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Item Obwód Kaliningradzki FR w stosunkach unijno-rosyjskich(Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Kotowicz, WojciechDue to its history and isolation from the proper territory of the Russian Federation since 1991, the Kaliningrad Oblast exhibits unique features in comparison to other parts of the country. This territory has been one of the key factors in relations between Russia and the European Union in terms of Russian domestic and foreign policy. Poland and Lithuania joining the European Union in 2004 transformed the Kaliningrad Oblast into an enclave inside the European Union and made it a ‘double periphery’. On account of its geo-political location the Kaliningrad Oblast was to become ‘a bridge spanning East and West’, ‘Russia’s gateway to Europe’ and ‘a pilot region for Russia-EU cooperation’. The paper shows the position and role the Kaliningrad Oblast plays in Russia-EU cooperation and outlines its prospects for development.Item Symphony No. 7 by Krzysztof Meyer – strategy of building the form, expressivity of the work(Katedra Muzykologii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PTPN, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Podhajski, MarekThe article brings closer the formal and expressive properties of the 7th Symphony by Krzysztof Meyer, composed in the years 2002/2003. Meyer distinguishes several specific features that should be taken into consideration during the process of composing.These include: the capacity to adapt, the limitation of soundinformation transferred onto the listener, and a division of the form into integrant phases. The capacity to ‘adapt’ occurs through opposing emotional states connected with the reception of music: remembering, familiarising, and becoming used to a certain property of the musical progress – surprise that emerges with the appearance of a change. The surprise effect is a strong reaction, and one that is sought after for the purpose of maintaining a high level of the listener’s engagement in the reception process of music. The need to ‘limit the sound-information’ that the composer transfers onto the listener allows the latter to take note of it and remember it. An information overload leads to a sense of disorientation, being lost, and consequently discouragement from active listening. Finally, ‘the significance of the structural elements of the form’ is considered. In his conclusion, Meyer presents a model of musical form as a progress based on phases unfolding in time. The composer outlines the following phases: the initial phase, the essential phase, the transitional phase, the phase of particular importance, and the final phase. However, he warns against literal and orthodox understanding of his concept. ‘Meyer’s fundamental aim is ‘to lead’ the listener and not to overstretch their perceptive capabilities. A ‘planned spontaneity’ is the purpose’.‘All the symphonies by Meyer, both early and recent, were shaped in the same manner. The process is at the forefront: build-up, development, clashing collisions, conflict of contrasting elements’. The 7th Symphony is also built according to similar constructional principles. What distinguishes it from the earlier works in this genre is connected with the expressivity of the work. The composer notes: ‘The symphony evolves according to musical laws par excellence, but not without admitting some thoughts about myself in metaphorical categories, because, after all, the subtitle ‘Sinfonia del tempo che passa’ – Symphony of the Passing Time – was not chosen accidentally’. Thus it is a tale about one of the most fundamental existential experiences of every human being: the passing. This is suggested by the emotional aura of the music, the subtitle that the work was given, and references to emphatic rhetoricalmusical figures known from the Baroque period. As Thomas Wesselman wrote: ‘The subtitle Symphony of the Passing Time clearly invites the assigning of a retrospective character to this opus no. 97’. ‘It is true that the composer has never commented on the subject, but the justification of the suspicion seems to be confirmed by the expressivity of the final movement (molto lento), which, in a way, is a statement filled with peace and tranquillity made by a human being with years of experience behind him. In any case, it suffices to compare this symphony with its two predecessors, i.e. the 5th,full of energy and scored for strings, and the dramatic 6th written as a reaction to the introduction of the martial law