Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2010, nr 2
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Item Europejska reklama i towarzysząca jej nienawiść(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Grochowski, RobertThe paper concerns the rarely discussed subject of hate speech in advertising messages. Hate speechis primarily related to the issue of freedom of speech, which, however, is not absolute freedom. The scope of freedom of speech involves audiovisual statements and other forms of expression that may incite hatred, discrimination and violence against other groups. ECRI general recommendation no. 1 classifies such behaviors as criminal offences. Such statements acquire legal and penal status, provided that a certain act has been committed intentionally dolus directus coloratus. Advertising discourse frequently forces us to treat others in an ignoble manner thus becoming a stimulus to violenceItem Kształt polityki spójności Unii Europejskiej w Polsce w latach 2007-2013(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Willa, RafałPoland has been a full member of the European Union for five years already. One of the results of this membership is the opportunity to obtain co-financing for domestic investments and activities, provided via structural funds. Both Polish society and potential beneficiaries (e.g. businesses, provinces, institutions, NGOs) have enormous expectations in this respect. However, these expectations are not based on genuine awareness of the objectives of the EU’s financial instruments, the principles of their planning, implementation, or their actual impact. Since the significance of EU cohesion policy among other EU policies continues to rise, it is necessary to examine its present shape and compare it with the former budget programming period. This will al- low one to envisage the direction this policy is taking, as it is shaped by the subsequent reforms. Additionally, this knowledge may be crucial at present, when the funds pro- vided by the EU’s’ financial perspective 2007–2013 are being spent, and it may also be useful in the near future, during the negotiations on the shape of cohesion policy after 2013, also including the subject of Poland’s maintaining the status of one of the largest beneficiaries of the Union’s financial support.Item Misja EULEX Kosowo(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Izydorczyk, Monika; Oblińska, KornelaThe European Union made the decision to launch the EULEX Kosovo mission on February 4, 2008. Its mandate was envisaged for 28 months from the approval of the Operation Plan (OPLAN), i.e. from February 16, 2008. As scheduled, the mission commenced on June 15, 2008, yet it failed to take over the responsibility for the tasks from the UNMIK mission of the United Nations. Owing to delays, the EULEX Kosovo mission achieved initial operational capability on December 9, 2009 and became fully operative on April 6, 2009. EULEX Kosovo is the largest mission ever launched under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The mission’s status has aroused serious controversies as out of 27 EU member states, Greece, Slovakia, Spain, Romania and Cyprus have not recognized Kosovo as an independent state. As an organizaSP 2 ’10Misja EULEX Kosowo17tion, the European Union officially refers to the province as “Kosovo – under UN Security Council Resolution 1244.” Since EULEX Kosovo remains operational and is an ‘open’ mission it is difficult to unanimously assess the efficiency of its operation. The mission has been operating under complicated political circumstances which result from the fact that Kosovo’s independence has been approved by some of the EU states.Item Nauczanie społeczne Benedykta XVI wobec współczesnych problemów globalnych(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Hordecki, BartoszOn June 29, 2009 the Encyclical Caritas in veritate (Charity in Truth) of Benedict XVI was published, where the Pope presents his social teaching. He expresses his critical diagnosis of modern societies, indicating that it is selfishness resulting from lack of faith that is the source of all social evil. Benedict XVI calls for an effort to improve the world by multiplying the acts based on “the logic of giving without reciprocation” instead of the “logic of power” or the “logic of the market” in the realm of economy and politics also. The Pope also observes that unless the “logic of giving without reciprocation” dominates human relations both poor and affluent societies will continue to grapple with increasingly serious and tragic issues, and this logic will apparently not prevail if people do not begin to believe again. The Encyclical Caritas in veritate assumes the form of a diagnosis that the modern world disregards. In the opinion of the Pope this lack of attention is not the fault of the Papacy, but rather of the world itself. Expressing this attitude, the Pope easily assumes a position which is comfortable from his point of view, and which cannot be refuted nor corroborated.Item „Prawda Wileńska”(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Małyszko, PiotrIn the times of the Polish People’s Republic researchers into the history of the press from 1939 to 1945 focused on the territory of the General Government. After 1989 greater interest began to be concentrated on the part of the Republic of Poland that had been annexed by the USSR. The history of Vilnius during WWII is peculiar as the government changed several times there. The town changed hands between the Soviets, Lithuanians, Soviets again, then the Germans and eventually the Soviets. This has made the history of the Vilnius press from 1939 to 1944 also interesting. This paper presents the history of the daily press published in Vilnius in the Polish language in the period 1940-1941, that is when the town was occupied by the Soviets; particular attention is given to the most important daily – „Prawda Wileñska”.Item Samorząd gospodarczy w koncepcji społecznej gospodarki rynkowej w RFN w latach 1949 - 1963(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Balcerek, MartaAfter WWII the Federal Republic of Germany needed to choose an economic system for itself which resulted in having to identify a third way – one