Slavia Occidentalis
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Tom 1. rocznika założonego przez M. Rudnickiego, redaktora pisma w latach 1921-1950, ukazał się w 1921 roku. Do wybuchu II wojny światowej opublikowano w sumie 17 tomów wydanych przez Instytut Zachodnio-Słowiański przy Uniwersytecie Poznańskim. Dwa tomy powojenne 18. (1939/47) i 19. (1948) ukazały się nakładem Komitetu Redakcyjnego w składzie M. Rudnicki i L. Zabrocki. W latach 1949–1959 czasopismo nie ukazywało się. Kolejny 20. tom opublikował w 1960 roku Wydział Filologiczno-Filozoficzny PTPN, który samodzielnie patronował rocznikowi do roku 1999, kiedy to ukazał się 56. jego tom. Od roku 2000 do dziś SO „Slavia Occidentalis" jest wydawana wspólnie przez PTPN i UAM. Czasopismo zajmuje się językami zachodniosłowiańskimi, literaturami zachodniosłowiańskimi, krytyką literacką i kulturą słowiańską. W roku 2013 wyodrębniono dwie serie czasopisma: LINGUISTICA (redaktor naczelny Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz) oraz LITERARIA (redaktor naczelny Bogusław Bakuła), a periodyk został półrocznikiem.
(ang.)Volume 1. of the annual founded by M. Rudnicki, the editor of the journal in the years 1921-1950, was released in 1921. By the outbreak of World War II, a total of 17 volumes had been published by the West-Slavic Institute at the University of Poznań.. Two post-war volumes No. 18 (1939-1947) and No.19 (1948) were published by the Editorial Committee composed of M. Rudnicki and L. Zabrocki.
In the years 1949-1959, the journal was not released. The next volume No. 20 was published in 1960 by the Faculty of Philology and Philosophy of the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences (PTPN), which unaided supported the annual until 1999, when volume 56 was published. Since 2000, the journal has been published jointly by the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences and Adam Mickiewicz University. It is devoted to the history, ethnology, culture and, most importantly, language of West Slavic tribes.
In 2013, the journal was divided into two series: LINGUISTICA (with Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz as Editor-in-Chief ) and LITERARIA (with Bogusław Bakuła as Editor-in-Chief), and it became a semi-annual periodical.
Redaktor naczelny: LINGUISTICA Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz,LITERARIA Bogusław Bakuła
ul. Mielżyńskiego 27/29
61-725 Poznań
tel.618527441, tel/fax. 618522205;
strona www:
Nazwa wydawcy: Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk
ISSN 0081-0002
ISBN 978-83-7654-219-5
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Item Antropocentryczna filozofia Jana Pawła II(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Szocik, KonradThis paper analyzes metaphysical base of John Paul II’s philosophy that allowed to propagation of unity’s and ecumenism’s ideas, and to underlying importance of individuality. Developed by The Second Vatican Council “the contemporizing” of Church’s position, required rejection of thomistic, real metaphysics, ontological concept of truth, one religion’s truth or real model of human cognition. This paper underlines acceptance of secularized world’s ideas and their influence on change of Church teaching in John Paul II’s pontificate.Item Dwujęzyczność w literaturze łużyckiej na przykładzie twórczości Jurija Brězana (1916-2006)(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Scholze, Dietrich; Klemm, WojtekItem GERMANIZMY LEKSYKALNE W GWARZE MIEJSKIEJ POZNANIA I BRNEŃSKIM HANTECU(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Osowski, BłażejThe article offers a comparison of lexical Germanisms which occur in the urban sub-dialects of Brno and Poznań, two cities located at a significant distance from each other. The analysed vocabulary has been divided into: A) words which are part of the general German language, B) words which could not be classified as German due to the following criteria: a) chronological, b) stylistic, c) limited territory, d) unofficial nature and e) social. The analysis has demonstrated that, despite there being no contact between the two cities, as many as 32 words (preferences) in the sub-dialects have identical or similar meaning.Item Historyzm wobec starożytności w dziełach J. J. Winckelmanna, W. von Humboldta i F. Schlegla. Próba rekonstrukcji i zarys polskiej recepcji(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Junkiert, MaciejThe second half of the XVIIIth century contribute to radical change of cultural relationship with past. Historicism, understand as a common method of conceptualization of human inventions, appeared not only in historiography, but also marked his presence in literature, philosophy, architecture and art. The aim of this article is to explore some of the outlooks on connection between historicism and the classical antiquity in the works of Winckelmann, Humboldt and Schlegel, important German thinkers with significant reception in Polish literature and culture.Item INFORMACJE FONETYCZNO-ORTOFONICZNE W PODRĘCZNIKU TOMASZA KARPOWICZA KULTURA JĘZYKA POLSKIEGO. WYMOWA, ORTOGRAFIA, INTERPUNKCJA(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Nowakowski, Paweł; Wiatrowski, PrzemysławThe aim of the article is to assess the quality of phonetic