Urbaniak, Jan2013-10-302013-10-302009Werkwinkel vol. 4(1), 2009, pp.21-331896-3307http://hdl.handle.net/10593/8029This article aims to focus on one of the eighteenth-century satirical periodicals, called the Amsterdamsche Argus (1718-1720). The concept of this periodical implies a number of issues, which, besides its literary value, have mainly an important social impact. This social impact should be described in the frame of a typical eighteen century phenomenon, known as the ‘moral reorientation’ [morele heroriëntatie]. The Amsterdamsche Argus achieves this reorientation strengthening the Dutch sense of superiority, which corresponds in the periodical with satirical, sarcastic criticism on characteristics and behaviors of other nations, such as the English debauchery, extravagance and vanity described in this article. This criticism concentrates mostly on the upper class (aristocracy) as opposed to an image of an unostentatious middle-class man. The critical view of the periodical has also a religious background: the Amsterdamsche Argus takes part in ‘the confessional debate’ – a conflict between the Catholic and Protestant church in the eighteenth century. The periodical tries to emphasize the value of the Protestants and depreciates or ridicules the Catholics.imagologystereotypingDutch national identityEnlightenmentsatireStuart familyEnlightenment pressDe “Bruidegom Balling” – de negatieve beeldvorming van de Engelse troonpretendent James Francis Stuart (1688-1766) in de Amsterdamsche Argus