between liberalism and collectivism. The Ordoliberal concept of social market economics was the best response to the spirit of transformations that occurred in West Germany after 1949. Minister of Economics and former Vice Chancellor, Ludvig Erhard performed market reforms following the spirit of Ordoliberalism over the period of 1949-1963. The purpose of this paper is to make Polish readers acquainted with the model of a social market economy, i.e. a market economy including social responsibility, implemented by the units of economic self-government – chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of agriculture and of crafts.Item Służba cywilna w Polsce. Kierunki zmian(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Jurga - Wosik, EwaW Polsce służba cywilna charakteryzuje się brakiem ciągłości prawno – instytucjonalnej. W ciągu ostatnich dwunastu lat uchwalono cztery ustawy o służbie cywilnej. Akty te w różny sposób regulowały m.in. kwestie organu właściwego w sprawach służby cywilnej (Szef Służby Cywilnej lub Szef Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów) i jego obsługi (Urząd Służby Cywilnej Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów) czy kwestie statusu wyższych stanowisk (w służbie cywilnej i poza nią) oraz sposobu ich obsadzania (konkursy, powołania/mianowania, nabór). Ustawa o służbie cywilnej z 2008 roku wprowadziła szereg instrumentów, które mają zapewnić spójność podejmowanych działań, a w konsekwencji stabilność w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi.Należy podkreślić, że obecnie dużym wyzwaniem jest przygotowanie służby cywilnej do wykonywania zadań w trakcie sprawowania przez Polskę przewodnictwa w Radzie Unii Europejskiej. Stąd szkolenia i inne formy podnoszenia kompetencji czy korzystanie z europejskich wzorców są szansą na podniesienie walorów funkcjonowania służby cywilnej.Item Tabloidyzacja czy tabloidyzacje telewizyjnych programów informacyjnych? (Fakty TVN i Wiadomości TVP)(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Hordecki, Bartosz; Piontek, DorotaTabloidization is one of the main processes affecting modern mass media which can be observed in the media systems around the world. In Poland, the phenomenon of tabloidization has clearly intensified since the emergence of a pluralist media market, and in particular since the first commercial TV station and first typical tabloid have come into existence. The objective of the paper is to present the tabloidization processes in the Polish system of TV broadcasting. Having narrowed the subject matter to the realm of news programs the authors present the research conducted in order to address two fundamental questions: 1. Does the tabloidization of TV programs in Poland occur irrespective of the broadcaster’s status, and 2. Is the tabloidization of TV programs different depending on the broadcaster’s status?Item The Boundaries between the Religious and the Secular on the Polish Political Scene(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Churska-Nowak, Karolina; Orylski, ŁukaszPrezentowany tekst stanowi zmodyfikowaną wersję wystąpienia wygłoszonego podczas międzynarodowej konferencji “Religion, identity and life courses”, zorganizowanej przez Institute for the Studies of Religion in Central and Eastern Europe (ISORECA). Sympozjum odbyło się w grudniu 2008 w Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Artykuł poświęcony jest specyfice relacji między porządkiem sakralnym a świeckim w polskim systemie politycznym. Problematyka ujęta została w kontekście reprezentowanych w literaturze przedmiotu paradygmatów publicznego funkcjonowania religijności oraz uwarunkowań mających swe źródło w specyfice polskiej kultury politycznej. Wyodrębniono paralelne procesy sekularyzacji sacrum i sakralizacji profanum oraz typy afiliacji politycznej skorelowane z modelami polskiej religijności. Jak się wydaje, zaproponowane modele i konkluzje zachowują, a nawet wzmacniają swą aktualność w perspektywie politycznych reperkusji katastrofy lotniczej pod Smoleñskiem, a więc wydarzenia nieprzewidywalnego w ramach prognostycznej funkcji nauk politycznych.Item Wybrane problemy z właściwą wykładnią umów prawa autorskiego(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Skrzypczak, JędrzejW ostatnim okresie w obrocie prawnym dostrzega się co raz większe znaczenie i doniosłość prawną, ale także ekonomiczną i społeczną umów autorskich. Z uwagi na skalę tego zjawiska nie dziwi zatem rosnący problem właściwej wykładni takich kontraktów. Poniżej podjęto próbę zaprezentowania tylko niektórych istotnych problemów pojawiających się w procesie prawidłowej interpretacji takich oświadczeń woli podmiotów prawa. Wydaje się, że w świetle doświadczeń wynikających z praktyki, opisywane poniżej aspekty tego zjawiska zasługują na szczególną uwagę. Najczęściej takie kłopoty wynikają z zaniedbań stron takich kontraktów. Trzeba jednak przyznać, że są one niekiedy skutkiem błyskawicznego postępu technicznego, za którym ustawodawca nie zawsze nadąża. Konieczne zatem okazało się dokonanie przeglądu najważniejszych poglądów doktryny i judykatury w tym zakresie.Item Wybrane problemy z właściwą wykładnią umów prawa autorskiego(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM w Poznaniu, 2010) Skrzypczak, JędrzejRecently, the increasing importance and the legal, as well as business and social, significance of copyright agreements has been noted in legal dealings. Given the growing range of such agreements one should not be surprised about the increasing problem of their correct interpretation. This paper attempts to present only some of the significant problems encountered in the process of the correct interpretation of such declarations of intent made by legal entities. In the light of practical experience it appears that the issues that are discussed in the paper should be considered with particular attention. The problems that usually arise are the consequence of negligence of the parties to such agreements. It should also be admitted, however, that another reason for problems may be rapid technical progress that legislation cannot always keep up with. Therefore, it has been necessary to review the most important opinions expressed in the doctrine and judicial decisions in this respect.