Krawczak, MichałJelewska, Agnieszka2019-05-212019-05-212018conference poster, International Conference on Humanities and Higher Education: Generating Synergies between Science, Technology and Humanities, GUNI Barcelona 2018. progress in the development of technological tools, the achievements of the sciences, and above all the ways of collecting and modelling data, are significantly changing the mechanisms of knowledge construction. The humanities, together with related artistic-research practices, are becoming a crucial part of the process of analyzing and interpreting such data, with a focus on their social and cultural impact. Thus, the humanities have been entering into synergic relations with science and technology.engAn error occurred on the license researchart&scienceart as researchdata-driven societydata-based societyinteractive artExperimental Practices. Humanities and Arts in the Process of Constructing Knowledge for the Data-based SocietyMateriały konferencyjne