and orthophonetic knowledge presented in the academic textbook by Tomasz Karpowicz entitled Polish Language Culture. Pronunciation, Spelling and Punctuation, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw 2009. An analysis of phonetic and orthophonetic information has identified numerous factual mistakes and gaps, as many pronunciation problems requiring definition of correct standards were disregarded.Item K METAFORÁM V BABIČCE PO PITVĚ Z HLEDISKA KOGNITIVNÍ LINGVISTIKY(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) ZÁBRANSKÝ, LUKÁŠThe author examined metaphorical concepts in this Czech parody of the famous work by Božena Němcová (The Grandmother). Based on excerpts, an analysis of metaphorical concepts was conducted. Whenever possible, the author took etymology into account during the research. „Babička po pitvě” (BPP) is a parody, as indicated already by its very title. Assurance comes with the finding of a mirrored condensed morphology of BPP with respect to the original. Both BPP and The Grandmother contain 18 chapters and four identical plot lines. To parody the original, Hynek uses formal sentence structures, simple syntax prevails, often exacerbated to the extreme, thus giving a simplified and scholarly limited impression. The characters in BPP are exposed as: ethnocentric, naive, limited, religious, belonging to a foreign language affiliation, vulgar, capricious, altruistic, sexually unsatisfied or only temporarily satisfied. The image of the world in Staré bělidlo (Old Bleaching Ground) is: prejudiced, superstitious, anthropocentric, subjective, superficial, limited, firmly grounded in the natural cycle and traditions associated with it. Procedures and traditional findings of cognitive linguistics/ language picture of the world have been positively verified. The morbid, Erotic, socially incorrect, cynical, dissonant as well as poetic and gentle satire of BPP thus represents an eccentric and rich foam of comedy, however, under its thick surface we find more serious content, raising social, moral and value issues; using parody, BPP thus fundamentally challenges the traditional values demonstrated in The Grandmother.Item K NEJNOVĚJŠÍMU ČESKÉMU PŘEKLADU KAFKOVY POVÍDKY VOR DEM GESETZ (PŘED ZÁKONEM)(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) RUBEROVÁ, IRINAArtykuł ten jest poświęcony badaniom najnowszego tłumaczenia opowiadania Franza Kafki Vor dem Gesetz (Před zákonem) w celu odkrycia jego aktualnej wartości estetycznej w czeskim środowisku literackim. Wyjątkowość danego tłumaczenia, które wykonał Josef Čermák, polega na tym, że tłumacz ustosunkowuje się do tekstu krytycznego i tym samym zastępuje tłumaczenie Vladimíra Kafki (1964). To tłumaczenie pochodzące sprzed 33 lat opierało się na wydaniu Maxa Broda, gdzie można wyśledzić zdecydowane, lecz nie zawsze stosowne interwencje edytora. Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że tłumaczenie Vladimíra Kafki ma znaczenie kultowe, Čermák w swoim tłumaczeniu respektuje je do pewnej miary. Dzięki temu, że w nastawieniu wobec Kafki istniały pewne uprzedzenia, publiczność czeska znała jego twórczość bardzo powierzchownie. Do dnia dzisiejszego słowo Kafka często służy jako modna naklejka. W ogólnej świadomości słowa takie jak „kafkowski“, lub „kafkárna“ używają się w znaczeniu absurdalna, nie dająca się wyjaśnić sytuacja. Biorąc powyżej przedstawione fakty pod uwagę, trzeba przyznać, że trudno jest nam ocenić wpływ Kafki, w tym i jego opowiadania Před zákonem (Przed prawem) na twórczość literacką w swoim kraju. Kautman twierdzi, że można znaleźć tylko pewne powiązania, zwłaszcza w ideowej i estetycznej dziedzinie. Kautman szuka tych powiązań u Nezvala (Kronika z konce tisíciletí), Holana (Lemurie) lub Ortena (Deníky). Sam Hrabal odwołuje się do Kafki bezpośrednio (Kafkárna). Wydaje się tak, że Kafka jeszcze się nie doczekał zrozumienia swego dzieła. Być może jego pierwsze wydanie zebranych dzieł w Czechach, gdzie jest zawarte również tłumaczenie Čermáka, przyczyni się do większego odzewu w czeskiej twórczości literackiej.Item Literatura kaszubska w perspektywie antropologii kulturowej(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Kuik-Kalinowska, AdelaAreas of cultural anthropology studies on example of Kashubian literature indicate the diversity of the issues dealt with in this work. Raising of ethnic consciousness is driven by a strong relationship with the nature, and at the same time influences the perception of what is individual’s and what is common. In the perspective of anthropological research on Kashubian literature artistic representations of the imagination world of Kashubia, which are complementary to the issues of cultural identity in its individual and collective formation. Through the description of the subjects and themes it is possible to bring to light the image of Kashubian cultural reality, its existential, spiritual and social image of Kashubian community life. The Kashubians in the literary image viewable from the anthropological perspective are an ethnic group who speak their own language, nurture their own cultural identity and tradition, and also support a relationship to the past and contemporary European culture.Item NAZWY ZAKONÓW I ZGROMADZEŃ ZAKONNYCH