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Item A Polish-German research project into a Bronze Age fortified settlement at Bruszczewo in Wielkopolska(2005) Czebreszuk, Janusz; Muller, JohannesItem A Relay of Youth of the 21st Century.A Re-enactment of Ritual or a Grotesque Performance?(2012) Kuligowski, WaldemarIn this paper I would like to present some kind of political ritual. I focused on public holiday in former Yugoslavia called “Day of Youth” (Dan Mladosti), namely the federal festival of the youth. Th e holiday was one of the largest and most important performative practices related to the ideology of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. “Day of Youth” was a specifi c form of a state-licensed political ritual and become a key element in the symbolic expression of the “new”, post-war and socialist Yugoslavia. Offi cially established in 1957, the holiday survived the death of Marshal Josip Broz Tito (then offi cially dubbed “Tito’s Holiday without Tito”) and had its last edition in 1987. What might be surprising in this context, therefore, is the restitution of this holiday in the early 21st century. 20 years aft er the last offi cial celebration of this holiday, people who wanted to reactivate it emerged in public spaces. An article not only discusses some dimensions of Youth Day and especially Youth Relay, but also provides few examples of its new functioning. An attempt at comprehensive interpretation of this phenomenon will be based on the use of the concept of political ritual and in context of “performative turn”.Item A tribe after all? The problem of Slovincians' identity in an anthropological approach(2018) Filip, MariuszThe question about the (non)existence of Slovincians has been one of the more intriguing issues in Slavic studies. Slovincians, discovered initially as an “ethnic group” (Hilferding, 1862), was 130 years later rejected as a “fiction” (Szultka, 1992). Assimilating the lessons of the epistemological turn, which suggests shifting the emphasis from “whether” to “how” does anything exist, I critically examine the foundations and significance of the argument that there never was any “ethnic group” of Slovincians (in modern period) since there was no such a tribe in early medieval times. In the first part of the paper, I reveal that Szultka’s claim is supported by very limited evidence following the conceptually limited (“archaeological”) naturalist notion of tribe. In the second part, after familiarizing the reader with an antinaturalist anthropological notion of tribes as “secondary phenomena”, I seek to demonstrate that in the course of history, the Slovincians were constantly tribalized on the material and symbolic level by the Germans and the Poles (and some other actors of Slavic identity). Even if to be a tribe does not entail to be an ethnic group, Slovincians may be a fiction only in terms of social construction or making of.Item Absolute Chronology of the Trzciniec Complex in the Vistula Drainage in the Light of 14c Datings(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań). Instytut Prahistorii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poznań). Instytut Wschodni, 1998) Makarowicz, Przemysław; Żebrowski, Piotr T.The Trzciniec Culture, Trzciniec Cultural Circle and Trzciniec Horizon are the names of a cultural area in the borderland of Western and Eastern Europe at the 2nd millenium BC. For over half a century a discussion has been going on over the taxonomic identification (chronological and spatial) and genetic and ethnic interpretation of this cultural unit. In the debate, the 1980's and 1990's mark a significant cognitive turn caused by the growth of the corpus of sources, the use of systematic methods for the study of mobile sources and the proliferation of regional 14C datings. The present volume of "Baltic-Pontic Studies" is an attempt to register this breakthrough and a proposal for a new fitting of the Trzciniec phenomenon into the synthesis of Early Bronze Age Europe. The records include rudiments of new regional systematizations, foundations of their chronologies based on radiocarbon datings and a discussion of the mechanisms of socio-cultural changes which gave rise to the Trzciniec cultural area and later contributed to its disintegration. A long-term intention of this volume giving a multifaceted view of the effects of the said cognitive breakthrough is to encourage a careful scrutiny of the development mechanisms of the European Early Bronze Age Civilization, in particular the role played in them by the societies inhabiting the drainages of the Baltic and Pontic Seas.Item Afrykańska sztuka naskalna w polskich doświadczeniach badawczych: miedzy praktyką a teorią(2014) Rozwadowski, Andrzej; Kuciewicz, Ewa; Polkowski, PawełItem Alla ricerca del contesto del volgarizzamento della Historia Normannorum di Amato di Montecassino: il manoscritto francese 688 della Bibliothèque nationale de France(Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo, Roma, 2010-07) Kujawiński, JakubLooking for the context of the vernacular translation of Amatus of Montecassino’s Historia Normannorum (the French MS 688 of the National Library of France). The considered manuscript (Southern Italy, mid-14th cent.) has been known mainly for its being a unique testimony of the Historia Normannorum, an important historiographical narration on the Norman conquest of Southern Italy, written at the end of the 11th century. The author emphasizes that the manuscript and miscellany themselves (containing translations of Isidore of Seville’s Chronica, Paul the Deacon’s Historia romana and Historia Langobardorum, and of the so-called Historia Sicula) are worth studying and that only such an integral approach may enable the evaluation of French translation as the testimony of a lost Latin original. The following questions are discussed: paleographical and codicological features of the manuscript, its illuminations, the time and milieu of production of both the manuscript and the translations, the models for the miscellany, the relationship between single translations and