Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny
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Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny to czasopismo ukazujące się regularnie od 1989 roku. Głównym jego celem jest upowszechnianie najnowszych wyników badań nad procesami zachodzącymi w rodzinie a także nad procesami wywierającymi wpływ na rodzinę jako instytucję, grupę i wspólnotę. Zgodnie z regułą przyjętą od początku jego istnienia, czasopismo to ma charakter interdyscyplinarny i sprzyja wymianie doświadczeń badaczy, którzy uczynili rodzinę ważnym przedmiotem badań. Zatem, w "Rocznikach Socjologii Rodziny" prezentowane są artykuły socjologiczne, psychologiczne, pedagogiczne i demograficzne, pokazujące różne aspekty życia rodzinnego a także procesy mikrospołeczne bezpośrednio i pośrednio wiążące się z rodziną. W ostatnich latach na łamach Roczników prezentowane były artykuły poświęcone dylematom współczesnych rodzin (2005), obrazom życia rodzinnego z perspektywy interdyscyplinarnej (2006) oraz wizerunkom ról rodzinnych (2007). W najnowszym tomie ukażą się artykuły poświęcone atrakcyjności rodziny jako grupy społecznej oraz postawom młodzieży wobec rodziny jako instytucji a także recenzje najnowszych publikacji z dziedziny socjologii rodziny
Redaktor naczelny: Anna Michalska
Z-ca redaktora naczelnego:
Witold Wrzesień
Sekretarz redakcji: Iwona Przybył
Kontakt: Instytut Socjologii UAM
ul. Szamarzewskiego 89
60-568 Poznań
Nazwa wydawcy: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
ISSN 0867-2059
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Item A. Giddens, Przemiany intymności. Seksualność, miłość i erotyzm we współczesnych społeczeństwach (Recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Frąckowiak, MonikaItem A. Kotlarska-Michalska (red.), Obszary pracy socjalnej w teorii i praktyce, Wyd. ARP. Promocja 21, Poznań 2002, s. 250. (Recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Królikowska, SabinaItem Anna Kotlarska - Michalska (red.), Diagnozowanie i projektowanie w pracy socjalnej, Wyd. UAM, Poznań 1999. (Recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Królikowska, SabinaItem Anorexia nervosa - fenomen ponowoczesnej kultury i choroba systemu rodzinnego(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) Frąckowiak, MonikaThe aim of this article is to present anorexia nervosa as a complex phenomenon which ought to be analyzed in macro-, mezzo- and microstructural context. Anorexia is defined in terms of “self destructive adaptation strategy” which is considered to be a reaction to specific configuration of cultural patterns and family system. The most significant factors affecting the process of forming the identity based on being an anorectic are: perfectionism and contemporary standards of beauty - as far as culture is concerned as well as dysfunctions of communication structure and lack of flexibility in role patterns - as far as family is concerned. To ilústrate the mentioned process on mezosocial level there have been presented results of content analysis of websites dealing with anorexia. As a conclusion, the author sketches the main assumptions of individual and family system psychotherapy of anorectics.Item Atrakcyjność instytucji małżeństwa ive współczesnych społeczeństwach(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Żurek, AldonaIn today's modem societies the number of people who get married is constantly decreasing. Choosing alternative life-styles, such as singlehood or cohabitation causes changes in the demographic structure. Rejecting marriage lifestyle is also affecting such areas as the economy, social policy, education and the functioning of primary groups. Still, a large proportion of the population of people under forty years of age choose to marry. This means that the institution has to offer both men and women many benefits. Sociological theories explaining this phenomenon refers to the functional utility of marriages. It has both a purely individual and social character. The benefits that a spouse achieves have the financial, material and prestigious nature. The advantage of marriage is also that it is the most important expression of feelings and emotions.Item Atrakcyjność jako cecha rodzin wiejskich i miejskich w opiniach młodzieży(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Rosochacka-Gmitrzak, MagdalenaPresented material describes the selected aspects of attractiveness, using both psychological and sociological perspective. Next, own research results are presented. The aim of this research was to analyse the problem of attractiveness, as a feature of rural and urban families. Two outlooks are introduced in the empirical part of the paper. The first one examines the degree of attractiveness of family seen as a group, while the second one portrays the consequences of attractiveness itself.Item Barbara Tryfan, Zabezpieczenia społeczne rolników w Europie, Fundacja Programów Pomocy dla Rolnictwa, Warszawa 2000. (Recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Frątczak, JoannaItem Bariery rozwoju pracy socjalnej w pomocy społecznej w perspektyivie systemowej. Przykład pracy socjalnej z rodziną(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Trawkowska, DobroniegaThe article aims at answering the questions: what can and should be done, what does social work with the family, so entangled in numerous barriers, need? Social work, including social work with the family, requires good strategies. These can be in the form of organisational solutions that help to bridge rescue and prevention. These can also be a skilful combination of therapy and social and cultural activities; they can a planned form of support for other traditional methods in social work. They can refer to the enlargement of the system of professional support from professional helpers. They can create a generic framework for activities in the form of good local strategies and family support programmes.Item Bezrobocie w skali kraju, województwa i powiatu poznańskiego(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Kokociński, MaciejThe problem of unemployment affects all categories of families. In late years of the nineties the number o f the unemployed has increased on the