Przybylska, Anna2014-05-212014-05-212010Badania Fizjograficzne, Seria A, Tom 61, 2010, s. 191-202978-83-7654-010-82081-6014 industry stimulates economic growth of a region, facilitates development of business and creates new jobs. Service of this industry increases economic activity and creates additional income for local communities. Steady increase of tourist industry is observed in the Wielkopolska region. This study analyses newly established, existing and liquidated (in 2008) tourism-related businesses, including accommodation and catering. The analysis is based on data obtained from the Central Office of Statistics (GUS), including data published by the Regional Data Bank of GUS. Research shows, that over 97% incorporated economic subject acting in touristic section, belongs to private sector. This number is strictly related from administrative status of commune. Number of economic subject showing food services and dormitory is strictly related with largeness of administrative district. Number of such object predominates in region of Poznań. We can observe upward trend in considerably widest range of employment in hotels than in other sections of tourism.plVoivodship of Great Poland, business enterprises, tourist activityDziałalność turystyczna podmiotów gospodarczych na terenie województwa wielkopolskiego w roku 2008Artykuł