Wąsiński, Arkadiusz2013-07-042013-07-041999Neodidagmata, nr 24, 1999, pp. 119-130978-83-232-2332-00077-653Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/10593/6562The article aims at presenting possibilities of information technology, as well as presenting the inestimable advantages that spring from embracing it in teaching process. Several aspects of a teacher’s role in the process of conscious teaching and learning is, thus, presented in the article. Further, the article embraces, in the light of selected material comprised of the results of several diagnostic surveys done among teachers working in primary schools with small children (e.g. seven, eight and nine year olds), the analysis and opinions of numerous teachers.plinfrastrukturainfrastructuremediamultimediabadaniaresearchśrodki dydaktycznedidactic toolspoziom umiejętnościskills levelPoziom wykorzystania komputera w pracy dydaktycznej nauczycieli klas początkowych w świetle badań diagnostycznychThe level of application of computers in the didactic work of teachers of the first classes of primary school in the light of diagnostic studiesArtykuł