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Glottodidactica „Glottodidactica” jest międzynarodowym czasopismem z zakresu szeroko pojętej lingwistyki stosowanej. Publikowane są artykuły o tematyce językoznawczej, glottodydaktycznej oraz translatorycznej, psycholingwistycznej, socjolingwistycznej, pragmalingwistycznej w językach angielskim, niemieckim, rosyjskim i francuskim a także recenzje książek naukowych oraz sprawozdania z konferencji.
Glottodidactica is an international journal that focuses on all fields of applied linguistics with reference to aspects vital for foreign language learning and teaching. It publishes research on general linguistics, pedagogy of foreign languages, translation, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmalinguistics in English, German, Russian and French. We encourage our academic colleagues from Poland and abroad to submit publication proposals (papers, reviews and reports) for the upcoming issues of our journal.
Redaktor naczelny: prof. UAM dr hab. Sylwia Adamczak-Krysztofowicz
Kontakt: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej
al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań, Poland
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Nazwa wydawcy: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM
ISSN 0072-4769
DOI: 10.14746/gl
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Item A NEUROLINGUISTIC ACCOUNT OF LEARNING BARRIERS IN THINKING PATTERNS: FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF CLASSROOM WRITING(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) PENG, VIRGINIATeaching English as a foreign language to students invariably encounters 3 learning barriers: (1) the barrier between the instructor and students; (2) the barrier between the textbook author and the student; and (3) the barrier between the instructor and the textbook author. These are explained by applying neurolinguistic theory currently available in neuroscience. To help students learn English, particularly regarding writing, the instructor faces challenges to overcome such barriers, because teaching any language to students of a different culture requires a great deal of adjustment of brain functions on all parties involved. This paper addresses one particular issue, adjustment of the thinking process, from a neurolinguistic point of view; it specifically presents classroom writings, by analyzing them, in order to propose a remedy. The data are papers from first year university students. The materials were collected through participant observation and from student homework. These data are analyzed. The results of the analysis of the data are discussed in detail. The author concludes that pathways to students' protomeanings in the brain must be formed, and that repetition of exercises by relying on students' brain functions of memory can enhance understanding , because in writing, there is a large gap between writing a paragraph and an essay, which can be narrowed by the brain functions of memory.Item A note on teaching contrastive linguistics to students of English at Polish univeisities(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1983) JAWORSKI, AdamItem ALLGEMEINE SCHREIBKUNST. TEIL I. AUS DER NACHGELASSENEN HANDSCHRIFT „OPTEGNELSER TIL EN PASIGRAPHIE" (1823)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2005) RASK, RASMUS KRISTIANThe famous Danish philologist R.K. Rask, one of the founders of historical linguistics, has left in a manuscript of 1823 the outline of a minor treatise "Almindelig Skrivekunst" (i.e. "general art of writing/spelling"). It deals with issues of writing systems and develops, as well as discusses, suggestions for a rational Roman-script transliteration of "Oriental" alphabets. The following is an annotated translation by Otto Back (Vienna) of the Danish handwritten original, preceded by the translator's introductory remarks.Item Alltagskommunikation und Lexikographie(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1994) Dobrovolskij, DmitriiThe paper presents an analysis of some important aspects of everyday communication and their reflection in modern learner’s dictionaries. The basic unit of lexicographic description is a situational utterance, i.e. a linguistic entity which can be considered as a unit only from a functional (not a taxonomic) point of view. Lexicographic presentation of situational utterances has to include not only linguistic data but also information about relevant conceptual structures: frames and scripts. This attempt to present communicative situations with all their relevant components in learner’s dictionaries is exemplified by a new German-Russian dictionary which the authors are working on.Item An Appeal for More Research on Individual Language Guidance(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Kij, Karolina; Skowronek, BarbaraAlthough it constitutes a quite popular and effective system of foreign language teaching/learning, language tutoring seems to be disregarded in academic work as well as in teaching materials. Yet, a specific structure of tutoring offers an attractive field for the research that cannot be conducted in the context of group learning. Results of the research could not only enhance the current state of glottodidactic knowledge, but also extend the ethodological base, in which it is now futile to search for instruction on the individual work with the learner. The present article is thus an attempt to begin an academic discussion concerning language tutoring.Item Analyzing types of classroom interaction