ŻEŃSKICH(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Breza, EdwardIn the introduction to his article, the author refers to a dissertation on the names of male religious orders and societies (cf. Sł. Oc. t., r. SIOc 69, 2012, s. 45-80; 3). The article has been broken down into three basic parts: I. names of female religious orders which have (earlier) male counterparts, e.g. filipinki : filipini, józefiłki : józefie: II. autogenic names which are not structures derived from male order names like e.g. precjozynki, sakramentki, III. various semantic and word-formation related issues. It turns out that most frequently, female names are formed with the feminative suffix -ka in singular or -ki in plural and the extended suffix -anka, -ynka in singular / -anki -ynki in plural. These formations are far less complex than in the masculine names. The source materials used by the author are the same as in analyses of male religious orders and societies; they are presented as a list of abbreviations at the end of the article.Item O ambiwalentnym humorze Karla Michala(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Czernikow, OlgaThe paper tackles the topic of negative and ambivalent humour from Karel Michal’s short story collection Everyday Spooks. Starting from the concepts of humour (present e.g. in theoretical works of Jean-Paul, Baudelaire, and Bachtin) based on the existence of the negative feature, the author examines the functioning of the degrading role of humour in the Czech writer’s debut volume. Carried out with these tools, the analysis of negative strategies in humoristic writings of Michal, allows for an reinterpretation of his early texts and makes it possible to view them as perverse moralities.Item O „ukrytym” w prozie Michala Ajvaza i Piotra Pazińskiego(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Firlej, AgataIn this essay I juxtapose the output of Michal Ajvaz and Piotr Paziński, analyzing it as a similar literary strategy of metaphorising the concept of "re-start" in the history of culture. The starting point is a similar phenomenon in North American literature, described by Eliot Weinberger, who uses a (not explicitly declared) psychoanalytic methodology. Key references, in addition to the modernist inspiration, are also: the urban text, the Talmudic imaging, the phenomenon of memory / palimpsest and the (im)possibility of artistic representation of the Holocaust.Item Obraz pasterzy w staropolskich kolędach i pastorałkach (na materiale tzw. „kantyczek karmelitańskich” z XVII I XVIII wieku) cz. II(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Borejszo, MariaThis article is an attempt at reconstructing the image reflected in Old Polish Christmas carols of the activities pursued by shepherds following the news of the Saviour’s birth. The analysed material comes from the so-called “Carmelite Canticles” written in the 18th century for the Krakow female Carmelites. The research results suggest that a large part of the stories included in the Carmelite manuscripts of Christmas carols were modelled on the compositional structure of a classic Polish Christmas carol. This consisted of three elements: 1) the angels notifying the shepherds that the Saviour was born; 2) the confusion among the awoken shepherds, their preparations for leaving and the trip to Bethlehem; 3) paying homage to the Infant Jesus on arrival, presenting their gifts, shared celebrations at the manger and the shepherds’ return home. The analysed works demonstrate that the described events bear a strong Polish touch. In old Polish carols the shepherds were presented as a group of impoverished yet well-organized members of a rural society, capable of rational decisions and specific activities in unaccustomed circumstances. Special attention should be paid to the hierarchy among shepherds; it favoured the elder and best educated individuals, collective decision-making and care for all members of the shepherding community, including those less physically fit. The image of the shepherds preserved in the carols is very realistic, diversified and dynamic. Their quite detailed descriptions give an indication of how the poor lived in Polish villages of the 17th and 18th centuries and how well these communities were organized.Item Okcidentalismus a orientalismus v praxi. Reprezentace Západu a Východu v prózách Jana Nováka(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Švéda, JosefItem PIEŚNI WIELKANOCNE Z KANCJONAŁU RADOMSKICH BERNARDYNÓW. NIEZNANE WARIANTY TEKSTOWE Z RĘKOPISU BIBLIOTEKI DIECEZJALNEJ W SANDOMIERZU(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) TROŚCIŃSKI, GRZEGORZThe article is dedicated to anonymous 16th century religious Easter songs recorded in manuscript L 1684, which is part of the collection of the Diocese Library in Sandomierz. The manuscript, discovered by the article’s author, belonged to the Bernardine convent in Radom; parts of it were created in the second half of the 16th century, in the second half of the 17th century or in the early 18th century. The song Wszechmogący Ojca Najwyższego Syn Jezu Chryst is a mystery play song with references to religious Easter songs popular among the Bernardines, as well as songs included by Mikołaj from Wilkowieck in his mystery play, which revolves around motifs from