Szarota, Beata2012-08-092012-08-092007Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2007, vol. 34, pp. 107-1170137-2475 our article we study spatial organization of conventional emblems gestures used in Polish and Italian communication. We analyze the relationship between the span of performed gesture and the space taken up by the emitter, as well as the role of the emitter and the recipient of a gesture. We also present the factors affecting the changes of the span of gestures, namely: distance between the emitter and the recipient, social-cultural factors, social-geographical factors, a reference factor, deictic character of gestures.itSemilinguistic (emblems) gesturesItalian and Polish communicationSpatial organizationOrganizzazione spaziale dei gesti semilinguistici nelle comunicazioni italiana e polaccaSpatial organization of semilinguistic (emblems) gestures in Italian and Polish communicationArtykuł