in CLIL(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Papaja, KatarzynaThe following article presents a study on interaction in a Content and Language Integrated Learning classroom. Starting with a brief description of van Lier’s interaction framework,and a general overview of the qualitative studies, the article focuses particularly on the description and analysis of various types of interaction as well as their functions observed in a CLIL classroomItem Angewandte Kulturwissenschaften – Überlegungen zum Studienprogramm einer akademischen Disziplin nach dem cultural turn im Hinblick auf berufliche Perspektiven(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012) Wolting, StephanThe author tries to attract attention for the careers ant the education of that what we call applied Cultural Studies after the cultural turn in the Humanities. He refers to some empirical studies and tries to put it out how differs the several institutes especially in the German spoken academic world. After all the conclusion of the author could be that there is an big demand for specialists in the area of applied cultural studies. The formation or education has to refer widely to a conception or the terminus of every-day-culture, so that it could be a big help in economic, social and education professions.Item Angewandte Literaturwissenschaft – Überlegungen zu Perspektiven einer Germanistik der Zukunft(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Wolting, StephanRecently there is a big discussion about the sense and nonsense of what we called the former philology, especially in the field of German studies. The author tries to focus his consideration of German literature on the importance of studying German literature in future and what this subject can get a special use for certain sustainability and facilities. He points out some ways in which we can deal with that in future as students, but as teachers too.Item Apprentissage semi-autonome: Résultats d’une expérience de tutorat(1999) WILCZYŃSKA, WeronikaThe contribution reports some results from a study on the semi-autonomous learning of French as a foreign language by a dozen of first-year university students (intermediate level). It focuses on the evolution those students, identified as « poor learners », underwent as far as their views, attitudes and strategies in FL learning were concerned - as an effect of them being helped and advised by their much more advanced colleagues (4th year). By the end of this period the 1st year students showed a clear change in all these respects, even though adapting more adequate strategies proved slower to appear than changes in views and attitudes. At the same time, the experience proved to be most fruitful to their tutors in acquainting them with action research methodology.Item Approaches to describing and analyzing classroom communication(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2013) Aleksandrzak, Magdalena; Skowronek, BarbaraThe article discusses some selected approaches to classroom communication and addresses the problem of its authenticity. The complexity of the subject, together with the multiplicity of the models, interpretations and research methodologies used in the process of data collection and analysis contribute to the fact that classroom discourse is generally regarded as a problematic and demanding research area which requires a multi-dimensional approach and a well-grounded choice of analytic framework.Item Are Gestures of One Culture the Same as Those of the Another One? In the Search of Cross-Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Behaviour from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008) Czubak-Wróbel, PaulinaFrom all the examples of nonverbal behaviour it has been scientifically proved that gestures reflect human thoughts and mental operations. Gestures project meanings that are stored in image schemas. Those mental representations are shaped by culturally determined experience. The aim of this article was to delve into the issue of the cross-cultural differences in nonverbal behaviour with the par-ticular focus on gestures from the point of view of cognitive linguistics. It was also of my interest to identify and categorise gestures as regards their universal and/or culture specific nature and create a background for possible further research.Item Auf dem Weg zu einem Modell der Translationsdidaktik(2010) Małgorzewicz, AnnaThe aim of the following article is an attempt to define the translator's competence and their role in the system of both communication and teaching transaltion. The metacognitive competence of a translator and the fundamental cognitive process talking place in their mental sysatem have been thoroughly analysed.Item Ausgewählte Aspekte der Textsorte autographes Vorwort einer wissenschaftlichen Abhandlung im Deutschen und Polnischen - Versuch einer Konfrontation(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2007) Mikołajczyk, BeataThe purpose of this article has been to compare texts of forewords in Polish and German scientific monographs. The analysis has focused on the following selected aspects: the structure of the forward and its position in relation to other parts of the monograph, the title as well as introductory and closing remarks. It has been discovered that Polish and German authors have a radically different approach to this type of text, though judging by the fact they call their texts forewords, these texts must belong to the same category.Item Ausgewählte Aspekte zur weiteren Entwicklung