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Item Społeczeństwo polskie wobec problemów reformy i gospodarki(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Morawski, Witold; Kozek, WiesławaThe article presents the results of the April 1985 survey conducted by the Department of Sociology of Labor and Organization of the Institute of Sociology of the Warsaw University and by the Center of Public Opinion Surveys by the Polish Radio and Television on the relation of the Polish society to the economic reform. The research considered questions of a social reaction to the methods of reforming system of management: a mature of that reaction and its group and environmental differentiation. It can be generally stated that the public opinion which views the state of our economy as poor has doubts whether the implemented economic reform can be the means to draw the country out of the crisis. It is stated that the reform fails mostly in the domain of prices, quality of goods and material situation of the workers. Majority of the surveyed can visualise threats to the reform not in the objective economic difficulties but in decission errors on various levels. A part of society seems to be confused. They consider factons which can be the reason of a slow pace of the reform to be its result, mousing lacks of the reform they fail to quote their reasons. lt is important that the workers can see the profits derived from the reform for their enterprises and they express the opinion that it is needed there. That conviction can be observed strongly among those Who declare their contacts with the reform in their everyday work. It can be concluded that the Polish society visualises the reform not as the isolated socio-economic process, but as the integral part of overall far reaching changes both in the State and in the economy which should be implemented in the near future.Item Prolegomena do dziejów lwowskiej rzeźby rokokowej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Gębarowicz, MieczysławItem Antropogeneza a teologia(Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Rosiński, Franciszek M.Die Evolutionstheorie, die im Prinzip eine dynamische Entwicklung der Lebewesen, selbst des Universums beinhaltet, stellte in Frage das bisherige von Philosophie, Theologie und Wissenschaft geprägte statische Weltbild. Die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Vertretern der entgegesetzten Meinungen, besonders im Anfangsstadium, als das Evolutionskonzept eine verhältnismässig schwach fundierte Hypothese war, wurden leider durch weltanschauliche Momente stark beeinflusst, wobei oft die jeweiligen Aussagekompetenzen methodisch und sachlich nicht gebührend gewahrt wurden. In den oft ausrufernden Polemiken wurden zudem wesentliche Elemente nicht entsprechend berücksichtigt. Schon bei den Kirchenlehrern, z.B. bei Basilius, Gregor v. Nyssa, Augustinus, aber auch bei späteren Theologen, sind verschiedene Ansätze feststellbar, die man als "protoevolutionistisch" bezeichnen könnte, wobei sogar Ansichten über ein abiogenetisches Entstehen höherer Lebewesen, inkl. Wirbeltiere vertreten wurden. Ausserdem kam man schon früh zu der Erkenntnis, dass nicht alle Aussagen des Schöpfungsberichtes verbaliter zu verstehen und interpretieren seien. Die Wortfassung des Textes selbst schließt eine Auslegung im Sinne einer evolvierenden Höherentwicklung des Lebens nicht aus. Es wurde versucht unter Berücksichtigung des geschichtlichen Rahmens und der vergleichenden Textanalyse des Hexaemeronberichtes seinen ursprünglichen Aussagegehalt und Sinn wie auch die Absicht des Verfassers zu ermitteln. Außerdem wurden die lehramtlichen Entscheidungen in der Frage der Evolution des Menschen und der jetzige Stand der Diskussion erörtert.Item Uwagi o przedmiotowym zakresie jurysdykcji Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego. Propozycje de lege ferenda(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Nowakowski, AndrzejEstablishing in Poland the judicial review of individual administrative acts byconstituting the Supreme Administrative Court, through amending the Code of Administrative Cour, through amending the Code of Administrative proceedings on 31 Jan. 1980 became a breakthrough in the actions aiming at strengthening the rule of law. The subject matter concerning the extension of the SAC jurisdiction became a part of social agreements concluded at the break of the years 1980/81 by the representatives of state authorities and social groups. According to the legal position as of 15 Apr. 1985 there are 20 types of administrative decisions falling within the scope of the SAC jurisdiction, mentioned specifically in the art. 196 § 2 sub sec. 1-20 c.a.p. and 7 types of the decisions contained in the specific statutes within the meaning of art. 196 § 3 c.a.p. It can be justifiably advocated to replace the affirmative enumeration of art. 196 § 2 c.a.p. by the general clause, the way it was done in other states including the socialist ones. The clause would point at the presumption of the SAC competence. Regulation of a right of citizen to lodge a complaint in the SAC for the illegal decisions of administrative organs should find its place in the Polish constitution along the regulation of the legal status of SAC.Item The English pronominal reflexive: An aspect of usage variation(Adam Mickiewicz University, 1986) Staczek, John J.Item The status of prescriptivism in sociolinguistics(Adam Mickiewicz University, 1986) Kiełkiewicz, AgnieszkaItem Teatralność jako formuła opisu dzieła sztuki(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Lipowicz, WojciechItem Wielowymiarowa analiza porównawcza stopnia dynamicznego zharmonizowania rozwoju społecznego i gospodarczego krajów(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Wydymus, StanisławThe purpose of the article is to present several analitical proposals concerning the study of the degree of dynamic harmonization of social and economic development in