Kaczmarek, Kamil M.2018-04-042018-04-042017Przegląd Religioznawczy, 2017, nr 2 (264), s. 51-651230-4379http://hdl.handle.net/10593/22585This paper examines different mechanisms by which barriers of religion (treated as a evolving socio-cultural system) are established. The second part of the paper presents some ideological mechanisms, that prevent extraneous ideas from taking control over believers. Presentation is based on case-study of selected literature which circulate among Muslim minority in Poland, i.e. in mainly Christian environment. Some of the mechanisms allow to identify extraneous and incompatible ideas as a shirk (heresy) to dismiss them and prove superiority of Islam. Others can disarm such ideas by transforming their meaning through putting them in a different context. Ideas transformed in this way still could appeal to some sentiments of Christians. Another type of protective mechanisms consists apologetics of religion, defending it from charges or misunderstandings.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesssocjologia religiiislamizolacjaOdgraniczanie, Część 2: Wybrane informacyjne mechanizmy izolacyjne islamuArtykuł