the Scriptures and Biblical apocrypha. The song Chrystus Pan Zmartwychwstał includes diverse material where a text by Jakub Lubelczyk serves as a frame for the middle verses. The framework includes appellative prayers of the living for the dead (suffragia) from the 15th and 16th centuries, previously presented in the last part of Bogurodzica. The discovered texts offer previously unknown variants of mystery songs and procession litanies.Item PROFESOR BOGDAN WALCZAK – LINGWISTA KOMPLETNY(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Pihan-Kijasowa, AlicjaBogdan Walczak, full professor, doctor habilitatus and one of the most distinguished students of Professor Władysław Kuraszkiewicz. Since his graduation from the Polish Faculty of Adam Mickiewicz University in 1965, he developed his career at the Poznań university where he was awarded his doctor and doctor habilitatus SO 70/1 Profesor Bogdan Walczak – lingwista kompletny 19 degrees. At the behest of the University Council of the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology he was appointed professor. Bogdan Walczak made his academic debut in 1964. Since that time, he has published over a thousand research and popular science works on various linguistic sub-disciplines, with special emphasis placed on linguistics related to the Polish and Slavic languages. The history of the general Polish language and its regional variations have been at the centre of his research. On the other hand, he has devoted a large part of his work to contemporary Polish, the culture of the Polish language and the cultural heritage enshrined in the Polish language, glottodidactics, onomastics, social linguistics and methodology of linguistic research. Professor Bogdan Walczak is also a valued academic teacher and organizer of research activities. He has received many awards, including the Order of Polonia Restituta and the Medal of the Commission of National Education for his remarkable research and academic achievements and for his organizational work, which has been of such importance to his alma mater. In 2012, when he retired, he was granted the esteemed title of senior professor of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.Item PROPOZYCJE LEKSYKALNE W „ŁUŽISKIM SERBSKIM SŁOWNIKU” K. B. PFULA – CZASOWNIK(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Bura, RenataThe Łužiski serbski slownik by Křesćan Bohuwěr Pful originated as a result of the Sorbian national revival. As a revival dictionary, it presents a rich collection of words in which borrowings from other Slavic languages abound, accompanied by the dictionary author’s vocabulary proposals. Among other word forms, Pful suggested 95 verbs which reflect very diversified lexical resources with impressive word formations. Various derivatives have been identified with respect to the basis upon which they were formed, including adjectival, noun, verb, adverbial, pronoun and numeral as well as compound verbs. Some of the verb formations suggested by Pful have been incorporated into the lexical resources of Upper Sorbian. KeywordsItem REVOLUCE PROTI SOBĚ SAMÝM(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Vörös, IstvánItem Rodząca się czeska tożsamość narodowa a męska pozycja społeczna(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) Filipowicz, MarcinThe article focuses on a problem of the relationship between emerging Czech national identity and social male heading in the 19-th century. The article deals with the question of male social representation related with prestige, that Czech literary discourse tried to elaborate. The article concerns the attitude towards the hegemonic masculinity linked to the Austrian structures of power and German cultural. This issue has been shown in the example of prose created by male authors originating in the period of increased national agitation, which lasted from approximately the 30. to the end of the 70. of the 19-th century. Focusing on reconstructions of collective normative imaginations based on literary texts is, however, insufficient. There can be compliance, but also the difference, between imaginations, and their implementation. Therefore, literary patterns related to male social position of the Czech patriot were confronted with the image of their "reality" preserved in Czech memoirs of the 19-th century.Item SOME COMMENTS CONCERNING UKRAINIAN POSTCOLONIAL STUDIES(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) YURCHUK, OLENAThe paper focuses on the prospects offered by the postcolonial approach in the domain of Ukrainian literary studies. The study of the cultural legacy of the colonial past aimed at reinterpreting imperial and colonial discourses as well as their interaction and mutual influence responds to the crucial challenges facing the today’s Ukrainian society. The analysis of imperial and colonial discourses serves as a basis for identifying the author’s position, preserving the national essence, rethinking relations between the imperial center and periphery, overcoming infantile beliefs about the marginality of the colonized culture, and strengthening decentralization.Item TEORIE MEZILITERÁRNOSTI A LITERÁRNÍ KOMPARATISTIKA(Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2013) ZELENKA, MILOŠ; ZELENKOVÁ, ANNA