Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 56, 2005
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Item Działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna Prof. UAM dr hab. Danieli Słowiej (w piątą rocznicę śmierci)(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Bródka, Sylwia; Macias, Andrzej; Zajadacz, AlinaCelem artykułu jest przypomnienie sylwetki, przedwcześnie zmarłej w 2000 г., prof. UA M dr hab. Danieli Sołowiej - wybitnego geografa, specjalisty z zakresu geografii fizycznej kompleksowej, przedstawienie Jej wkładu w rozwój teorii i metodologii ekologii krajobrazu oraz geografii turyzmu i rekreacji. Opracowanie stanowi próbę syntetycznego ujęcia zarówno działalności naukowo- -badawczej, dydaktycznej, jak i społecznej prof. Sołowiej (w organizacjach, towarzystwach naukowych). Zawiera także wykaz ważniejszych publikacji i opracowań z bogatego dorobku, liczącego 108 prac, które powstały w ciągu 29 lat działalności zawodowej D. Sołowiej.Item Rozprzestrzenianie hałasu w obszarze zabudowanym (na przykładzie osiedla mieszkaniowego w Poznaniu)(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Kubiak, JarosławNoise is on of the most important elements degrading man's living environment. It plays a significant role in the conditions of advanced urbanisation. Undertaken research is intended to establish its spatial distribution, change dynamics and modifications on the residential areas. Acoustic measurements were made on chosen residential quarter the city of Poznań. There are 46 points located among buildings. The measurements taken included: - recording the equivalent sound level (L,.,), - recording the minimum sound level (MINL), - recording the maximum sound level (MAXL). Such factors as air temperature, relative air humidity, wind velocity and wind direction was permanenet. Moreover, measurement were taken of the traffic noise, with studies made of its structure and level, in 4 places (they were selected cross-roads of the principal communication routes). The ultimate goal of the research is to draw an acoustic map.Item Sumy opadów atmosferycznych w Polsce w latach 1951-1995(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Kirschenstein, Małgorzata; Baranowski, DariuszThe aim of this article is the analysis of the seasonal and annual course of precipitation totals and their spatial distribution in Poland. T he basis for the analysis was mean daily precipitation totals for the 1951-199 5 period from 55 IMW M (Institute of Meteorology Wa - ter Management) stations and precipitation maps showing mean monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall distribution. The main part of the work is a description of spatial distribution of precipitation in Poland. Particularly winter a nd summer precipitation totals has been analyzed. In the article an annual period has been divided into four meteorological seasons: spring (whole months - III, IV, V), summer (VI, VII, VIII), autumn (IX, X, XI) and winter (XII, I, II). The research of rainfall variation in Poland in the seasonal and annual course has shown that: - summer precipitation totals are two times higher than in winter, - differences between spring and autumn precipitation totals are small, autumn slightly (1,1) exceed spring values, - quotient of winter/summer total precipitation decrease eastward showing gradual growth of continentality, - quotient of autumn/spring total precipitation diminishes from the north to the south of Poland; rather big quotients in the north are the result of the warming caused by the Baltic Sea during the autumn, - 62.9% of precipitation in Poland occur in the warm half-year.Item Temperatura i wilgotność powietrza w Ogrodzie Botanicznym UAM na tle wyników pomiarów stacji meteorologicznej Poznań Ławica(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Łukasiewicz, SzymonThe article presents temperature and humidity differentiation in the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) Botanical Garden in Poznań in comparison to a professional meteorological station, which is 3.5 k m away in the straight line. The conclusions make us change the methodology of taking measurements in park-andforest areas, which are botanical gardens, in comparison to standard climatic stations. The changes of atmosphere parameters caused by plants rely on: 1. The active surface, i.e. the surface on which light radiation is converted into thermal energy is the upper layer of tree and bush heads. This means shading under the heads and reducing the flow of solar energy to the ground surface. As a result, maximum temperatures are lowered at daytime (the largest amounts of heat are trapped in their heads), whereas at night, recorded minimum temperatures are higher in comparison to open areas: the foliage partially reflects long-wave radiation of the Earth. This effect mitigates daily temperature amplitudes in solid plant complexes. 2. Increased water supply from évapotranspiration processes, i.e. evaporation from the surface of the soil, watercourses, ponds, and its transpiration by plants result in higher air humidity. A larger amount of water vapor means a lower shortage of atmosphere humidity. This slows down unproductive plant evaporation in favor of productive transpiration. 3. Filling the space with trees, bushes, climbing plants, cover plants, etc. is a considerable obstacle for the wind, thus decreasing its strength. A s a result, instead of a free air flow taking moisture particles, natural obstacles decrease wind velocity within the plant complex and force its turbulence. This results in a longer stay of the humid air mass in the area of the garden, and therefore, lower sucking force of the atmosphere depending on wind velocity, in respect to humidity. 