particular countries and in homogenous groups of such countries. The basis for such an analysis is the assumption in countries with balanced structure of social and economic development the rate of the development of economic potential is similar to the rate of the development of consumption "sensu largo". The research proposals submitted in the article employ several algorithms belonging to the multidimensional comparative analysis. They have been applied in the empirical part of the work, concerning study of the degree of harmonization of social and economic development in several tens of countries divided — by taxometric methods — into 3 groups with different levels of development in each of them. The results of the research allowed, among others., to reach the conclusion about the ex listen ce of the connection between the degree of the said harmonization and the level of social and economic development. Moreover, the above conclusion is of the character of general regularity of development of the entire system of world economy.Item Zagadnienie militaryzacji kosmosu a prawo międzynarodowe(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Jacewicz, AndrzejSpace has been used for many years for military purposes. Yet, i is one of those types of activity which can be described as „passive". Nevertheless, the danger of space armament increases, weapons intended against space objects are being tested. The query is: what is the international legal aspect of space militarization? The article consists of three parts. Part I provides the analysis of international agreements containing provisions concerning demilitarization or neutralization of space, i.e. the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the Moon Agreement of 1979, the Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963, the Environmental Modification Convention of 1977 as well as the Soviet — U.S. ABM Treaty of 1972. It follows from those acts that with the exception of the Moon and other celestial bodies, the military activity is not forbidden in space, unless it is related to the deployment of nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction. It is only the ABM Treaty which precludes development, testing and deployment of ABM systems or components which are space-based. Part II of the article is the continuation and extension of one of the issues discussed previously in Part I, which is the subject of particular controversies. It is the case of interpreting a phrase „exclusively for peaceful purposes" quoted in the Treaty of 1967 and in the Agreement of 1979. Are the peaceful purposes to be understood as non-agressive or non-military purposes? Does the order of using exclusively for peaceful purposes concern the moon and other heavenly bodies or the whole space? The extensive study of the problem confirms the statements contained in the Part I of the article, namely that the order of using exclusively for peaceful purposes stands for using exclusively for non-military purposes and that the said regulation is limited only to the moon and other celestial bodies. The de lege ferenda discussion of the scope of space demilitarization and neutralization is contained in Part III of the article. Considering the already existing passive forms of space militarization and practical lack chances whatsoever to eliminate them until decisive disarmament moves on the earth, the author suggests limiting the future solutions to the ban on deployment of any weapons both in space and those outside it but intended for use in space. The most favorable solution would also feature a general ban on developing and testing of any space-based weapon's as well as anti-satellite non-space based weapons. The neutralization of space could be introduced simultaneously with that type of demilitarization, i.e. the ban on resorting to the use of force both in space and from space. The article is concluded with the short characteristics of the recently submitted drafts of international agreements concerning the extension of the present scope of the ban on militarization of space. The. most suitable proposal in the author's opinion is the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Use of Force in Outer Space and from Space against the Earth, put forward by the Soviet Union in 1983Item The unnatural phonology of Icelandic and Polish velar palatalisations(Adam Mickiewicz University, 1986) Gussmann, EdmundItem Wpływ selekcji negatywnej na średnią wysokość ciała w populacji - ujęcie ekologiczne(Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Jurynec, RomanThis work was based on material of military anthropological survey of Poland, which was carried out in the years 1921-1923 under the leadership of J. Mydlarski. Subject of investigation were data concerning 2569 soldiers born in the years 1899-1901 in Poznań province and the southern part of Pomeranian province. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the dependence between the environmental conditions and the mean body height in the population. The results are analysed in the light of the hypothesis about a selective character of the environmental influence on the population. In agreement with the accepted assumption, the mean body height in the population is influenced in a contrasting way by two partially different environmental factors: ’living conditions’ understood as the level of satisfying the basic life needs of the individual, and ’selective pressure’ being the sum of life dangers. These factors act on the individuals in a differentiated way depending on the genetic predispositions conditioning their adaptation ability, resistance and general health. The selective pressure through negative selection (differential mortality) eliminating from the population individuals who in the given living conditions develop and realize their growth potential in the poorest way limits the negative influence of living conditions on the mean body height in the population. This