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Item Some Terminological Inconsistencies in Norwegian Syntax(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1984) Skommer, GrzegorzThe subject of the author's considerations is the lack of agreement in the classification of subordinate sentences in Polish and Norwegian grammar. The author suggests that there is a need to base this classification on the relevant parts of a sentence, and not on parts of speech. In this way one can avoid confusion in the acquisition of subordinate clause of the Norwegian language by Poles learning Norwegian.Item The principle of association in the use of the definite article in English and Swedish(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1992) Budziszewski, ArkadiuszIn the first part of the paper the mechanism of association in the use of the definite article is presented. The author also accounts for the most common types of relations between things associated with each other. In the remaining part, the use of the principle of association in English noun phrases is discussed. The author demonstrates that.there is a formal difference between the two languages in the way of expressing the definiteness of a referent.Item Tautonyme Personenbezeichnungen auf -ist im Dänischen und -ist(a) bzw. -yst(a) im Polnischen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1992) Rajnik, EugeniuszThe paper deals with the word-formation analysis of Danish personal nouns in -ist and their formal counterparts in -ist/a/ and yst/a/ in Polish. The analysis is based on Bzd;ga’s binary model. * The Danish suffix -ist is usually tacked on to nouns though some deadjectival derivatives can also be found. Some personal nouns with the above suffixes have parallel forms with the same meaning. Some Danish personal nouns in -ist have no Polish equivalents though there exist relevant bases in Polish. Numerous Polish derivatives in -ist/a / and -yst/a/ are rendered by compounds in Danish.Item Word-Formation Description and Morphological Status of Intensifiers in Norwegian(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1992) Skommer, GrzegorzThe author analyses the morphological status of some Norwegian prefixes and first-words of compounds which convey the semantic feature of intensification: The status is hard to establish due to the incessant process of transition of independent words into affixes. After discussing the complex nature of word-formation analysis the author puts forward a hypothesis that the primary concern of word-formation studies should be meaning.Item The position of Vang church, alias Wang Temple (Karpacz, Poland), in Norwegian stave church literature(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1992) Lange, Tadeusz W.The author presents shortly the history of Vang stave church from Valdres, now situated in Karpacz (Poland), the only Norwegian stave church to be found outside the Norwegian borders. The aim of the paper has been to examine critically the place of Vang church in stave church literature over the last 150 years. The paper also includes a complete bibliography of the church.Item Engelske lánord i norske ungdommers tale(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1996) Awedyk, WitosławItem Vorbemerkung(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1996) Rajnik, EugeniuszItem Formgleiche Wortverkürzungen im dänischen und polnischen(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1997) Rajnik, EugeniuszItem Formelle og semantiske differenser i polsk-danske tautonyme personbetegnelser(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1997) Rajnik, EugeniuszItem Semantische Differenzen Zwischen dänischen und deutschen Tautonymen Personenbezeichnungen(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 1999) Rajnik, EugeniuszThe purpose of the article is to show certain structural (morphological), and in more detail, certain semantic differences between the tautonymic (identical or nearly identical in form) personal nouns (=PB) in Danish and German, that can lead to linguistic errors. The study was based on a representative selection of examples.Item Przegląd dotychczasowych badań nad związkami cech osobowości nauczycieli i uczniów z procesem nauczania / uczenia się(Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne, 2001) Surdyk, AugustynPoniższy artykuł oparty jest na dwóch pozycjach: Psychologia dla nauczycieli Davida Fontana oraz Individual differences in second language learning Petera Skehana i stanowi podstawę teoretyczną dla jednego z tandemów badawczych, w projekcie dotyczącym autonomizacji procesu uczenia się / nauczania. Techniką wykorzystaną w doświadczeniu jest rozwinięta forma znanej w metodyce techniki role play do postaci role playing game. (gry fabularne). Celem doświadczenia jest sprawdzenie skuteczności tejże techniki w kształtowaniu autokontroli i autokorekty, jako elementów Indywidualnej Kompetencji Komunikacyjnej w powiązaniu z cechami osobowości.Item Autokontrola w procesie kształtowania się strategii komunikacyjnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2002) Surdyk, Augustyn; Glinka, MarianKsiążka stanowi plon 2-letniego projektu badawczego zrealizowanego na Wydziale Neofilologii UAM przez zespół złożony z psychologa i filologów aż czterech specjalności językowych. Prezentuje zagadnienia ogólne ( specyfilę komunikacji ustnej, kształtowanie postaw proautonomicznych i osobistej kompetencji komunikacyjnej) oraz sprawozdania z badań (dotyczące kształtowania samooceny, wrażliwości językowej, umiejętności argumentacyjnych i postawy podmiotowej).Item Den svenska dagpressens särskilda ställning är inte tillfäldigheternas spel… Dagstidningsmarknaden i dagens Sverige(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Dunajska, MariaThe Swedish newspaper market has been traditionally very strong both in terms of circulation and advertising revenues. Thus, the country has always been placed close to tbe top in newspaper consumption in Europę. The following article is an attempt to give an overview of the newspaper market in toda/s Sweden, with its traditional division and major features. Special emphasis is laid on those phenomena which contributed to