4. While raining, the moistened surface is unproportionally larger (up to over 10 times) than the area; this is the leaf surface of subsequent plant floors. After raining, evaporation from such a large surface results in higher air humidity, in comparison to the area without trees. Simultaneously, due to decreasing wind power, water vapor saturation of air after rains is maintained longer in comparison to observations in other areas, including the climatic station of the Meteorological Institute (IMGW)Item Warunki występowania oraz reżim wydajności i temperatury wypływów wód podziemnych w Sierakowskim Parku Krajobrazowym i w obszarze przyległym(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Puk, Krzysztof215 sites of natural groundwater outflows were identified in the Sieraków Landscape Park and its surrounding area. On the basis of the criteria adopted, they were divided into 124 single outflow sites, mainly springs, bogsprings and seeps, and 91 outflow complexes forming seepage lines and fields, spring lines, and bog-spring fields. This abundance of groundwater outflow sites is due to the morphological diversity of the terrain and its dense network of glacial troughs offering plenty of opportunities for groundwater to get in contact with the ground surface. Tire observed unevenness in the spatial distribution of natural groundwater outflows is determined by the area's geological situation, the size of its morphological units, and consequently, the size of the local groundwater basin. The group occurrence of the outflows can be accounted for by a comparatively large size of the outcrops of the saturation layer and the impermeable bottom layer. By morphological location, outflow sites are most numerous in the slope zones of glacial troughs, many can be found at the foot of the slopes and scarps, and a bit fewer near stream channels and on the flat floors of river valleys. It is also probable that there are outflows in the bottoms of lake basins. The aquifers feeding the outflows are usually situated in glaciofluvial sands and gravels, between till deposits. The sub-surface water-bearing horizon nourishes a mere few per cent of the outflows (chiefly those on the southern slope of the Warta and Noteć dune interfluve). The majority of outflows are of layerdescending character. Only a few display pulsation indicative of an ascending nature. Predominant among active outflows are those with a low discharge, under dmV 1 . Outflows forming complexes have discharges even in excess of 20 dmV1 . They include: a bogspring field in a ravine near Chalin, another south of Lake Chalinek, and the headwater zones of the Kubek Zachodni and Kubek Wschodni. The latter produce more than 160 dmV1 . The discharge can be associated with the density of outflows (the greater their number, the lower the discharge of individual sites), the retention capacity of the aquifer concerned, and the size of the nourished area, which controls the stability of the discharge. Among periodic outflows are those draining the thin, non-isolated sub-surface water level. The water depletion rate is slower in the more extensive and thicker inter-till and sub-till levels. Discharge variations are not sudden and depend on alimentation through precipitation. Maximum and minimum discharge periods follow heavier and reduced rainfalls, respectively. Depending on the depth of water drained by the outflows and the nature of the lithology, the temporal lag relative to the prevalent external conditions is shorter or longer. The temperature of outflowing water varies with the depth of the aquifer being drained and the rate of underground water circulation. A temperature of 5~6°C is characteristic of outflows fed by shallow groundwater (in the winter). Higher temperatures free from major seasonal variations (from 9°C to 11°C) can be observed in outflows draining inter-till levels whose thermal insulator is the thick till layer. The above remarks sum up only a preliminary hydrographie study. The interesting issues that have emerged need a more systematic research into the discharge of the outflows and their temperature and feeding conditions. It can undoubtedly provide serious and valuable factual material for a better understanding of the hydrogeological conditions in the study area. Such a research seems even more justified by the fact that there have been few detailed studies of crenological conditions in the Polish Plain so far.Item Występowanie pokrywy śnieżnej w różnych masach powietrza na przykładzie Legnicy i Zamościa(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Bednorz, Ewa; Więcław, MirosławThe relationships between the kind of air masses and snow cover occurrence in two stations: Legnica and Zamość were investigated, using daily snow cover depths and daily calendar of air masses for the years 1971-2000. The frequency of the days with snow cover in the different air masses was counted and furthermore, air masses favourable to increases and decreases in snow cover depth were singled out. Snow cover appears most often in arctic and polar-continental air masses. Arctic air is favourable to snowfalls, which lead to increases in the snow cover depth, while polar-continental air guaranties snow sustainment. Polarmaritime air which is the most frequent in Poland during the wintertime can also bring snowfalls, but in this air masses snow does not last long, because polar-maritime air is the most favourable to decreases in snow cover depth.Item Zbiornik w wyrobisku końcowym Odkrywki "Pątnów" Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego "Konin" i jego bilans wodny za okres 2003-2004(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Wachowiak, Grzegorz; Wachowiak, AgataThe idea of water recultivation and management of the closing open pits in the Lignite Opencast Mine "Konin" is of a growing importance. Hence, the necessity to explore water relations conditioned by SLich undertakings. Recultivation scheme of the closing open pit "Pątnów" of Lignite Opencast Mine "Konin" includes the construction of a 346 ha reservoir with the capacity of over 38 mln m. So far, it is the biggest reservoir built as a result of an open pit recultivation in lignite opencast mining in Poland. Part of the open pit will be Litilized as a power plant waste disposal. The reservoir has been filled since 2001. Initially, the natural water supply was planned - especially through groundwater inflow. This process, however, would have taken some 20 years. In order to speed up the completion of the reservoir, water from dewatering of other working open pits at Lignite Opencast Mine "Konin" has been directed into this reservoir. It is hoped, that thanks to this operation, the reservoir will be filled by 2006. The reservoir water balance was worked out for the hydrological years of 2003-2004. During this period, water table rose by about 13.3 m, and the capacity increased by almost 25.9 mln m reaching the total cubage of 48.8 mln m. The balance income (30.24 mln m) included precipitation (13.6%), discharge from mine dewatering (43.9%), and the resultant of groundwater supply (42.5%). The outcome elements included evaporation from surface water (71.5%) and evaporation from this part of the area of morphological catchment that is contained by the depression cone (28.5%). The expediency of monitoring for the period of reservoir filling and after its completion has been indicated.Item Zmiany natężenia transportu materiału wleczonego w dolnym odcinku rzeki Obry w okolicach Międzyrzecza(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Młynarczyk, Zygmunt; Słowik, MarcinInvestigation concerning changes of bed- -load transport rate was done in the lower course of the Obra river valley near Międzyrzecz (Western Poland). Detailed research was conducted in chosen section of the valley, 1 km long and 70-150 m wide. Bed load transport rate was estimated using the model of potential sand material transport (MŁYNARCZYK 1996). Calculated bed-load transport rates illustrate relatively small intensity of this sort of material transport in particular river bed cross-sections. One of the reasons could be occurrence of comparatively low flow velocities in bed zone (0.05 m/s in bank zones and 0.3 m/s in current zone). Besides, it was observed that at high water stages very coarse sediments (mean diameter -2.0 phi) are exposed in current zone. This kind of material can not be transported in hydrological conditions which are present in the Obra river bed. These course sediments originate from washing away glacial till which lies beneath alluvial sediments. On the basis of dependence between bedload transport rate and water stages, annual bed-load transport rate was estimated for period 1971-1991. The dependence was achieved using data from field measurements. The biggest amount of bed-load transport occurred in hydrological years with intensive floods. During such flow events water stages reached 320 cm. In such cases, length of high water stages period was very important because of presence of hydrological conditions that increased amount of transported bed-load.Item Zmiany powierzchni leśnej Wysoczyzny Kaliskiej w kontekście analizy struktury krajobrazu(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Markuszewska, IwonaIn this article the analysis of changes the structural analysis of the landscape treating forest islands in the Kalisz Plateau over the last forest surface as landscape islands and functio- 200 years was presented. The study included ning analysis of the ecosystem exploring the interactions between the forest islands and their surroundings. Particular attention was paid to processes influencing physionomical qualities of forest islands: fragmentation, shrinkage, attrition, increment and apperance of new forest surfaces. The statistical indicies and the descriptive analysis were used for the presentation of the forest islands dynamic changes. The results of researches proved an important role of human activities which leads to significant transformation of the forest islands in the Kalisz Plateau.Item Zmiany stosunków wodnych i użytkowania terenu wywołane działaniami antropogenicznymi na wybranym poligonie strefy pobrzeża południowego Bałtyku(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2005) Cieśliński, RomanThe present of literature of object investigations be characterizes with lack of studies relating in relays influence of the man's activity of water relations from simultaneous regard the evolution and the transformations of use of terrain. The target of work is qualification of size of anthropogenical changes of water relations due of intensive melioration of terrain near use the cartographical materials. The investigations hugged area of the Gardnieńsko- Łebska Lowland being among lake Gardno and Sarbsko. The analysis of materials confirmed that the scenery of seaside lowlands underwent continuous transformation. This process sets under natural factors as well as under of economic of the man's activity. In draught of last 200 years the man's activity on lowland caused considerable changes of water relations which in consequence brought to transformation of vegetable habitations of this terrain.