job market. The unemployment has become one of the main factors responsible for destabilisation of structure and function of families. Despite ten years of analyses of unemployment problems there are still errors in the means of measuring the intensity and structure o f this problem. The characteristic feature of Polish kind of unemployment is its evolution. It considers quality as well as quantity changes. In the paper on unemployment we are going to analyse the problem on three layers i. e. the layer of state of province and district. The object of our analysis is contemporary situation of Poznan job market on the level of the province and district, based on local data collected by the district job office. Our results will prove that the intensity of negative agents connected with the lack of jobs and exclusion from social activities of a bigger and bigger social working groups.Item Bycie singlem jako nowa koncepcja życia i alternatywa wobec małżeństwa(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Falcman, Daniel; Koperski, ŁukaszConcept of single is a one of the most important among family and love areas' s structural forms in our times. This is a one of way deciding about himself by social object in this aspect. This is a stigma of post-modernity definied as social-cultural formation with lots of consequences for family, too. Innovation in norms and values'es area which are post-modernity's differentia specifica, start participation in generating family's concepts. It is interesting how human needs of affiliation remain unchanged-they are constons- different start being cultural ways of express these universal needs. Authors try to give a reconstruction of single's social-cultural figure. They present it in more general context changes of modernity. Single would be a topos, a dignity of post-modern manifestations.Nuclear family, stereotypes about sex, traditional differences in roles in family which remain unchanged in social-cultural area generally, begin modernizing from a reason of single-solitary from decisions exactly, 'solitary' does not mean 'unhappy', but deciding about their life consciously and evaluate life-elements again. Single engaged by job-activities, who does not want to be static-but be dynamic-with change's wish and exhibiting being an object, so individuality, does not want make relationships. He does not like traditional ways of sex and their roles in relationships, especially. Realized alternative, start being common, begin subjugating areas of old family's concepts very bravely. This what yesterday was a priori become an object of contestation and creative changes. Social-cultural practice of single start mirroring theoretical discourse of postmodernism, become proving reality of theoretical speculation's ambivalence. It comes clear post-structuralists's opinions-with their banner Foucault's reconstruction of history of sexuality-are not thought's fun only, but they have real social representations. Authors are not satisfied from thought's level only. They transfer discourse into reconstruction of research result's level expediently, showing by this way single's figure exploited a lot in post-structural philosophies is an object of legal empirical sociology's discourse.Item Chodzenie ze sobą, spanie ze sobą, mieszkanie ze sobą. Młodzieńcze relacje uczuciowe i obyczajowość przedślubna(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Iwona, PrzybyłThe aim of this article concentrates on the presentation of what do young Polish people mean by the term marriage and what is their acceptation for premarital sexual behaviors and premarital cohabitation. The author tries to answer are there typical dating and courtship development patterns and how do changes of the premarital customs, like having sexual relations, affect future relations between wives and husbands. This paper is based on literature and the results of the author's study carried out in 2007 and 2008.Item Czy ulegając nastolatyzacji zachowamy młodość?(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Wrzesień, WitoldDuring last few decades youth became one of the most important social values, but also a product modifying our life in consumerist capitalism. The cult of the youth became the norm not only in the mass media and advertising world. Today almost all of us, despite getting old, try to remain young, look young and feel young, but could not always admit that. Cultivation of youth features among contemporary adults leads to the question: are modern western societies younger or not fully grown-up? Presented article is therefore an attempt to propose first few suggestions how to solve mentioned problem.Item Czynniki mające wpływ na podejmowanie decyzji o posiadaniu dziecka przez potencjalnych rodziców. Analiza pieniężnych i niepieniężnych kosztów oraz zysków z posiadania dziecka(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Laszewska-Hellriegel, MartynaThe article deals with the problem of decision making process of potential parents to become a child. The starting point is the behaviour model of Homo Oeconomicus, who after consideration of all pros and cons chooses the alternative which is the most profitable for him. After a short theoretical introduction, showing the research status on this field, article concentrates on the profits and losses of having the child. And so first are shown all financial and non financial gains of having a child and than the financial and non financial looses. On the end of the article the author shows also other factors which influence the decision taking model. This analysis can be useful by policy making in the countries willing to influence the birth rate.Item Czynniki wpływające na postawy młodych ludzi wobec prokreacji(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Owsiejczyk, AureliaThe author of the article attempts to characterise various factors that influence procreation among young people. Changes in the attitudes towards procreation, both for and against generating offspring, are best seen in the group under discussion. Young, educated people are open to new opportunities, development paths, and trends. It is up to these people and to their offspring what the future Polish society will look like.Item Człowiek i rodzina w XXI wieku. Czas nadziei czy cywilizacja udrąki?