Czajka, Zofia2013-07-152013-07-152004Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 66, 2004, z. 2, s. 183-201.0035-9629 article discusses the need to prolong the periods of professional activity in order to finance pensions paid out to an increasing number of elderly persons. The employment indices have been presented for employees aged 54-64 and 65-70 in the EU on average and in particular member states in the years 1995-2001, which proved varied but low in most countries. This is visible in the phenomenon of real retirement age being on average lower by a few years than the regular retirement age. Each year of early retirement means a shortened period of benefit payment and extended period of benefit taking. In the recent years the governments of all the member states pursue a policy of reversing this trend, as a result of which the employment rates among older persons have increased.plWYDŁUŻANIE ŻYCIA ZAWODOWEGO JAKO CZYNNIK OBNIŻANIA WYDATKÓW EMERYTALNYCH W KRAJACH UNII EUROPEJSKIEJEXTENSION OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY PERIOD AS A FACTOR REDUCING EXPENSES ON PENSIONS IN EU COUNTRIESArtykuł