Śliwa, Paweł2013-03-142013-03-142000Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 62, 2000, z. 3, s. 179-1940035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5286One can observe existence of significant differentiation in the situation of Polish territorial self-governments when it is examined from the perspective of the year 2000, i.e. 10 years after restitution of territorial self government system and one year since a reform o f administration by the Government of the Republic o f Poland which was supposed to grant the subjectivity to regional and subregional collectivities. On one hand - the differences observed concern a level of wealth of particular collectivities and a level of their respective economic advancement. On the other - the situation of particular self-governments is differentiated also in relation with adapting to new mechanisms of power performance and, as well, in what concerns adapting of all participants in collective life to new conditions under system transformation being still continued. The Author has discussed the above mentioned factors in macro-, mezo- and micro-scales and he concludes that there is no way to consider them separately. For instance - it won’t help to enjoy a good economic conjuncture of a State in such cases when local power occurs to be abortive and corrupt and some larger regional community does not show any activity of its own, any resourcefulness or economical sense on its own territory. The Author mentions also the destructive (but sometimes positive, too) role of a local conflict (e.g. increased activity and solidarity among members of local society.plCZYNNIKI WARUNKUJĄCE EFEKTYWNOŚĆ ZARZĄDZANIA I ROZWIĄZYWANIA KONFLIKTÓW W SAMORZĄDACH TERYTORIALNYCHFACTORS OF MANAGING EFFECTIVENESS AND SOLVING CONFLICTS IN TERRITORIAL SELF-GOVERNMENTSArtykuł