selection can have both a directional and stabilizing character. The mean body height of mature individuals in the population depends on the living conditions in which their development took place and on the selection degree by differential mortality. For the evaluation of the living and environmental conditions data were utilized concerning the number of children born, living and deceased in the families from which the investigated subjects originated. On this basis the environmental conditions were evaluated both in families and in the socio-professional groups distinguished on the basis of the father’s profession and the birth place ("village", "town"). In case of families, the evaluation was based on the assumption that the number of children in the family is a burdening factor, and the morality is in a great degree the effect of worse living and environmental conditions. Better environmental conditions in socio-professional groups are testified primarily by a lower percentage of deceased children in the families from which the investigated subjects belonging to the given group originate, as well as by a greater number of children. The departing point of the hypothesis accepted at the outset was the fact that in the material no definite dependence was found between the evaluated living and environmental conditions and the mean body height. The analysis of families has shown that on the average the tallest were the subjects originating from families which due to the number of living children in the family and the percentage of the deceased ones could provide the average living and environmental conditions (Tables 8 and 11). Worse environmental conditions, in case of socio-professional groups, caused by mortality and fecundity in the families from which the subjects belonging to the definite groups originated were not always connected with smaller body heights (Tables 9 and 10).Item Badania nad przestrzennym zróżnicowaniem poziomu produkcyjnego rolnictwa na przykładzie województwa leszczyńskiego(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Matulewicz, KlemensThe aim of the article is to illustrate the territorial differentiation of farming production in the Leszczyński voivodship, with the help of synthetic indicators and an analysis of the main concepts. An analysis of the empirical data has shown that despite certain differences in the level of production pointed out by the synthetic indicator, farming in the Leszczyński voivodship is distributed rather equally in terms of territory. Changes in farm production levels in the years 1976 - 1981 were rather evenly spaced out in the different counties. On the basis of an analysis of the main components it has been contended that the most important components differentiating farm production levels in the Leszczyński voivodship were made up of the following features: the selling of pork, harvests, the number of swine bred, the selling of beef — so for 1981. In 1976 the features were as follows: the selling of beef, the number of cattle bred, harvests. In the course of the analysis it has been observed that the results of the studies on the territorial differentiation of farm production levels in the Leszczyński voivodship through the synthetic indicator method and an analysis of the main components are more or less convergent. The method of main components, though, enables a more precise presentation of the differentiation of the phenomenon in different territory.Item The Keatsian myth of the poetic approach to life(Adam Mickiewicz University, 1986) Eruvbetine, A. E.Item Możliwości badań porównawczych nad ruchliwością społeczną(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Żyromski, MarekThe task of the article is a presentation of possibilities, of comparative research of social mobility. Categories of social mobility were introduced for the analysis of modern industrial societies. But the discussed phenomenon was also observed in the pre-industrial societies. Presentation of the basic categories of social mobility is the departure point for the discussion in the article. Presentation basic lilterature of the subject dated back to the pre-war Pitrim Sorokin works ought to indicate shortcomings of various handling of social mobility. The researchers too often identify it merely with the social advancement discussed only in categories of profession, omitting the group aspect of the phenomenon, not referring their analyses to the theory of society as a whole. The article discusses a number of indices of social mobility. Various examples of social mobility observed in the old societies are also quoted. It can prove the weight of that research, rarely taken up in sociology, concentrating itself on modern times. A sociological reflection on older societies has to consider a different conditioning. A problem can be posed by representativeness of samples, the information retained concerns mostly the upper classes. Not all the categories of social mobility can be accounted for the analysis of the pre-industrial societies. Nevertheless, the basic questions are still applicable: relating mobility to the theory of social structure, considering a number of straficational variables, mobility channels, differentiation between inter and intragenerational mobility. The research on mobility in older societies allows to learn their structure and dynamics and to introduce new solutions to the sociological theory of stratification and social mobility.Item Problemy społecznej integracji nowych województw (na przykładzie województwa gorzowskiego)(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Kunicki, BogdanThe article presents integrational processes observed among the dwellers of. the new voivodships established in 1975. On the grounds of questionnaire surves realized in the Gorzów voivodship the author analyses social attitudes towards reorganization of administration, qouting examples of local conflicts emerged on that background and