Niemyjska, Maria2011-07-082011-07-082011-03-31INTERLINIE. Interdyscyplinarne Czasopismo Internetowe, 1 (2) 2011, pp. 14-20.2082-9434 subject of this work is a nineteenth-century working-class housing estate, Księży Młyn, in Łódź. This research is geared to define how the architectural construction influences the everyday life and mentality of its inhabitants (a research combines the disciplines of art history and cultural anthropology). A specific connection between space and human psyche is visible in Księży Młyn. Therefore, space of this housing estate might help to illustrate universal contents concerned with the experience of living space. This work brings up the issues of the relation between the regularity of architectural structure and sense of direction and the ‘acquaintance’ of surroundings (the question about border between safety and control). The important aspects of that relation are division of space that involves the way of moving around (shaping human behaviors and habits), architecture`s influence on the mental map of the place (places, institutions, actions evaluating), the connection between open/closed space and its inhabitants thinking about the world (space and the idea of an own place in the world, space and development of individuals). A methodological reflection in this project – polemics with semiotic perspective for architecture (Andrzej Turowski) in relation to existential concept of space (Christian Norberg-Schulz) – is also important. As a comparative material this work exploits patron estates that were built in the same time, Renaissances projects of perfect cities and other architectural projects that are similar to Księży Młyn in formal or functional respect. This estate will also be compared with the lettriste concept of living-space, far different from the one that occurs in the architecture of Księży Młyn.plKsięży MłynOsiedlePanopticonRegularnośćPrzestrzeńSpaceRegularityEstateSTRUKTURA PRZESTRZENI MIESZKALNEJ A BYCIE-W-ŚWIECIE. PRZYPADEK KSIĘŻEGO MŁYNAThe structure of living space and Being-in-the-World. The example of Księży MłynArtykuł