Koschany, Rafał2013-06-042013-06-042011Studia Kulturoznawcze, 2011, nr 1, s. 92-100.2084-2988http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6397The starting point of the article is to reflect on the words „child as a metaphor”. It comes to the identification of knowledge or beliefs about cognitive development and abilities of a child processes, which from an adult perspective can be defined as a lack. Two different entries of the process of self-understanding are provided as exemplifications in which the child plays an important role. Walter Benjamin primarily examines the area of children’s language, behavior, understanding, Fernando Pessoa, in turn, considers the child as a great figure of the poet and the dreamer.plmetaforadzieckoFernando PessoasemiotykaWalter BenjaminDziecko jako metafora. Walter Benjamin – Fernando PessoaArtykuł