Sweden's uniąue position on the European market, namely the fact that newspaper circulation is generally very high, newspapers are mainly locally or regionally based, there is a high level of readership, and, what is worth noting, papers are read among all social groups. Moreover, most of the moming newspapers are sold by subscription and offer early moming borne delivery, which seems to be remarkably effective. The closing part of the article deals with the economic market, focusing mostly on the advertising revenues as well as concentration of the newspaper market.Item Vanha Marski – der finnische Mythos vom Marschall C.G. Mannerheim(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Mrozewicz, BolesławThe author of the article presents one of the most significant figures in the modern history of Finland: Marshal Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (1867-1951), the commander of the Finnish army during the three 'Finnish' wars and the president of Finland after World War II. Mannerheim has been perceived by the majority of the Finnish people as an almost mythical personage, a distinguished leader and the very symbol of Finnish independence. He managed thrice to save Finland from a political and military disaster. At the same time, Mannerheim was a controversial person in the Finnish society. On the one hand a national bero, on the other a representative of ultraconservative circles, who impeded the progressive trends within the Finnish working class. The article depicts those aspects of Mannerheim's life and of the political and military circumstances in Finland and Europę which lay the foundation for the myth of the Marshal as well as its spread the whole of Scandinavia. The complex discussion on Mannerheim, which has been led for the last forty years both in Finland and abroad, is also put into perspective.Item Das Gesicht als pragmatische Kategorie im institutionellen Gespräch. Über die Abhandlung Råd och ruelse. Moral och samtalsstrategier i Giftinformationscentralens telefonrådgivning von Håkan Landqvist (2001, Uppsala: Uppsala universitet)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Zborowski, PiotrUber die Abhandlung „Rad och ruelse. Morał och samtalsstrategier i Giftinformationscentralens telefonradgivning" („Rat und Reue. Morał und Gesprachsstrategien in der telefonischen Beratung der Zentrale fiir Informationen iiber Yergiftungen") von Hakan Landqvist.Item Suomalaiset kalevalamatriset loitsut ja niiden suullisuus Walter Ongin teorien valossa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Patrykiejew, MagdalenaThe main goal of the paper is to describe the spells and charms of the Finnish sages as the part of the Finnish oral tradition and briefly discuss their characteristic features, such as the metre (so called Kalevala metre), alliteration and repetition on the example of one particular fragment of a spell. More attention is given to the spell as the oral phenomenon and the vocal performance it reąuired. This analysis is based on the theories of Walter Ong concerning the orality and literacy.Item Metaphors in Swedish journalism: the language of business(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Mikołajczyk, MagdalenaThis paper discusses metaphors from the standpoint of cognitive semantics and explores conceptual metaphors in the Swedish language of business, as present in the joumalistic language of everyday newspapers. The introduction briefly reviews the history of metaphorical research, foUowed by a selection of conceptual metaphors found in the economic articles of two Swedish dailies 'Dagens Nyheter' and 'GOteborgs Posten'. This paper also analyses the functions performed by metaphors in economic articles.Item Fran göticism till ’det svenska folklynnet’. Om äldre traditioner i svensk identitetsforskning(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, MagdalenaNational identity, in the meaning of a need to define oneself as a member of a nation and to characterize one's nation, is not constant. It increases during crises and transformations in state and society, and decreases in periods of stabilisation. In the case of Sweden, the research on the natłonal character and identity flourished in the 19th and the early 20th century, which was crucial time politically, economically and socially. The main trends in a searching for the Swedish identity, which are discussed in this article, were inspired by the Nordic mjrthology, the so called great power period in the Swedish history (the 17th century) and the folk traditions symbolised by the province of Dalecarlia. This article presents also the attempts to portray the Swedish national character by C . L . J . Almqvist, V. von Heidenstam, E . Key, A. Strindberg and G. Sundbarg.Item På spaning efter den gräns som flytt. Gränsbegrepp i modern svensk poesi baserande på dikter av Katarina Frostenson och Stig Laarsson(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Niewiarowska-Rasmussen, EwaThe word „limit" has become one of the keywords of modern Swedish poetry, in which it is connected with different poetic determinants. An analysis of the poetry of Katarina Frostenson and Stig Larsson leads to the conclusion that in this age of deconstruction, inter-textuality and postmodemism, among other new literary phenomena, poetry as art has lost its traditional limits. The modern Swedish poets aim at achieving absolute freedom of poetic language, now separated from the outside, non-literary world. They try to prove that meaning is no longer explicitely defined. The poetry of Katarina Frostenson and Stig Larsson attempts to abolish the separation between the persona of the speaker and the world, between the subject and the object.Item Den norske lokalpressen med Glamdalen som eksempel – fortiden og natiden(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Przepióra, AgnieszkaLocal newspapers are the spine of the Norwegian system of the press. About 200 yarious papers reach readers throughout the country and an average reader devotes over 30 minutes to reading daihes. It seems that even the expansion of the internet, as a source of information, is not able to weaken the remarkable position of local newspapers in Norway.