Cybal-Michalska, Agnieszka2013-07-152013-07-152013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 24, 2013, s. 37-49978-83-232-2576-81233-6688 article is an attempt to restore a theoretical perspective proposed in the theory of structuration by A. Giddens. Giddens’ theory emphasizes the mutual infl uence of individual subjects’ activities and of more than individual structures, as well as the meaning of at least partially uninhibited individual actions. Referring to careers, the author looks for answers to the question about the way of creating, transforming and replicating structures (of an organization) through a subject’s actions. The author also relates to the questions about the nature of a structure (an organization), that is “an entity”, which, at the same time enables and restricts actions of individual subjects. Without a doubt, the work of A. Giddens constitutes a clear renaissance of the subject of structure and subjectivity in sociological theory. It also gives tools to overcome a division into micro and macro practice; that is why it may also constitute one of the important attempts to formulate a novel understanding of the notion of career.plstructurationsocial practicesubjectstructureduality of structurecareercareer scriptsKariera w społeczeństwie współczesnym – między podmiotem a strukturą (interpretacja teorii A. Giddensa)Career in a modern society – between subject and structure (an interpretation of A. Giddens’ theory)Artykuł