in Poland; one has a sensation that a moment of reflection (pondering over life’s end?) plays a special role in the 7th’.Item Lori i miłość szalona. Karel Hynek Mácha i miłość romantyczna z perspektywy ponowoczesnej(Komisja Slawistyczna PAN, Oddział w Poznaniu, IFS UAM, Wydawnictwo PRO, 2011) Car, AnnaAutorka w swoim artykule analizuje związek między twórczością Karela Hynka Máchy i Lori Šomkovej. Twierdzi ona, że ich związek przekroczył granice romantycznej miłości. W efekcie najnowsze badania i refleksje nad miłością romantyczną, zwłaszcza te, które konfrontują ją z ponowoczesnością, mają charakter apologetyczno-rewizyjny. Dowodem słuszności jej tezy jest przyziemność i zwyczajność Lori, a także informacje zawarte w listach poety oraz pamiętnik, w którym opowiada o erotycznej pasji i zazdrości, a nawet opisuje niektóre perwersje emocjonalne i seksualne.Item Zdarzenie losowe i sytuacja kryzysowa. Czyli o tym, że niekiedy sam czas to za mało, by uleczyć rany(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Włodarczyk, EwaTekst dotyczy kwestii zdarzeń losowych i sytuacji kryzysowych, ujmowanych tu w kontekście art. 7 ustawy o pomocy społecznej z 12 marca 2004 roku, w którym wyróżnione zostały powody rodzące trudne sytuacje życiowe, będące w szczególności podstawą do ubiegania się o świadczenia w polskim systemie pomocy społecznej.Item Sakrament małżeństwa. Znak tego, co niewidzialne, choć realne(Wydział Teologiczny, UAM, 2011) Bohdanowicz, AndrzejSakramentalne przeobrażenie miłości małżeńskiej nie eliminuje bliskości fizycznej małżonków będącej dla nich źródłem zadowolenia i szczęścia, lecz ją przemienia. Jednak tylko wtedy, gdy małżonkowie znajdą w swoim życiu miejsce i czas na intymną więź z Chrystusem, mogą mieć nadzieję, że nauczą się prawdziwie kochać. Podstawowym elementem miłości jest afirmacja osoby kochanej oraz obdarowanie jej kredytem zaufania. Osoba kochająca nie szuka swojego zadowolenia, lecz jest nastawiona całkowicie na drugiego. Taka postawa małżonków jest znakiem ich życia wiarą.Item Społeczny kontekst funkcjonowania muzeum martyrologicznego na przykładzie Muzeum Stutthof(Wielkopolskie Muzeum Walk Niepodległościowych, 2011) Brzezińska, Anna Weronika; Wosińska, MałgorzataPodstawę artykułu stanowią interdyscyplinarne badania etnologiczno-archeologiczne przeprowadzone w kwietniu i maju 2010 roku na terenie Muzeum Stutthof, wsi i gminy Sztutowo oraz północnej części Żuław (powiat nowodworski). Głównym problem badawczym wówczas podjętym była relatywności granic przestrzeni na tle dziejów regionu Żuław i relatywność sposobów pojmowania dziedzictwa kulturowego byłego KL Stutthof przez społeczność lokalną oraz turystów. Celem referatu będzie przedstawienie założeń realizowanego na terenie Muzeum Stutthof projektu naukowego oraz prezentacja wyników badań. Uzyskane dane wskazują, iż funkcjonowanie muzeum martyrologicznego w kontekście lokalnym ma charakter relatywny i wiąże się z następującymi perspektywami badawczymi: • Funkcjonowanie Muzeum Sttuhof w regionie wielokulturowym, naznaczonym powojennymi przesiedleniami. Pytania badawcze: Jakich metod używali nowo-osadnicy by oswoić się z trudną historią miejsca? Jak użytkowana była przestrzeń poobozowa przez społeczność lokalną? Dlaczego dziedzictwo martyrologiczne może stracić swoją pierwotną wartość (na terenie dawnego obozu specjalnego wybudowana jest oczyszczalnie ścieków, obszar niegdyś należący do KL Stutthof, a dziś pozostający poza jurysdykcją Muzeum jest szabrowany przez detektorystów, tzw.: „poszukiwaczy skarbów”)? • Konflikt interesów pomiędzy wsią Sztutowo (miejscowość turystyczna, nadmorska, stawiająca na aktywny wypoczynek i turystykę spa), contra Muzeum Stutthof (miejsce pamięci, przestrzeń Zagłady, ważne miejsce w regionie ze względu na martyrologię ludności Pomorza). Pytania badawcze: Czy dziedzictwo martyrologiczne może być atrakcją? Kim jest tanatoturysta? • Problematyka wystawiennictwa martyrologicznego, zagadnienia z zakresu konserwacji i prowadzenia badań inwazyjnych (kodeks prawa rabinicznego); zagadnienie estetyzacji Zagłady, zagadnienie pamiątkarstwa muzealnego oraz wytwarzania gadżetów dla turystów. Pytania badawcze: W jaki sposób przedstawiać Zagładę? Gdzie jest granica pomiędzy wiernym przedstawieniem faktów historycznych, a ich kreacją? Czy były obóz koncentracyjny może być piękny?Item Bezpieczeństwo i koordynacja wymogów żywnościowych z wymogami energetycznymi: nowe problemy prawa rolnego(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) D’Addezio, MariaritaThe paper presents considerations concerning