Marszałek, Czesława2017-01-022017-01-021983Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 45, 1983, z. 2, s. 225-2350035-9629 and efficiency increasing activities of State farm workers and their social conditioning are the subject of the article. Among factors determining a orange and scope of these activities the following were examined: educational status of authors of the inventive propositions, structure of employment in State farms, novelty of technological means of production, type of production, organization of inventive and efficiency increasing movement, part played by the State farms management in developing that movement. The research proved that the State farms perform their economic and social functions in propagating innovations i.e. in the economic aspect, the workers are taught to think on categories of progress, to notice needs of their farm in the respect of improving organization of its productive processes. Their feelings of joint responsibility for accomplishment of the plan tasks are also developed. In the social aspect, the State farms are animating the inventive and efficiency increasing movement. Participance of workers in that movement enables them to realize their professional ambitions in the aspect of innovating. The movement is also seen in the State farms as an element integrating various groups of workers in the respect of their educational status, as it is not only a factor of technical progress.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNiektóre uwarunkowania społeczne działalności racjonalizatorskiej i wynalazczej pracowników państwowych gospodarstw rolnychSome aspects of the social conditioning of inventive and efficiency increasing activities of State farm workersArtykuł