Michałowski, Marian2012-08-132012-08-132005Neodidagmata 27/28 2004-2005, s. 141-157978-83-232-1908-80077-653Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/10593/3073The technological development and its influence on the whole social life in a multiform way leads to the necessity of exploring problems connected with electronic audio-visual transmission. One of its characteristics is migration from analog technology to digital pictures generated by computers, in other words from technical reproduction to computer simulation (many times much more attractive than the real life and world). In communication practice always using signs, which have different meanings. The meanings expressed are always performing in any substance or material – in this case in digital images. Parameters of these images are not neutral for transported meanings and also are not neutral for participants of communication practice, in which participation and perception patterns are shaping. The complexity of digital images requiring more and more communication competences (on both sides – sender and receiver side) and their way of working in practice force to ask: is perception of digital images only meanings received, connected with their contents, or are there other factors yet? This article pays attention to aesthetics and attraction of digital images.plObrazy cyfrowe w komunikatach elektronicznychDigital images in electronic transmissionArtykuł