Milewska-Waźbińska, Barbara2013-03-192013-03-192008Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium, 2008, nr XVIII, s. 421-427978-83-232-0000-00302-7384 the title of this paper there is a quotation from Zbigniew Herbert’s famous poem: Why classics? The article refers to the fates of “poets of exile”. It is pointed out that the fate of Ovid is a recurring feature of the exile poetry. The paper examines how Jacek Kaczmarski (1957-2004), who was not allowed to return to Poland until 1990, offers in his song The Old Age of Ovid a “response” to Ovidian exile from Rome.The aim of this paper is to examine how 20th century draws inspiration from Ovid’s exile and his works. The paper examines how Jacek Kaczmarski offers a poet “a response” to Ovidian exile.plpoetry of exileOvidJacek KaczmarskiExulowie wszystkich czasów, czyli Owidiusz i inniThe Exuls of All the Times or Ovid and the OthersArtykuł