issues of safety and coordination of food requirements with energy requirements. Food safety may be viewed in different aspects – security, safety and quality. Agriculture should satisfy food needs of the human population, as well as contribute to the diversification of energy supply sources and meet the constantly increasing requirements concerning environmental protection. At the same time incentives for agri-energy production are connected with the risk of a reduction of food production. The author analysed EU and Italian regulations. In the conclusions it was stated that e.g. safety requirements pertaining to agricultural product safety are not identical for products to be used as food and those comprising energy sources. Thus procedures and legal models, regulating respective production and distribution processes are not and may not be identical for all entities. Agricultural law, taking into consideration food requirements, is influenced by ecological and energy concerns; thus there is ample space for its development.Item Zrození autobiografického subjektu. Máchův intimní deník a moderní básnické deníky ve vztahu k romantické ideji subjektivismu(Wydawnictwo Rys (nr 1), 2011) Marciniak, HannaMy text is an attempt to apply Charles Taylor’s theory, dealing with the origins of the modern self, to Czech autobiographical literature originating in Romanticism. Taking a cue from Jean Starobinski and Philippe Lejeune’s concepts of modern autobiography, I analyse Karel Hynek Mácha’s personal diary from 1835 and try to find and emphasize its narrative and compositional aspects, which anticipate the poetics of modern poetic diaries.Item Założenia programowo-organizacyjne reformy oświaty z 1999 roku w zakresie edukacji elementarnej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Rura, Grażyna; Klichowski, MichałW rozdziale podjęto próbę refleksji nad założeniami programowo-organizacyjnymi reformy oświaty z 1999 roku w zakresie edukacji elementarnej. W ramach wprowadzenia w problematykę opisaliśmy w nim polską oświatę w przededniu jej reformowania, przedstawiliśmy wykaz reform i prób naprawy systemu edukacji z lat 1945-1999 oraz harmonogram prac związanych z wdrażaniem reformy oświaty z 1999 roku. W kolejnych punktach skupiliśmy się na głównych funkcjach i zadaniach wczesnej edukacji w założeniach reformy, nowelizacjach i zmianach w toku wdrażania reformy – ich kierunkach i charakterze, oraz przedstawiliśmy wyniki badań własnych dotyczących organizacyjno-materialnego stan szkół z punktu widzenia szans realizacji założeń reformy.Item W poszukiwaniu języka. O retoryce Partii Kobiet(Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne i Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2011) Sobczak, BarbaraTo make the political presence of women more visible in modern public discourse it is necessary to work out a language that would represent them appropriately. An analysis of the rhetoric of the Women’s Party (Polish: Partia Kobiet), established in 2007, shows how this problem is handled by the officials of the party. The starting point for the discussion is the thesis that rhetoric discourse is initiated and shaped by a given rhetoric situation (as understood by L.F. Bitzer). In the analysed instance, it is determined by: 1) social and political circumstances surrounding the emergence of the party, no deep-rooted feminist tradition in particular; negativism in the approach towards women’s movements in general reflecting senses and moods dominating within society, marginalisation of women’s issues and women’s voices in mainstream political discourse, 2) historical conditioning and culturally dominant position of the male model of discourse in public address, 3) the attempt to get involved in the discourse as wide audience as possible, coupled with the belief that the sense of unity is to be based on the gender identity. The analysis of the texts available on the web page of the party, viewed as being fully of representative nature for the party, shows that the rhetoric of the Women’s Party is not heterogeneous. It oscillates between the rhetoric of co-operation (through the agency of which the party looks for tools instrumental for achieving some kind of agreement and dialogue in the public debate) and the rhetoric of hatred, already well-established in Polish political discourse (which undermines the formerly mentioned conciliatory attitude in dialogue and co-operation). As a result, a type of a communication ensues that is not free from paradoxes and one that makes a creation of a coherent and consistent message impossible, and therefore hinders a creation of a credible image of the party.Item Graniczne miasta bliźniacze jako przykład zmiany modelu polsko-niemieckiej współpracy granicznej po roku 2004(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, 2011) Jańczak, JarosławItem Жизнь идеи в художественной форме метароманов Ф.