Szymczak, Emilia2015-07-082015-07-082014Studia Edukacyjne, 2014, nr 33, s. 227-241978-83-232-2879-01233-6688 present article is an attempt to determine whether maternal instinct is the essentialist feature or it is socially constructed (in extreme versions is seen as a fiction passed down from generation to generation, a myth which is a product of culture and in fact it does not exist. The article refers to the contemporary trends of maternity, the need of reconciliation between social and professional roles by contemporary women and the individual dispersions of Polish women in terms of their identity.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesswomanmotherhoodmaternal instinctcultureessentialismsocial rolesemancipationidentitydispersionInstynkt macierzyński – mit czy rzeczywistość? Refleksje wokół rozproszenia (powołania) kobiet w XXI wiekuMaternal Instinct – Myth or Reality? Reflections on the Women’s Dispersion (of Vocation) in the Twenty-First CenturyArtykuł