und Vertiefung des Problemverständnisses der Fremdsprachenpsychologie(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1988) MATZ, Klaus-DieterThe present paper critically evaluates the actual state of affairs of increasingly using psychological findings in the research of foreign language acquisition. After dealing with foreign language psychology as an emerging discipline of psychology as a whole, interdisciplinary as well as intradisciplinary fields of research will be introduced. Then dichotomous points of view inherent in theories of foreign language acquisition will be critically discussed. The author tries to present a cognitive-psychological approach to the formation of theories. On the basis of this approach computerized analyses will bo possible to work out training programmes for economizing procosses of foreign language acquisition.Item Autonomy in teaching and learning English at the advanced level – between theory and practice(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Aleksandrzak, MagdalenaThe present article concentrates on the concept of learner autonomy as an increasingly popular trend in language learning and teaching. The paper discusses the importance of language awareness training, the new roles of the teacher and presents the forms of evaluation typical of autonomous learning environments. It also suggests some solutions for the classroom practice which seem most effective in promoting learner autonomy at the advanced level of language proficiency and briefly examines the research findings in the field.Item ÄUßERUNGEN DEUTSCHLERNENDER OBERSCHÜLER ZUM INDUKTIVEN VORGEHEN IM GRAMMATIKUNTERRICHT(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2001) HOSTYŃSKI, PAWEŁThe article presents the outcome of empirical research devoted to inductive teaching of foreign language grammar on secondary school level. The research was carried out according to qualitative methodology with use of open interview, which allowed depicting of the issues connected with "insightful", inductive teaching from the students' perspective. Students' opinions enabled an insight into their thinking processes and views concerning certain didactic steps and stages leading to generalisations (in this case grammatical rules). Students, first of all, voice their subjective opinions on the effectiveness of the inductive approach and its influence on further language learning. Student's utterances concern also occurring problems connected with, for example, teacher's authoritative attitude, inappropriate choice of texts, unequal level of advance in the group and also involve individual hardships - internal barriers - being a consequence of attachment to the expository teaching tradition in teaching languages.Item Bestimmungsfaktoren fremdsprachenunterriehtlicher Interaktion: begriffliche Abgrenzungen mit Blick auf die Praxis(Wydawcnictwo Naukowe UAM, 1986) KÖNIGS, Frank G.For a long time the discussion concerning the norm has been carried out from the point of view of linguistics and resulted in developing a theoretical-abstract concept that moves „somewhere” between a language system and the actual realization of language. FLT is an independent research branch and as such it cannot adopt that view as far as the norm is concerned. The author wants to define the concept of norm, than in its grounds he wants to draw an interaction in FLT, and carry out notional determinations based on language material.Item Bewertung von Dolmetschleistungen im Unterricht(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2011) Błaszkowska, Hanka; Stöckmann, BrittaThe article deals with the linguistic and paralinguistic problems that arise in the process of interpreter training and discusses the methods of assessing students’ progress. The data was collected during the practical courses in consecutive interpreting for the 3rd-year students of the Institute of Applied Linguistics in Poznań and comprises the period of five years. Additionally, different methods of evaluating students’ progress are analyzed with respect to their effectiveness and potential advantages for interpreters in training.Item Bi-/multilingualism and the perceptions of the gender of objects(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010) Chłopek, ZofiaThe newest research confirms the ‘weak’ version of the linguistic relativity hypothesis, according to which the language we speak influences to some extent the way we think. At the same time, it has been shown that the conceptual representations of reality which have been shaped by the mother tongue from birth play a significant role while using an L2 (L3 etc.), especially when it is weaker than the L1. The present article describes one such conceptual domain – the (non-linguistic) categorization of objects according to their perceived gender, which is influenced by the grammatical gender of their names.Item Bilinguale Erziehung – neue Herausforderungen und Lösungen aus linguistischer Sicht(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2009) Utri, ReinholdBilingual education has many aspects. Teachers and parents of bilingual children face many difficult issues. This article starts with the definition of the problem and gives different types of bilingualism. Elements of the language programs in school, that are to be changed resp. developed, are presented. By this semilingualism should be avoided, the integration of children of a different L 1 and their equal career chances are to be guaranteed. Some innovative and creative projects show the right way.