М. Достоевского и В. Набокова(2011) Kaźmierczak, Natalia; Kropaczewski, KrzysztofThe paper focuses on the analysis of F. Dostoyevsky's and V. Nabokov's metanovels as the phenomenon synthesizing all core values of artistic consciousness and the world of a sensitive reader. The examination of Dostoyevsky's and Nabokov's metaprose shows the coexistence of languages and cultural systems characterising both writers. The comparative method of the interpretation is utilised in order to show the unique model of intertextuality in 19th century and modern Russian literature.Item Konstruktywne wotum nieufności w Republice Federalnej Niemiec i III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej(Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM w Poznaniu, 2011) Dziemidok-Olszewska, BożenaThe article is based on the premise that a constructive vote of no confidence is an institution of a political system which provides the best assurance for the stability of government and protection from governmental crises. The conditions and formal requirements of the procedure of a constructive vote of no confidence make it possible to protect a government from the consequences of the activity of an accidental negative majority. The paper aims to present and compare this procedure in the Federal Republic of Germany and Poland in terms of three main aspects: the conditions of its establishment, the actual procedure and the political consequences. A vote of constructive no confidence was introduced in Germany as a consequence of the negative experiences of the Weimar Republic, whereas in Poland it was the rational reasoning of the authors of the Constitution that provided for the procedure. The differences between the German and Polish procedures concern, among other things, the structure of the motion, the number of obligatory signatures under the motion, and the period from submission of the motion to the vote. The most fundamental political consequences of a vote of no confidence concern the strengthened position of the government and its leader, stabilization of the political system and enabling minority governments to be established. The paper concludes with the observation that a constructive vote of no confidence influences the political system and all its fundamental elements, protects the government and makes the parliamentary system more rational.Item Regulacja oświadczeń żywieniowych i zdrowotnych w Stanach Zjednoczonych(WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM. ADAMA MICKIEWICZA, POZNAŃ, 2011) SZYMECKA-WESOŁOWSKA, AGNIESZKAThe subject of the paper is to present regulations and practice concerning the application of food and health claims in the United States. The evolution of the adopted solution was shown and types of specific categories of claims are presented, together with the requirements and procedures of authorising the sale of these products.In view of the analysis of these regulations, systemic differences were considered in terms of the approach to the regulation of nutritional and health claims in the USA and in the European Union. The main difference arising from the comparison pertained to boundaries between consumer protection and support for the innovative development of activity on the part of food producers. The American system proved to be more producers-oriented, while the European system is more focused on the protection of consumers (consumers-oriented), which in many areas justifies limitations in the activity of entrepreneurs, being more far-reaching than in the USA.Item Terrorist attacks versus acts of illegal interference in civil aviation. Implications for the functioning of airport critical infrastructure(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Siadkowski, AdrianWhat makes the attacks on aviation transport so attractive is the fact that the act of aggression aimed at means of transport has an impact not only on the craft and vehicles themselves, but also on the critical infrastructure, the passengers, the crew and is followed by the wide interest of me- dia due to the spectacular side of the event. The distinction between a terrorist act and illegal in- terference act may raise the suspicion of