Kwaśniewicz, Władysław2013-03-132013-03-132001Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 63, 2001, z. 4, s. 229-2490035-9629 recent radical change in the political scene also embraced the Polish sociological traditions. There is a difference, however, between maintaining the continuum of a given branch of knowledge and the anachronistic attitude towards tradition as sacred and requiring care o f consecutive generations of researchers. As Edmunt Mokrzycki claims, our sociology has become eclectic and hardly innovative. One should study move closely the explanatory value o f the theoretical ideas of both the socialist era (Misztal and Misztal) and the period after 1989. There is certainly an acute need for an objective analysis of the impact of socialism upon our society. Sociology on the world scale has become a fragmented collection of loose subject threads rather than a complementary and homogenous intellectual entity. In a market economy the focus of research depends on the current needs and fashions rather than the particular researchers’ value systems. There are, however, issues that social studies should deal with for the higher good o f the community, such as the youth and the real character of socialisation processes in the present Polish conditions. The social mechanisms of authority recognition have changed since the time o f B. Malinowski and F. Znaniecki. Berenika Webster’s analysis of the Polish presence in the Social Sciences Citation Index, may suggest that Polish sociology is becoming provincial. The prevalent attitudes of sociologists in Poland should be named: are they sociocentric (i.e. common - good oriented) or egocentric (i.e. personal - gain oriented)? One can venture the hypothesis that both the commercialisation of science, and the growing pauperisation of the scientific circles, especially among younger scientists, give rise to egocentric attitudes. They are disadvantageous to coordinated cooperation, which is the cornerstone of implementing a specific scientific policy defined as focused actions towards maintaining and developing a given branch of knowledge.plCO POZOSTAJE ŻYWE Z TRADYCJI POLSKIEJ SOCJOLOGII?WHAT HAS SURVIVED OF THE POLISH SOCIOLOGICAL TRADITION?Artykuł