(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii, 2013) Zalewska, Monika
The main goal of Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law is to build
a science of law. Kelsen is looking for a valid conditions of legal
science and find them in neokantian philosophy. However, in the
last phase when he turns into linguistic paradigm, he can’t explain
science of law through neokantian terms anymore. In this case
the question arises, how to recognize law from other linguistic
expressions. Normally one could recall context of such expression
(pragmatical context). In Kelsen’s case this is impossible as he distinguishes
between is and ought and postulates that we should
study law only on ought sphere. Despite this I will try to demonstrate
that the pragmatics is possible in Pure Theory of Law by
transforming previous neokantian categories into pragmatic ones.