various implications for the functioning of critical infrastructure of an airport, first and foremost the designing of security and protection systems. As it may seem, providing safety will be adequate to anti-terrorist activities whereas the protec- tion of civil aviation will be assigned to the prevention of acts of illegal interference. Such a course of thinking would imply the division or at least conduction of parallel actions. In prac- tice, those areas overlap one another and widen the range of possible actions or use of certain in- struments, for example legal ones. Also, the differences in prevention systems against terrorist acts and illegal interference acts are only slight.Item Fenomen czwartego wymiaru w twórczości Jerzego Kuci(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Grodź, IwonaThe article is an attempt to look at all the achievements of the Polish filmmaker – Jerzy Kucia – through the prism of his last work, Strojenie instrumentów/Tuning the Instruments (2000). The author points out that all the director’s previous projects, starting with the debut of 1972 Powrót/Return until Refleksy/Reflections from 1979 through Przez pole/By the field from 1992, showed a very clear development of the creative personality of the artist, who claimed that the “close up” on their own topics is the result of heightened self-awareness and is a great effort to promote himself again and again. In the analysis of the film Strojenie instrumentów/Tuning the Instruments, the author refreshes old and new contexts of interpretation, coupled with the commitment issue, which is a metaphorical return to the past. A question about the essence of the functioning of consciousness leads the author to delve into the phenomenological concept that we find in contemporary theories of psychology of perception.Item On grain, bones, and Khabur collapse(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2011) Koliński, RafałA hypothesis on the total collapse of the settlement in Northern Syria at the end of the third millennium BC, put forward in 1993 by Harvey Weiss and his team, is one of the most disputed issues in the protohistoric archaeology of North Mesopotamia. Today it is obvious that the crisis has not been as general as Weiss believed. Also his original explanation of the cause of this event (volcano eruption in the Near East) is generally doubted. The author discusses the present state of knowledge of the archaeology of this period as well as proxy data used for environmental reconstructions, because an environmental crisis is considered to be the most likely cause of the decline in settlement. One of the aims of the paper is to propose new sources for environmental proxies, which may help in the formulation of a more accurate reconstruction of environmental trends in the Near East in general.Item Dlaczego pojawiła się miłość? Ewolucja monogamicznego systemu kojarzenia u ludzi(2011) Budzicz, ŁukaszThe article presents basic information about the evolution of mating system, which occurs in humans. In nature, the three major evolutionary pressures promote the long-term monogamous relationships: significantly enhanced offspring survival when both parents provide care, certainty of paternity and limited opportunities to find a new mate. All these factors are present in humans and may also to some extent explain the present diversity of human reproductive behaviors. A hypothetical model of the evolution of human reproductive behavior proposed by David Geary is also discussed.Item Instytucja prawyborów w Polsce. Prawybory prezydenckie (1995–2005)(Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa UAM, 2011) Adamczyk, AnitaThis paper is devoted to the presidential pre-elections in Poland. It is the second part of a study concerning the parliamentary pre-elections held in Poland. The timeframe of this pa- per covers the period between 1995 and 2005. The paper begins with an overall analysis of pre-elections organized by political parties in Poland, following American patterns, where a candidate for the presidency is to represent a certain group. Next, the pre-elections held in the town of Wrzeœnia in 1995 and 2005, in Nysa in 2000 and Szczecin in 2005 are explored. An assessment of the accuracy of these pre-elections’ results is carried out. The paper also discusses other initiatives similar to pre-elections, addressed at young peo- ple in high schools and universities.Item Porzucić etyczną arogancję(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNS UAM, 2011) Polak, Beata Anna; Polak, Tomasz