(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) Tyszka, ZbigniewThe developed countries are entering the postindustrial epoch of the 21st century now. The automatozation will make its progress and next to it the a cyborgization” o f production and services, connected with scientific and technological development, especially in the field of most modern branches of technology (electronics, computing industry, modern medicine, and the development of contemporary media leading to the virtualization). Constantly growing exchange of information, the medialization of modern societies, the interweaving of real world with virtual one - all of this are the factors which will change the existence of families and individuals. We may expect futher progress of socjal atomization and the loosening of links within nuclear family and extended family. Divorces will be coming to life even more frequently, and the number of informal relationships (provided, from the sociological point of view, with family-like traits) will grow, as well as the number of incomplete families (without mother or father) and the number of individuals not sharing their living space with anyone. The basic need which supports the survival of family will be yearning for having close human relation with someone else.Item Człowiek niepełnosprawny jako „inny" w ujęciu koncepcji socjologicznych i w świetle badań socjologiczno-psychologicznych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1999) Kotlarska-Michalska, AnnaDespite such research on the genesis of social prejudice against handicaped people, there have not been found all the factors. Attitudes to handicaped people - according to the results of the research - are conditioned by numerous factors of social, cultural, demographical, economical and psychological type. They are also conditioned by handicaped people’s own attitude to their disabilities. Sociological research has proven that society creates many obstacles in social life of handicaped people. More painful for them are social obstacles than the architectonic ones. Psychological research concentrates on the genesis of social prejudice and its result. Society’s negative attitude to handicaped people results mainly from the lack of knowledge on the needs of those people. Painful is also the fact that children copy stereotypic behaviour of adults and play games with handicaped children rather unwillingly. The process of breaking stereotypes and prejudice has to base on bringing the new generation up in respect for handicaped people.Item Danuta Duch-Krzystoszek, Kto rządzi w rodzinie. Socjologiczna analiza relacji w małżeństwie (Recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Chojnacka, GracjanaItem Determinanty kulturowe zaburzeń odżywiania(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Owsiejczyk, AureliaEating disorders are complex conditions that arise from a variety of factors, including physical, psychological, cultural and social issues. This article presents a character of cultural factors, the influence of media images, which create its own definitions of beauty and attractiveness. A relative new phenomenon is a wave of pro-anorexic Web sites, where women and girls who indulge in anorexia nervosa attempt to glorify their chosen lifestyle. The author tries to present a cultural foundation of this problem and shows possible social consequences.Item Dzieci ulicy i młodzież bezdomna w Kirgistanie(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Jyldyz, OmushevaThis article is about the condition of children from vulnerable groups in Kyrgyzstan. The economic crisis of the transition period made the family system worse, as the majority of families suffer from poverty. This is why negative social tendencies appear - derelict children, teenage crime, child labour, violence against children etc. Most children must work in order to survive. Frequently, a child is the only breadwinner in a family. Children from vulnerable groups in Kyrgyzstan are not covered by educational and medical care systems, their rights are violated practically everywhere. There are some recommendations, which aim to improve the quality of life for children from vulnerable groups, their integration into the society and facilitate their access to the social care system.Item Dziecko w reklamie społecznej(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2003) Kwiatkowska, MagdalenaTransformation in Poland has brought many changes in ways of mass communication. One of the new form was non profit advertising where one promotes new values, attitudes or paterns of behaviour or stigmatizes undesired phenomena. The first part of an article is strictly theoretical - it presents definitions, differencies between non profit and commercial advertising, classification of non profit campaigns, as well as two potencial sources of those campaigns. The first one, is Ronald Inglehart's concept of countries moving from materialistic to postmaterialistic values. The second, is the theory of new social movements which move border between private and public, unveil what was hidden. They concentrate around natural environment, the human body, self development and cultural heritage. The second part presents the results of an analysis concerning the subject of a child in Polish non profit campaigns in print media published between 1997 and March 2003. The analysis was made on the basis of two criteria: the age of the group which was the subject of an ad and the problem itself. The results showed a vast range of issues concerning the youngest citizens (children and youth). The main were: domestic violence, financial difficulties, sexual abuse, dangers of sexual initiation (pregnancy, VD's, HIV), abusing of drugs, alcohol and cigarrettes, accidents inside and outside the house as well as recklessness on the road. The emergence of that type of announcements is a sign that traditional institutions such as schools and families are unsuccessful in achieving their educational goals. Children need those campains as they „fight” for their rights on children's behalf; society needs them as well to initiate a change in attitudes and behaviour.