Miłaszewicz, Danuta2013-07-152013-07-152004Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 66, 2004, z. 3, s. 181-203.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6746The problem of the state’s role in the economy has been discussed not only by many economists, but also by scientists from allied disciplines and people experienced in the economic activity. The article presents a retrospective study of views on the state’s economic role seen from the point of view of different doctrines, schools, lines and theory of the economic thought, both past and present. In order to ensure a better clarity of the exposition, a classification of the economic thought which is used by many o f its historians has been adopted and an attempt has been made at the analysis of the state’s role in the economy in the preclassical, classical, neoclassical, Keynes’s and more modern economic thought. Due to the topic complexity and structural restrictions, an analysis of a broad, historical context of the presented views has not been presented and the views have not been supported with examples from the economic activity.plRETROSPEKTYWNE UJĘCIE ROLI PAŃSTWA W GOSPODARCE W MYŚLI EKONOMICZNEJSTATE’S ROLE IN ECONOMY - RETROSPECTIVE VIEW IN ECONOMIC THOUGHTArtykuł