the manuscript tradition of respective Latin compositions and the place occupied by the considered manuscript in the transmission of the miscellany.Item Amber Between the Baltic and the Aegean in the Third and Second Millennia BC (an Outline of Major Issues)(Aegaeum, Universite de Liege, 2007) Czebreszuk, JanuszItem AMS 14C DATING OF ROMANESQUE ROTUNDA AND STONE BUILDINGS OF A MEDIEVAL MONASTERY IN ŁEKNO, POLAND(the Arizona Board of Regentson behalf of the University of Arizona, 2009) Wyrwa, Andrzej Marek; Goslar, Tomasz; Czernik, JustynaArchaeological excavations performed for many years in £ekno, central Poland, have exposed relicts of wooden fortified settlements, and in its enclosure also basements of stone buildings, consisting of Romanesque rotunda and a Cistercian monastery, including an oratory, church, and abbot’s house. Earlier archaeological, structural, and stratigraphical studies have shown that these buildings were constructed in a sequence and represented several phases of development. In this paper, we present results of radiocarbon dating of stone buildings of the rotunda and the monastery. For 14C dating, we used tiny pieces of charcoal retrieved from calcareous and gypsum mortar binding stone elements from the buildings. These pieces were incorporated in mortar during the firing process, where the fuel used for firing was wood. Most of the obtained 14C dates formed clear groups, confirming that individual buildings were constructed in separate periods. Calibrated 14C dates of these phases agree well with the constraints provided by historical sources, and enable us to set their ages with accuracy better than previously available. In particular, we have learned that the oldest rotunda was built at the boundary of the 10/11th centuries, and the church and the abbot’s house, before AD 1250. However, some samples gave much too old 14C ages, clearly reflecting the use of old wood for firing. These problems were revealed only for samples from the rotunda and for the gypsum stone ornamental details.Item Androcentrism in the discourse and structure of Polish ethnology. Prolegomena(2009) Kuligowski, WaldemarThe objective of the present article is to make a preliminary study and to create a “map” of the phenom enon of androcentrism in Polish ethnology and cultural anthropology. Androcentrism – understood as the domination of masculine norms in culture – has become, since the 1970s, one of the subjects of interest of anthropology in Western Europe and the United States. Anthropology, inspired by feminism, thus has coined the concept of “androcentric bias” in this discipline which is both strictly scientific and institutional. The author shall endeavour to analyse the discourse and structure of Polish ethnology using this concept and this very instrument. He also discusses whether it is possible to overcome the androcentric bias at the discourse level (or would this lead to ginecentrism, which is equally limiting?). The actual control and power exercised by men over academic institutions in ethnology and the early interest in folk culture fully confirm the thesis of a strong androcentric element existing in Polish ethno logy. Although the author does not aspire to exhaust the topic, or to reach final conclusions, the exam ples mentioned in the present article show rather unequivocally that Polish female ethnologists – doing fieldwork, organisational work, conducting lecture and writing – were indeed, following de Beauvoir’s terminology, “the second sex".Item Antropologia medyczna a etnofarmakologia(Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze, 1994) Penkala-Gawęcka, DanutaArtykuł prezentuje związki między antropologią medyczną - subdyscypliną antropologii kulturowej/społecznej a etnofarmakologią, zajmującą się badaniem tradycyjnych leków różnych społeczności pod kątem ich skuteczności farmakologicznej. Pokazuje, w jaki sposób badania antropologii medycznej mogą być przydatne etnofarmakologom, omawia także kierunki badań tzw. antropologii farmaceutycznej.Item Antropologia miasta – urbanizacja, przestrzeń i relacje społeczne(2011) Pobłocki, KacperItem Antropologiczne spojrzenie na chorobę jako zjawisko kulturowe(1994) Penkala-Gawęcka, DanutaArtykuł omawia antropologiczne podejście do choroby, traktowanej jako konstrukt kulturowy. Przedstawia koncepcje antropologii medycznej akcentujące zrelatywizowanie kulturowe pojęć zdrowia i choroby, w tym zwłaszcza ujęcia orientacji interpretatywnej (konstruktywistycznej). Ukazuje również perspektywę tzw. krytycznej antropologii medycznej oraz możliwości praktycznego wykorzystania perspektywy antropologicznej.Item Aspekty międzynarodowe Powstania wielkopolskiego 1918–1919(2008) Sierpowski, StanisławItem Badania nad architekturą przedromańską na poznańskim grodzie(Toruń: UMK, 2003) Kóčka-Krenz, HannaItem BADANIA OSADNICTWA KULTURY AMFOR KULISTYCH W REJONIE ZLEWNI RZEKI TĄŻYNY - KANAŁU PARCHAŃSKIEGO(1990) Chachlikowski, Piotr; Czebreszuk, JanuszItem Badania ratownicze na stanowisku Milejowice, pow. Wrocław, w latach 1999-2001(Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2002) Bugaj, Ewa; Gediga, Bogusław; Kosicki, Andrzej; Szwed, Robert; Żygadło, LeszekItem Baltic-Pontic Interregional Routes at the Start of the Bronze Age(Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Eastern Studies, Institute of Prehistory, 2009) Makarowicz, PrzemysławItem Becoming-state. Bio-cultural Imperialism of Sid Meier’s Civilization(Focaal. European Journal of Anthropology, 2003) Pobłocki, KacperItem Białoruś - zapomniany sąsiad Polski(Instytut Europy Środkowej, 2019) Fedorowicz, KrzysztofBiałoruś jest najbliższym sąsiadem Polski. Łączy nas historia i kultura. Paradoksalnie oba państwa granicząc ze sobą praktycznie się nie znają. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie relacji polsko-białoruskich po rozpadzie ZSRR i proklamowaniu niepodległości przez Białoruś. W artykule uwzględniono występujące problemy we wzajemnych stosunkach, wynikające z różnych systemów politycznych funkcjonujących w Polsce i na Białorusi oraz powracające i nieuregulowane kwestie historyczne.