establishes the main reasons for the integrational difficulties. The barriers are embeded both in the objective scope (errors in the new administrative division of the state, incorrect implementation of thereform, infringing traditional regional bonds, etc.) and in the subjective views and psychological attitudes of people (innovational stress, irrational reservations towards the new center of power, apprehensions against „selfishness of the district capital"). Partially those problems are specific for the Gorzów region, other are typical for all the new voivodships in Poland.Item O wzmożeniu ochrony prawnokarnej jednostki w sferze działalności gospodarczej(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Górniok, OktawiaThere is an urgent need of conforming the binding regulation, by means of their interpretation, to the observed tendencies of economic crime. Particularly, the increasing threat posed to consumer by economic crime calls for rediscussing several problems of interpretation of art. 225 of Penal Code, art. 1 of The Speculation Elimination Act, and art. 226 p.c. in the light of their full use in protection of the endangered good. The article indicated the negative effects of interpretation according to which property swindled out of consumers by employees of the unit of socialized economy is considered to be the collective property, what in turn results in sentencing perpetrators for appropriation of collective property and holding them liable, in criminal proceedings for damages equal in value to the said property, payable to the unit of socialized economy. As far as art. 1.1 of The Speculation Elimination Act is concerned, the trait „goods intended for sale in the unit of socialized commerce or in the catering business" has to be interpreted in such a way as to extend protection of penal law on all stages of transfer of goods designed for the average consummer, from the production establishment to the ultimate seller. Finally, considering the role of civil servants in that sphere of activity, it is suggested to modify the second segment of the subsidiarity principle (art. 246 § 4 p.c.) in order to be able to apply the regulation of art. 246 p.c. to those civil servants of socialized economy who are transgressing their competence in managing-effecting damage incurred by individuals.Item Zur Semantik der Tages- und Epochenbezeichnungen im Deutschen und Polnischen(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) Jankowska, IwonaThe article refers to Ph.D. dissertation in which the author investigated adverbials of time in German and Polish. Using a similar method of analysis, namely establishing the relations occurring between the point of time of the event, the reference and the speech act, the author describes the usage of definitions of a day and longer periods (epochs). The author refers at the same time to simple formulas of formal logic and juxtaposes all the relevant expressions in both languages.Item Obowiązywanie reguły ignorantia iuris nocet w odniesieniu do cudzoziemców(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UAM, 1986) Płachta, MichałIn relation to the international personal traffic and tourism there are situations encountered in penal proceedings when defendants are pleading ignorance of the Polish penal law, on top of it, in some cases the ignorance is also fostered by different socio-cultural conditions, system of moral norms and ethical values. According to the ancient Roman principle everyone, including also aliens, must know the penal law, thus ignorance of the law cannot be treated as a circumstance precluding a penal responsibility. Yet, the aliens find themselves in much worse situations then the (locals, a question thus anises whether they could be offered more „priviledged" treatment in the context of the „ignorantia iuris nocet" principle. Art. 24 par. 2 of the Penal Code proclaims that ignorance of illegality of act cannot preclude penal responsibility under condition that a perpetrator was able to avoid his error. If he was able to avoid his ignorance as to illegality, and committed an intentional offence, then the court may apply the extraordinary mitigation of they of the penalty (par. 3). If an allien-defendant explains committing his unlawful act by a custom adopted in his home society the Polish courts cannot take it as a circumstance excluding penal responsibility in principle, nor as mitigating it- contrary to the British jurisdictions, according to which a court may renounce of inflicting a punishment. The effect of ignorance of the law exhibited by aliens ought to be discussed against the background of the division of offences into: mala in są and mala prohibita. The author advocates that the ignorantia iuris is legally irrelevant in relation to the first group offences, but it has to be considered in case of certain offences of the second group.Item Funkcjonalna specyfika typów somatycznych u dzieci(Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne, 1986) Welon, ZygmuntThe problem was analysed on the basis of examinations carried out in 1334 children in the age of 9 years from Lower Silesia. Anthropometric measurements by the modified Parnell’s method served to determine the somatotypes of the children. A battery of 6 tests of motoric fitness was used as the functional characteristics of the distinguished somatotype groups: L, M, T and S. During the analysis very distinct differences in the motoric fitness were found between the distinguished somatotype groups mainly due to the elimination of disturbing factors, differences in body height and in the level of developmental progress of children in the groups: L, M, T and S. The obtained results supply another successive proof of the reality of constitutional types in children, and we can already determine these types by a set of morpho-functional traits.Item Standard English, deviation and interference: A reply to Roger Lass(Adam Mickiewicz University, 1986) Hickey, Raymond