisions about marital/ family life and women’s professional life. The second one is about open honest communication between the spouses. The author also tries to define some of the factors, which may be or may not be conducive to the realization of partnership in the relationships of her research.Item Bezrobocie w skali kraju, województwa i powiatu poznańskiego(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Kokociński, MaciejThe problem of unemployment affects all categories of families. In late years of the nineties the number o f the unemployed has increased on the job market. The unemployment has become one of the main factors responsible for destabilisation of structure and function of families. Despite ten years of analyses of unemployment problems there are still errors in the means of measuring the intensity and structure o f this problem. The characteristic feature of Polish kind of unemployment is its evolution. It considers quality as well as quantity changes. In the paper on unemployment we are going to analyse the problem on three layers i. e. the layer of state of province and district. The object of our analysis is contemporary situation of Poznan job market on the level of the province and district, based on local data collected by the district job office. Our results will prove that the intensity of negative agents connected with the lack of jobs and exclusion from social activities of a bigger and bigger social working groups.Item Człowiek i rodzina w XXI wieku. Czas nadziei czy cywilizacja udrąki?(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Tyszka, ZbigniewThe developed countries are entering the postindustrial epoch of the 21st century now. The automatozation will make its progress and next to it the a cyborgization” o f production and services, connected with scientific and technological development, especially in the field of most modern branches of technology (electronics, computing industry, modern medicine, and the development of contemporary media leading to the virtualization). Constantly growing exchange of information, the medialization of modern societies, the interweaving of real world with virtual one - all of this are the factors which will change the existence of families and individuals. We may expect futher progress of socjal atomization and the loosening of links within nuclear family and extended family. Divorces will be coming to life even more frequently, and the number of informal relationships (provided, from the sociological point of view, with family-like traits) will grow, as well as the number of incomplete families (without mother or father) and the number of individuals not sharing their living space with anyone. The basic need which supports the survival of family will be yearning for having close human relation with someone else.