Kusak, MartynaWiliński, PawełKarlik, Piotr2014-11-052014-11-052014Wiliński P., Karlik P. (red), Improving protection of victims' rights: access to legal aid, Adam Mickiewicz University: Poznan, 2014, pp. 231-237http://hdl.handle.net/10593/12125Publikacja stanowi zwieńczenie projektu "Improving protection of victims' rights: access to legal aid" (JUST/2011/JPEN/AG/2924) współfinansowanego przez Komisję Europejską, dotyczącego pozycji pokrzywdzonego w procesie karnym.In evidence gathering cooperation contexts, the study on position of victim shows, that the procedure of executing the FO and EIO can deprived the victims’ rights who cannot take legal actions directed at the protection of all its rights and interests. The way in which the EIO implementation should be widely consider, is to give the victim right to appeal against the decision of the EIO execution, which should be available in each Member States’ domestic procedure.enprocedure of executing the freezing order and the European investigation orderCrime’s victim and the procedure of executing the freezing order and the European investigation orderRozdział z książki